Yep, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Has Officially Been Rebooted!

in Movies & TV

Sarah Michelle Gellar crying in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Credit: 20th Century Studios

Ever since Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) turned to dust back in 2003, fans have been left wondering whether or not the cult classic television series will ever be brought back from the dead for a modern audience. Will there ever be a Buffy reboot?

While there were some talks of a reboot a few years back, with the original creator Joss Whedon even attached to the hopeful project, just like a Sunnydale vampire, it never saw the light of day — which was a huge sigh of relief for many fans, no doubt.

Sarah Michelle Gellar on the ground, ready to fight the First Evil one last time in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7 finale
Credit: 20th Century Studios

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However, while Buffy has been dead and buried for 20 years, the stories continue in the form of a long-running comic book series, and numerous novels, with the most recent being a sequel-of-sorts from titled “In Every Generation” (2022) YA author Kendare Blake.

Still, there are no signs of the original series being exhumed for a “modern retelling”, which is really surprising when you consider that most ’90s properties, whether television show or film, have undergone the knife over the past 10 or so years.

Buffy looking sad in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Credit: 20th Century Studios

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Last year, producer Gail Berman even confirmed that a Buffy reboot is unlikely to happen. Buffy actress Sarah Michelle Gellar also later discussed the idea of a reboot, and though she said she wouldn’t reprise her role as the Slayer, she did say she prefers the idea of a sequel.

But aren’t we all missing something so very painfully obvious? We talk about the cult classic teen/horror series like it’s this deeply sacred thing that should remain untouched, but unless we’ve all had our memories wiped, there has already been a Buffy reboot — and it’s the show in question!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie poster
Credit: 20th Century Studios

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The television series is actually a remake of the film of the same name that was released in theaters in 1992. The teen-centric comedy horror stars Kristy Swanson as Buffy Summers — the only character in the show who’s carried over to the televised remake.

It also stars Hilary Swank (Kimberly Hannah), Donald Sutherland (Merrick Jamison-Smythe), David Arquette (Benny Jacks), Paul Reubens (Amilyn), and the late Luke Perry (Oliver Pike), many of whom do have similar-ish counterparts in the show.

But despite a star-studded cast, audiences just weren’t ready for the Slayer, as the film received a mixed reception from critics and only a half-dead success at the box office. Its writer, however, Joss Whedon, went on to create the television series we all know and love, which doesn’t follow on from the film’s continuity, instead serving as a remake in its entirety.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie
Credit: 20th Century Studios

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer the series stars Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Head (Rupert Giles), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Seth Green (Oz), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Eliza Dushku (Faith), and James Marsters (Spike).

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Credit: 20th Century Studios

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Would you like to see another reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Let Inside the Magic know in the comments down below!

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