‘Bluey’ Gets Boozy: Series Shows Realistic Parents

in Television

Chilli and Trixie drinking lemonade in Bluey

Credit: Ludo Studios

It’s no secret that Bluey is a kids’ show designed with an adult audience in mind, but the lengths it goes to keep the parents in the room invested is genuinely remarkable. However, what truthfully has many of us (this writer included) so hooked is how much reality there is behind this family of cartoon dogs.

Bingo and Bluey on top of a sad Bandit in a captain's hat
Credit: Ludo

The show has been described as a children’s show that adults can watch too, which is certainly a fair assessment. The maxim rings so true because the characters aren’t just relatable; they’re realistic. Bandit and Chilli might be parenting goals, but they are also flawed individuals as well.

Related: ‘Bluey’ Creator and Fans Talk ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ Episode

The episode “Whale Watching” opens with Bandit and Chilli absolutely worn out in a post-New-Year’s-Eve-party slump, something many parents watching can undoubtedly relate to. However, the way the kids describe the night before certainly sounds like Mum and Dad did more than just go to bed late.

This Episode of Bluey is Called “The Hangover”

Bandit and Chilli after a party
Credit: Ludo Studio

Although the show doesn’t explicitly say that the parents were under the influence, the way that Bingo shares how Muffin saw Chilli “dancing on the barbecue table” speaks more than some young viewers might know. It only took a matter of time for savvier parents to make the connection.

Related: Controversial ‘Bluey’ Episode Becomes “Best TV Ever Made”

A post on r/Bluey by u/Tinkerbell34catface had several parents identifying and relating to the scenario on the screen. In their original post, the user shares the following:

“As a mother of a two-year-old, after a night out, this is exactly how I feel! You just gotta push past and be the whale mama! Probably my fave episode!”

The user goes on to say,

“[I] LOVE being a mama, but I do miss the days of being able to sleep all day after a night out LOL! Love how this represents what we do as parents, while still trying to live your life! Such a realistic interpretation of parenting!”

Bluey with a shocked expression
Credit: Ludo Studio

As humorous as this reaction is, the Reddit user isn’t the only party experiencing the same phenomenon. An article from the parenting publication Romper lists every single hint that alcohol was indeed involved. From the comment about the table dancing to the obvious hangover junk food combos, there’s no doubt that some intense partying went on the night before.

Related: Bandit’s Battle: Men’s Mental Health in ‘Bluey’

While the show isn’t encouraging bad habits, though it does make the subject of hungover parents more kid-friendly, the truth of the matter is that Bluey is maintaining its success by incorporating the reality of parenthood into the show’s formula.

A Method in the Madness

Bandit reading a story to Bluey and Bingo
Credit: Ludo Studio

The reason the beloved cartoon dog has the world by the heartstrings is because it doesn’t just show the sticky-sweet moments of being a family. As seen in episodes like “Sleepytime,” Grandad,” and “Onesies,” parents are human, and they have human emotions and reactions.

Related: “Offensive” ‘Bluey’ Episodes Banned, Removed From Disney+

Bandit and Chilli aren’t recovering from a hardcore rager, but they’re depicted as more than just the parental figures in the show. Like the moms and dads cued into the series, they have other outlets apart from their children.

It’s this sense of reality that keeps the show relevant, and that can be seen across several episodes. From the family car with the backseat full of crayons and snack remnants to the emotional experience of watching one’s kids grow up, Bluey continues to reach parents further with every single episode.

Do you think Bluey is realistically representing parents? Let Inside the Magic know in the comments down below!


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