Disneyland Paris Strike Update: Cast Members Threaten Explosion as Tensions Rise

in Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris New Year's Eve Fireworks

Credit: Disneyland Paris

Tensions are rising in the ongoing Disneyland Paris strike.

Disney Cast Members continue to protest for higher wages and better working conditions, contributing to show cancellations and rising crowds at the French Disney Park. A clash between striking employees and Disney Security resulted in multiple injuries last week.

Still, leadership at Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park refuse to negotiate with striking employees. Disneyland Paris Resort President Natacha Rafalski told striking employees to expect to wait until August for a raise if one is coming at all. The executive alleged that the former EuroDisney might not be profitable enough to support increased Cast Member wages.

Disneyland Paris Cast Member strike on Main Street, 23 May 2023
Credit: DLP Report on Twitter

The National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA) responded to Rafalski on Friday, according to ForbesThey called a brief meeting with the President a “trainwreck” and condemned “her lack of sincerity and consideration.”

“For the UNSA Disneyland Paris, there is no question of moving on to something else,” UNSA wrote in a statement. “We will continue to fight for better working conditions, a considerable quality of life and a significant increase for all DLP Cast Members.”

They added that the President’s response “represents a serious problem” and “inevitably leads to a situation that could become explosive.”

Main Street at Disneyland Park (Paris) is blocked as part of the Disneyland Paris strike.
Screenshots via TikTok

Disneyland Paris became profitable in 2017 when The Walt Disney Company purchased its remaining shares and regained control. Years of third-party operation kept the Disney Park in the red and destroyed its reputation for decades.

Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort could be models for success for their French counterparts. In the last year, Cast Member unions spent months negotiating with The Walt Disney Company, with some employees striking for higher hourly wages and benefits. Both Disney Parks and their respective employee unions eventually agreed on new contracts.

Follow Inside the Magic for live updates on the ongoing Disneyland Paris strike. Make sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments! 

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