After learning that the Marvel Cinematic Universe can remove a pop culture icon like Moon Knight, fans are outraged at Disney, Marvel, and even Oscar Isaac.
Marvel Cinematic Universe Can Now Remove Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight
A recent article discussed Oscar Isaac and his MCU debut as Moon Knight. The character suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and has multiple personas. According to the article, the Marvel Cinematic Universe series is based on “Egyptian mythology.”
After Marvel announced that it will be killing off Marc Spector and teasing the rise of a new Moon Knight, fans are less than impressed. The opinions about Oscar Isaac, Disney, and the MCU fall into a few different categories as far as Marvel Secret Invasion fan outrage goes.
You can see the full responses, but these have been edited for grammar and brevity.
Marvel Secret Invasion Fan Outrage at the Series
Some fans were quick to anger at the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its choices. From a popular Secret Invasion episode to the overall value of Moon Knight for Marvel Studios, many were baffled at the decision.
- This [Secret Invasion] was Marvel’s best show why would they want to kill off an amazing character (…)? – Alan N.
- “With all this happening, can Beta Ray Bill be far behind?” – Fred F.
- “Moon Knight and What If? were the only redeemable MCU entertainment in recent shows.” – Angela
Other Marvel Cinematic Universe fans were upset with the focus on the source material for Secret Invasion. There was a death, but the limited focus on Jake in the TV show sparked MCU fan outrage at both the limiting episode and the spoilers about the death in new episodes.
Secret Invasion Disney and Marvel Cinematic Universe Concerns
Other MCU fans took a different direction when it came to the Marvel Universe and its approaches. The issues focused on Secret Invasion itself, mainly that it didn’t live up to the hype expected of a Disney series, or one of its properties. Many fans raged at the issues of not sticking to the comics, saying:
- “I don’t want to watch a second season [of Secret Invasion], the first was enough. If they kill the character that’s okay for me, it’s just another character from the bunch.” – Cassiel
- “Marvel / Disney stuff is normally hit or miss with me, so I found myself really surprised when those two shows were vastly different from the other [series].” – Meh
Focusing Marvel Secret Invasion Fan Outrage on Disney
The Secret Invasion outrage focused a lot on Disney, not just the likes of this Marvel Studios piece. Some thought that Disney was making the TV series more family-friendly, though not all the comments were. Others railed against Marvel’s Secret Invasion itself. The overarching theme is that Disney is letting down its MCU fans, and that Marvels Secret Invasion is just a symptom.
- “The comics are rated R they should have done the same for the show. Stop trying to make the women save him it’s annoying. Stay with the source material.” – Former C.M.
- “Marvel Studios can’t even get Blade off the ground (…) Again, one thing is certain, people are fatigued on Avengers and superheroes in general. Killing them all off and replacing them with female, LBGTQ+, overpowered versions is barely a way to revitalize it (…)” – Wolf
Emotions certainly run high with the Marvel Secret Invasion fan outrage, there is no stopping the blame game. As for whether the Secret Invasion future is promising for Marvel fans or will be another Marvel Cinematic Universe flop, only time will tell.
What do you think about a Marvel cinematic universe without Marc Spector? Make your mark in the comments down below!