If you’ve been keeping up with Marvel news this week, you’ll know that the Marvel-Sony “Spider-Man” deal has been making waves in Hollywood. We learned on Tuesday that Sony and Marvel Studios had split, Kevin Feige‘s involvement with future “Spider-Man” films would be no more, and fans weren’t at all happy.
Now, as a response to the Sony-Marvel drama, fans have created a Facebook event to storm Sony Pictures and demand for their favorite web-slinging super hero to be returned to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The event, called “Storm Sony And Bring Spider-Man Home To The MCU,” already has over 4,000 RSVPs at the time of this article’s publication, and that number is only growing. The events is set to take place on Halloween day and says that the fans plan to head to Sony Pictures in Culver City, California: “We storm Sony Pictures in solidarity dressed in Spider-Man costumes and bring our boy home!”

We’re not sure if the fans who have said they are attending this event actually plan to storm Sony, but by the looks of it they are likely just fans of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and would hate to see him leave the MCU. Still, that’s not to discount just how upset Spider-Man fans are. In addition to creating a Facebook event, fans are taking to Twitter to express just how much they disagree with the Sony-Marvel deal going sour.
Instead of storming area 51, we should storm SONY HQ to keep Tom Holland in the MCU. pic.twitter.com/Sx1inDlInv
— FriccFraccFruitSnacc (@DefaultyDaniel) August 21, 2019
Spider man is no longer supposed to appear in avengers or marvel and im MAD let's storm sony pic.twitter.com/NK0JO6e1KO
— zecroniom??????? (@Zecroniom0) August 20, 2019
he’s on his way to pick us up to storm sony pictures ? pic.twitter.com/xYGrjs6Kna
— jenna ? (@hollandscevans) August 21, 2019
You can check out the fan-made Facebook event to storm Sony Pictures here.
We’re not sure what we can expect from future “Spider-Man” films (and even current Marvel actors like Ryan Reynolds and Jeremy Renner have shared their take). But as fans of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man character, we still plan to head to theaters the moment a new film comes out.
What do you think of this Facebook event calling Spider-Man fans to storm Sony on Halloween? Let us know your take in the comments!
Source: Movieweb, ScreenGeek