Senate Advances the Supercharged “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

in Disney, Disney Parks, Movies & TV

Old fashion legislation from 'Kid in King Arthurs Court'

Credit: Disney

KOSA, short for Kids Online Safety Act, was just approved by the Senate Commerce Committee. The implications for Disney and other digital entities because of the new “Don’t Say Gay” bill (now law) are staggering.

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Credit: Inside the Magic

“Don’t Say Gay” Was Just the Beginning

Parental rights are always a hot topic. So too are the issues of LGBTQ youth and equality Florida faces. The House Bill wasn’t actually called “Don’t Say Gay.” Its name is the Parental Rights in Education Act. Starting out as a bill, it received proper ascension and made its way through the Florida House, past Gov Ron DeSantis, and into the legislation.

LGBTQ Parents and the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

Since the Donald Trump presidency, there has been an increased awareness of right-wing politics. One of the faces of this is the battle between Gov Ron DeSantis and Disney. First, it was the opposition to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, with Disney holding its ground. But the bill passed, leading to issues for LGBTQ youth but now falling under the purview of parental rights. Yet Governor Ron DeSantis has his sights on the United States presidency for 2024.

Worried Mickey with Disney+ logo in background
Credit: Inside the Magic

Disney and the “Woke” Concept

Amidst the ongoing battle with the “woke” ideology, there comes a new bill. This time, it’s a federal initiative. According to The Verge, things are moving quickly, “Congress is closer than ever to passing a pair of bills to childproof the internet (…)” It has a large amount of support, but will certainly impact Disney through its internet controls in gaming, streaming, and any other digital media. KOSA is another move for parental rights, but the bill has caused many concerns.

dont say gay bill protest
Credit: savelgbt

KOSA Proponents: Florida Equality versus Kid’s Safety

It’s not just Florida Gov Ron DeSantis that has to deal with the digital age. And the concern over internet usage is about more than equality Florida seeks; it’s not a matter of gender identity or LGBTQ youth. The official concern is about how kids use the internet, but many were quick to draw parallels to the Don’t Say Gay bill. If LGBTQ issues can’t see digital media, it means any Disney Plus films with sensitive topics would be restricted to adult users.

LGBTQ parents are concerned for the rights of children as the “woke” movement makes its way past the Florida house and into national politics and Disney practices. According to experts, “Digital rights advocates have also suggested that KOSA could prevent LGBTQIA+ teens from finding the resources they may need online without coming out to their parents due to the parental consent requirements of the bill.”

Cast Members gather together to celebrate the 30th Anniversary on Main Street as Don't Say Gay bill gets an online friend
Credit: Disney

KOSA: “Don’t Say Gay” Taken to Digital Extremes

The Kids Online Safety Act follows the American Psychological Association showing serious support for the bill, with over 200 advocates in favor. The concern related to the Don’t Say Gay bill is that restricting digital access will diminish LGBTQ issues by classifying them as harmful to children.

As one of the world’s most reputable sources, the APA sent out a letter to touch on the importance of parental rights and to support KOSA. It urges tech companies to create more robust privacy protections for young people. The other support for the bill is to limit the time kids spend on digital media overall, something that only became a relevant issue after the turn of the millennium.

Kids Enjoying New Disney Tech | Credit: Disney
Kids Enjoying New Disney Tech | Credit: Disney

How This Can Impact LGBTQ Youth and Adults

While statistics from the UCLA estimate 3.5% of adults in the US identify as LGB and 0.3% as transgender, these adults were once kids. Assuming the same trends (without the difference in digital media, restrictions on LGBTQ students, or other parental rights laws), with the official United States population clock, that means there are 11,729,900 LGBTQ youth, identifying as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. An additional 1,005,420 transgender LGBTQ youth.

Why This Matters for Disney Guests and Fans

Digital resources, including Disney shows, the diversity in Star Wars, and the uniqueness in DC and the MCU help LGBTQ youth find valuable information that they may not receive from their parents or LGBTQ teachers. With the current trends, it looks like the approaches of Gov Ron DeSantis are pervading the country.

Whether this is a matter of keeping kids safe or another Don’t Say Gay bill is yet to be seen, but hopefully it will protect equality in Florida, support Disney and become a valuable resource in the United States, and beyond. Because of how new digital resources are, including social media, learning how Disney and other streamers can help kids is essential.

What do you think about KOSA? Will it work to keep kids safe or flop, and reduce accessibility to resources for LGBTQ youth? Make your voice heard in the comments below; we’re louder together!

in Disney, Disney Parks, Movies & TV

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