‘Star Wars’ Actor Speaks Out on THAT Character Death In ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 2 Finale

in Star Wars, Television

Star Wars: The Bad Batch with Omega

Credit: Lucasfilm

The Season 2 finale of Star Wars: The Bad Batch left fans with more questions than answers about many things, including the fate of one of its main characters. And according to one of the show’s leading voice actors, she wasn’t told any details about the devastating “Plan 99” until the last minute, leaving her shocked.

Omega (Michelle Ang) and the Bad Batch (Dee Bradley Baker). Credit: Lucasfilm
Credit: Lucasfilm

Developed by longtime Star Wars creative head Dave Filoni, The Bad Batch follows a band of misfit clone troopers as they hide in the shadows of the newly-formed Galactic Empire. The series picks up immediately after the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and sees Dee Bradley Baker voicing each of the five members: Tech, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair. Along the way, the gang rescues an unusual clone named Omega (Michelle Ang) from the cloning facility on Kamino, and have to come face-to-face with the dire consequences of Order 66 as they attempt to navigate an ever-changing galaxy.

With Omega in-tow, the batch has an even bigger target on their backs in Season 2. With Crosshair still working for the Empire, the Bad Batch are thought to be dead after the destruction of Tipoca City. But thanks to an unsavory ally, Cid (Rhea Perlman), and a series of missions gone wrong, the batch accidentally make their presence known to the Empire.

The Bad Batch in the fight of their lives. Credit: Lucasfilm
Credit: Lucasfilm

As the members begin to discover the Empire’s dark web of secrets, such as its continued use of the cloning program, the batch quickly realizes that they have to take up arms in order to save their brothers. This includes Crosshair, who betrays the Empire in Episode 12, “The Outpost,” and is subsequently imprisoned with the intent of being interrogated and experimented on.

The Bad Batch Season 2 came to a poignant end on March 29, with a two-part finale full of many shocking revelations. We learned that the mysterious Dr. Emerie Karr, seen working with Dr. Hemlock on Mount Tantiss, is also a female clone of Jango Fett, and that she may have some nefarious intentions for Omega.

Michelle Ang voices Omega in 'Star Wars: The Bad Batch'. Credit: Lucasfilm
Credit: Lucasfilm

But most of all, the final episode, titled “Plan 99,” caught fans off-guard when it decided to kill off one of the show’s most beloved characters: Tech.

In a new interview with StarWars.com, Ang revealed that Tech’s decision to execute “Plan 99” while the batch tries to flee Eridau in the Season 2 finale came as a heartbreaking surprise to everyone, herself included. She admitted to being blindsided by the character’s death while reading the script, which she received just a week prior to recording.

I normally get the scripts about a week before the recording session, which is really plenty to read and internalize what’s going on. But I had no idea — not even an inkling! — that we were going to lose one of the Batch. And definitely not Tech! If anything, it felt like they were building Tech up to be the new primary relationship. So, I was genuinely devastated. It felt a little bit like it was a prank or something. I was really shocked.

Tech in Star Wars The Bad Batch
Credit: Lucasfilm

Tech was a central character of The Bad Batch Season 2, with many of the episodes focusing strongly on his capabilities as a strategic genius, capable warrior, brother, and mentor to Omega. In retrospect, these elements of Tech’s character were more than likely set-up to make his treacherous fall off the cable car on Eridau that much more impactful. And it seems like Ang agrees.

Of course, it’s hard to say if Tech really is gone or if he somehow survived the fall, as his body was not seen at the end of the episode. But if he is dead, then his bittersweet sacrifice was not made in vain, as Hunter and Wrecker promise Omega that they’ll return to Pabu to live out the rest of their days in peace—for now.

Hunter and the Bad Batch tracking
Credit: Lucasfilm

It’ll be interesting to see how these events unfold in future seasons of The Bad Batch, with a third season renewal seeming imminent. Regardless, Tech’s heroic sacrifice is perhaps one of the most heart-wrenching canon deaths to date, and his absence in Clone Force 99 is sure to be felt by all.

What do you think of Michelle Ang’s reaction to The Bad Batch Season 2 finale? Let us know if you agree in the comments below.

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