Which way do you go when you visit the World Showcase? Do you go left towards Mexico or right to Canada? This has been a debate amongst Disney fans for quite some time, so we polled our readers on social media to see what’s on their minds when visiting EPCOT and what drove their decision to turn left or right around World Showcase Lagoon.
And what we found out was pretty interesting.
Which Way Do You Go in EPCOT’s World Showcase?
Welcome to EPCOT (Center…)! Visiting the World Showcase and sipping around the World is a much-enjoyed pastime by Disney Guests and EPCOT enthusiasts. But what drives our journey? Why do some people habitually visit Mexico first or Canada to start? Is it the direction? The traffic flow? The food? We took to social media on Facebook and Instagram stories to poll our readers and see which way they go first, and more importantly, why?
First, we posted on Instagram to see which way our readers go. The percentages stayed bizarrely the same throughout the 24-hour story. The final results showed that 66% of our audience heads for Mexico while a steady 34% went to our northern neighbors.
In total, for those looking at the sheer numbers, about 406 social followers voted for Mexico while a solid 210 gave a shoutout to Canada.
Again, on Facebook, users weighed in with comments on which country they typically begin their journey with and why. Most readers commented that the margaritas, tacos, poutine, or maple delights drove their choice. We hand tallied the votes and comments over the last 24 hours and entered them into a nifty tally tool to get a bead on our Facebook community.
What was astounding was the ratio or percentages of the total were almost identical to Instagram’s results. 65.31% of those polled mentioned that Mexico was their favorite starting point on the World Showcase. Adding both social feeds together, numbers were similar. Just about 2/3s of our Disney fanatics start in Mexico. But why?
Those voting for Mexico had a few personal reasons for starting there. Having margaritas listed as a personal favorite beverage from EPCOT, users also mentioned tacos and riding the Gran Fiesta Tour attraction as perks for starting in Mexico.
What was interesting, and this reporter hadn’t thought about, is if you are entering EPCOT from the main entrance and looking out at the World Showcase Lagoon, you’re seeing Mexico to Canada as a book. Reading from left to right, most people would, in fact, think of Mexico as a starting point… with the added bonus of margaritas as their Disney destination!
Those loving Canada had equally strong and interesting comments for their journey. Canada lovers mentioned the popcorn, maple delights, and dinners and Le Cellier as top reasons for starting in Canada. True to form (and the numbers above), others quoted the lower traffic going in that direction.
About 1/3 of the Canada start group said they loved Mexico so much they wanted to end up there. That’s the reason they started to the left.
So where do you start? Are you a part of the strong majority that goes to the Mexico pavilion when starting to drink around the world? Does an International Festival change your mind? Or do you have specific touchpoints you always love to visit when at this Disney theme park?
Leave us a comment below about your EPCOT World Showcase journey!