When it comes to movies in the classroom in the state of Florida, lots of debates have been had, specifically with Disney films. Due to Governor Ron DeSantis’ controversial education laws, even the simplest of movies are being looked at through a different lens. A Central Florida high school required parents to sign a permission slip for students to watch the Disney movie Tangled, adding the blonde-haired princess to a list of “questionable” Disney movies.

Business Insider wrote, “Sophomore students attending Boone High School decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day last week by hosting a “Rom-com movie night” on the football field after classes ended. The teens voted to watch “Tangled,” a PG-rated animated film.” However, DeSantis’ newly enacted Parental Rights in Education legislation has introduced additional bureaucracy to such endeavors. According to the law, parents are now required to complete a permission slip before their children can participate in any school-sanctioned activity.
“Parents’ rights have been increasingly under assault around the nation, but in Florida we stand up for the rights of parents and the fundamental role they play in the education of their children,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Parents have every right to be informed about services offered to their child at school, and should be protected from schools using classroom instruction to sexualize their kids as young as 5 years old.”

Related: Disney CEO Confirms More ‘Tangled’ Coming to Disney Parks
As stated by the Florida Government, “Parental Rights in Education, which reinforce parents’ fundamental rights to make decisions regarding the upbringing of their children. The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade and prohibits instruction that is not age-appropriate for students and requires school districts to adopt procedures for notifying parents if there is a change in services from the school regarding a child’s mental, emotional or physical health or well-being. The bill builds on the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which was signed into law in Florida last year, and is part of Governor DeSantis’ Year of the Parent focus on protecting parental rights in education.”

This includes parents needing to sign a waiver to allow their kids to watch a PG-13 movie.
Business Insider spoke to Judi Hayes, a parent of one of the students, who thinks that the bill has taken things too far. “I had to sign a permission slip for my child who could drive himself to see it in a movie theater,” Judi Hayes told the outlet. These permission slips have become a weekly occurrence for parents.
“It seems like it’s just it’s out of control. It’s every single activity. And it’s burdensome on the staff because they have to chase down permission slips. The club’s sponsors are getting frustrated and giving up because it’s too much work,” Hayes said.
Hayes also noted that she even had to sign a form so her child could receive pre-calculus tutoring with their teacher after school. The Parental Rights in Education bill (aka the Don’t Say Gay bill) has been highly controversial since it was implemented in 2022, and now, seems to leave parents in a helicopter position over their children.
At times, it seems even the signed permission slip is not enough.
According to reports by Variety, Jenna Barbee, a fifth-grade teacher in Florida, came under scrutiny from the Florida Department of Education after showing her class the animated Disney movie Strange World, which features an openly gay character.

Related: DeSantis’ New Law Active at Disney World, Strict Consequence in Effect
In a TikTok video, Barbee mentioned that she was being investigated for alleged indoctrination after showing the film during a break from standardized testing. She explained, “I thought it would be a great time to give them a brain break by showing a movie that related to what we were learning about in school…I chose this movie because it relates to our curriculum.”
Before screening the film, Barbee obtained parental permission slips from students. However, she was reported to the Florida Department of Education for alleged indoctrination by Shannon Rodriguez, a member of the Hernando County School District Board and a parent of one of Barbee’s students. The complaint was linked to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, which restricts discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.
Following the incident, the school district informed parents that Strange World would no longer be shown in classrooms due to concerns raised. The administration, along with the district’s Professional Standards Department, is currently reviewing the matter to determine if further action is necessary.

Considering a majority of these students likely have access to Disney+ or the internet and can turn on either of these films without parental permission but cannot do so in school has left parents worried.
One parent said that they were shocked by the permission slip that they recently received, which would allow parents to remove their children from classes highlighting Black accomplishments.
“I’m concerned as a citizen,” she said.
Overall, Rapunzel is not the only princess that could have been on the chopping block when it comes to seeing her on a school TV, but really, any Disney film (and beyond).
What do you think of the strict measures that the Parental Rights in Education holds?