Check Out Disneyland Opening Day Crowds

in Disneyland Resort

Safety sign Adventureland

Credit: ITM

Disneyland Resort has finally reopened after an over-400-day closure due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the prolonged closure has left Disneyland Guests yearning to enter both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure in their entirety once again, and also considering the fact that the theme parks are opersting at 25% capacity, the idea of crowd levels during this time (and what those crowds would look like) was a notion we could not entirely predict.

Safety sign Adventureland
Credit: ITM

Disneyland Resort has reopened to 25% capacity, which means the crowd levels differ from what Disney World Guests are experiencing (the Walt Disney World parks first reopened to 25% capacity but are now operating at 35%).

With Disneyland reopening at 25% and solely to California residents, we finally got to see what those crowd levels looked like while we were in the park on reopening day.

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This morning, Disney fans lined up for hours, with lines stretching all the way down the esplanade, to be one of the first to arrive in the Disneyland Resort theme parks for the day. As you can see from the Inside the Magic live stream this morning as our reporters entered the park, things looked a little crowded with the morning rush of Guests eager to get into the park as soon as possible.

That being said, our on the scene reporters noted that things moved very efficiently, and after the morning rush things dissipated, and as they entered new lands, the park felt much less crowded than it did at 9 a.m.

As Guests wait in line for attractions, the walkways of the park feel much emptier and easier to navigate. As you can see below, even in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle, crowding is quite minimal.

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Sleeping beauty castle
Credit: ITM

Related: Bob Iger Says Disneyland Reopening Is “Symbolic”

Keep in mind that crowd levels can vary land to land depending on how wide the walkways are,  how in-demand the attractions are, and the time of day. However, in our experience, the theme park does not feel packed with Guests in any way. There is a steady flow of Guests meandering Disneyland today.

The interesting thing here is that the reopening of Disneyland seems and feels quite similar to that of Disney World, going off the fact crowds and wait times for attractions were not too long, in comparison to what they once were. 

Disneyland reopening
Credit: ITM
galaxys edge disneyland
Credit: ITM
Credit: ITM
Credit: ITM
Disneyland reopening
Credit: ITM
Credit: ITM


galaxy's edge disneyland
Credit: ITM

Related: Fans Line Up Hours Early on Disneyland Reopening Day

Disneyland is taking their safety for both Guests and Cast Members very seriously with face mask rules in place unless Guests are both stationary while actively eating or drinking, as well as plenty of signage surrounding the park, alongside hand sanitization stations. The reduced capacity also helps Guests’ social distance, so we are glad to see such a perfect execution of this on opening day!

Adventureland hand washing station
Credit: ITM

What do you think of the crowds at Disneyland?

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in Disneyland Resort

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