Filled with grim grinning ghosts, singing busts, wall-to-wall creeps, hot and cold running chills, and of course, the Ghost Host, the Haunted Mansion, located at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland, draws in Guest after Guest as they visit the 999 happy haunts.

When Guests enter the Mansion, they typically go into the Stretching Room for the iconic pre-show. Once the chambers open, Guests pour out of the Stretching Room and into the long hallway prior to boarding a Doom Buggy and taking a tour of the Haunted Mansion.
A majority of the time, Guests get backed up in the hallway as it funnels down into a single file lane, causing crowds. However, on a recent trip, the Mansion was deserted as there wasn’t a single person in line!

Disney fan and Twitter user, Kevin Sparrow, shared an image of the rare sight, writing:
Empty now, but bottleneck line gets crazy here!
Empty now, but bottleneck line gets crazy here!
— Kevin Sparrow (@KevinSparrow8) June 5, 2022
Seeing the Haunted Mansion completely empty is shocking, but enjoyable for those Guests who are eager to ride. We have found that lines for rides tend to die down by the end of the day, or during the fireworks shows as many Guests are on Main Street, U.S.A. watching Disney Enchantment.

The spirited Haunted Mansion adventure is guided by the “disembodied voice of the Ghost Host” as he is your private tour guide “through the cadaverous realm of an eerie haunted estate, home to ghosts, ghouls and supernatural surprises.” Beware of hitchhiking ghosts!
Disney World describes this attraction as:
The disembodied voice of the Ghost Host is your private guide through the cadaverous realm of an eerie haunted estate, home to ghosts, ghouls and supernatural surprises.
Glide past a casket-filled conservatory, Madame Leota’s chilling séance room and a ghostly graveyard of singing specters as you attempt to find your way out. Beware of hitchhikers—these phantom pranksters may follow you home.
Happy haunting!

Have you ever seen Haunted Mansion empty? Let us know in the comments below.