Magic Kingdom’s much-beloved fireworks show, Happily Ever After, returned last night after almost two years of Enchantment. The previous show debuted for Walt Disney World’s 50th anniversary in 2021, to much disappointment from fans. Happily Ever After had been well-received since its debut in 2017 when it replaced Wishes.
The show returns just in time to help Walt Disney World kick off its Disney100 celebrations, along with new projections that extend the show down Main Street. The show was previewed by Cast Members a couple of weeks ago, and last night marked its official return. Crowds began forming several hours before the show started as Guests tried to get the best seat. Unfortunately, it seems as though not everyone was able to enjoy the return of the beloved show.
The Disney Parks are well-known for their extreme fanbase. Avid fans, including locals, annual pass holders, and influencers, have been called out in the past for various issues regarding disrespect and entitlement. A social media post regarding the return of Happily Ever After begged locals to be considerate to other Disney Guests. “The Parks weren’t built for your weekly re-playability,” the post says, going on to condemn those Guests and adding, “DON’T SCREAM IN MY EAR DURING 99% OF HEA.”
Disney World locals kinda suck.
The parks weren’t built for your weekly re-playability. Some choose to make it that way & that’s great.
But be considerate. Let guests hear the punchline of a joke. Don’t cut kids in line for content. & DON’T SCREAM IN MY EAR DURING 99% OF HEA.
— Ryan @ For the Love of Theme Parks (@Ryan_FTLOTP) April 4, 2023
In a follow-up response, the poster says that it was bad, and that he “legit couldn’t hear the audio of the show during certain parts because of how loud and inconsiderate some of y’all were. Let Happily Ever After be Happily Ever After. Not Happily Ever After + Your tone-deaf-screaming-carpool-karaoke-ass.”
While other comments pointed out that it was the first night back and Guests were entitled to their excitement over the show’s return, others pointed out that people reciting shows and attraction spiels is a common issue in the Parks. They point out that whether it’s locals, “Disney adults,” or just hardcore Disney fans, the majority of Guests are there to experience Disney, not another Guest performing or talking over a Disney experience.
Have you had a bad experience with a “Disney local?” Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are based on personal Disney Parks Guest experiences. No two Guest experiences are alike, and this article does not necessarily align with Inside the Magic’s personal views on Disney Park operations.