The Pixar animated film, Finding Nemo (2003), remains a Disney classic not only due to its groundbreaking computer graphics, but its powerful storytelling and heartfelt comedy. The story centered around a young Clownfish with an underdeveloped fin named Nemo, who attempted to prove to his father, Marlin, that he was not limited by his condition. His plans were foiled when he was unexpectedly taken by a scuba diver. This mishap sets the overly-guarded father on a quest to save his son.
Marlin would team up with a scatter-brained, yet loyal Blue Tang fish, Dory, to help find Nemo. The duo endured various dangers and misfortunes such as escaping a perilous attack from a well-intentioned shark, Bruce, to navigating through a mine field of electric jellyfish. While Marlin battled with his anxiety over his son, he was soon greeted by his rescuer, Crush the sea turtle. This character would quickly become a fan-favorite star of movie for his laidback positivity and fatherly energy.
Crush’s popularity would prompt Disney Imagineers to create an immersive attraction that would allow guests to interact with the talking sea turtle. Turtle Talk with Crush, debuted in 2004 at The Living Seas Pavilion at EPCOT. It started as a simple exhibition that garnered so much fanfare, that it became a permanent installation.
This experience was unrivaled with any other non-human character interaction because it gave guests the opportunity to ask Crush questions and receive non-prerecorded responses. The success of this attraction would spawn another Turtle Talk at Disney California Adventure in 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland in 2008, then Tokyo DisneySea in 2009.
Since then, this attraction has continued to be a big draw for Disney guests who try to enlighten, baffle, or learn from the loveable sea turtle. However, one recent guest interaction left listeners surprised and amused with Crush’s reaction.
@marygopark Watching movies under the sea #turtletalkwithcrush #disneyland #californiaadventure #disneyworld
Crush provided an interestingly clever response. He maintained the magic by stating that turtles do not watch movies under the sea. Then, transitioned to a statement that reflected the ongoing Actors strike. The turtle gave a snappy comeback that he was unaware that they turned Finding Nemo into a movie based off their lives. Then, he added that he has yet to see royalty checks from the film.
While his retort is lighthearted enough, there was a kernel of commentary as the performer used terminology that is at the heart of the current SAG strike conflict. This was a hilarious moment for the guests that made the younger audience laugh and the adult audience ponder the deeper subtext behind his statement.
What do you think of Crush’s comeback? What should his favorite movie be?