There’s a growing conspiracy theory that Disney is choosing to fail, citing everything from theme parks to epic flops at the box office. So is this idea worth its salt? A surprising number of people seem to think so.

So, Is Disney Choosing to Fail?
There’s a fair bit of evidence that supports Disney’s failings. For starters, there are currently a number of Class Action lawsuits against them, one for alleged wage discrepancies across gender lines. Another lawsuit alleges that the Walt Disney Company deceived its shareholders.
Even without the Florida debacle, the company is starting to seem like it’s not exactly ‘too big to fail.’ And that’s just the legal side of things.
Fan Theories: Disney is Choosing to Fail
There’s a whole conversation on Twitter and other platforms pondering the downfall of Disney. It’s hard to dispute some facts, but is it a matter of choice? The arguments fall into a few different camps, each pinning a different aspect of the conglomerate as the culprit.

Disney Plus Pulls Content
After a shuffle within the CFO department and the institution of a brand management executive, there’s been plenty of behind-the-magic-curtain events. But it really hit home for consumers when the streaming service cut massive amounts of content.
Disney Plus cuts sound bad, but were you really going to watch all that material? It could be Disney choosing to fail. It could also be a strategic rethink.

Disney Theme Park Shuts Down
The video of roller coasters falling apart while guests were on board isn’t promising. Neither is the imminent closure of major attractions. Some are even closing earlier than expected and canceling their iconic nighttime entertainment.
Is it Disney choosing to fail? Or simply a matter of bad bolts, strategic reallocation of resources, and fire prevention?

Disney Box Office Flops
Some blame the “woke” wars. Others pin it on Disney, making the choice to fail. Either way, there’s no denying that Elemental was no box office hit. To be fair, a Disney executive claims it’s due to Pixar’s dated storylines. But with that in mind, why were Strange World and Lightyear also disappointing at the ticket booths?
Disney Failing: Choice or Circumstance?
There are external circumstances even for massive businesses like the Walt Disney Company. Modern times differ massively from the past, bringing new situations and cultural shifts. Even a company as iconic as Disney isn’t above the zeitgeist.
There was an animation uptick in the ’80s and a complete change in the tech landscape post-Y2K. Disney grew right alongside these phenomena. But like any balloon, if it gets too big, it can burst (even without something to pop the bubble). Is Disney choosing to fail? That verdict falls at the mercy of opinion and definition.
Do you think Disney is choosing to fail? Give us a shout in the comments below!