Known as “The World’s Most Magical Celebration,” Disney World began its anniversary festivities on October 1, 2021 to commemorate exactly 50 years since Magic Kingdom first opened its gates in 1971.
Disney Parks Blog shared some exciting details regarding the 50th anniversary at Walt Disney World, writing:
Beginning Oct. 1, Walt Disney World Resort will throw “The World’s Most Magical Celebration” in honor of our 50th anniversary, bringing new experiences to our four theme parks and beyond. This milestone is such a big deal, we’ve even coined a new word – “EARidescence” – to describe what you’ll see when you visit. Our Disney teams are creating all sorts of new decorations that will shimmer and sparkle all day and into the night.
As part of the celebration, Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom Park will add to its royal makeover from last year. As you can see in this new artist rendering, the castle will feature golden bunting and a 50th anniversary crest as part of its festive new look.
The castle will add even more magic at night, joined by icons at each of the other three theme parks as they transform into Beacons of Magic.
These 50th anniversary festivities won’t just be happening at Magic Kingdom — they will be happening at all four of the theme parks, including Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Animal Kingdom — as well as Disney Springs — Disney’s shopping and dining district.
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In addition to special cavalcades and offerings, Disney is also bringing 50th-themed food items, including the Swirls on the Water treat, which can be found at Disney Springs.
Below, is a photo of the advertised Swirls on the Water cone.
One Guest and TikTok user, magictreatsbyivanna, decided to try the Swirls on the Water treat, but it looked nothing like the advertised photo. They said, “NOT A BIG DEAL but it’s kind of funny 🤣”. You can see what her Swirls on the Water treat looked like below.
It’s safe to say that this Guest’s Swirls on the Water treat was not Instagram-worthy, but we hope it still tasted good!
Related: Disney Guests Served Lackluster Food Amid Potential Portion Cuts
For more information on the 50th anniversary at Disney World, visit our website here.
Have you ordered the Swirls on the Water treat from Disney Springs? Let us know in the comments below.