In a strange development, Freaky Friday stars share a family bond in advance of the upcoming remake. The big surprise? There’s a new, honorary member of the Coleman family.
Lindsay Lohan built her career on Disney. From her role in The Parent Trap to Herbie: Fully Loaded, she spring boarded a life in media. One major influence came in the form of an on- and 0ff-screen mentor, Jamie Lee Curtis, super-mom.

In homage to the iconic film, these Freaky Friday share a family bond, quite in keeping with the spirit of the movie. In the film, Lohan plays Anna Coleman, the aspiring, angsty musician. Curtis plays the generationally different Tess Coleman, stern and mothering.

But looks like the two actors created a relationship that transcends the movies.
Lindsay Lohan, now pregnant, is up for the sequel to the beloved film while juggling maternity after making the motherly announcement in March. So, she reached out to perhaps the best resource, Jamie Lee Curtis.
Right after Lohan’s announcement, Curtis took to social media with a congratulations, “My friend and film daughter [Lindsay Lohan] is growing up! So thrilled for her. What a mama she will be.”

The movie already inspired the television film of the same name. Now that the Freaky Friday sequel is in the works, the two had a heart-to-heart. Per Lohan, her film mother said, “You just bring the baby with you and everything will be alright.”
Curtis went on record after her recent film Halloween Ends finished, and noted that people inquired as to a sequel to Freaky Friday.
She mentioned, “Something really touched a chord. When I came back, I called my friends at Disney and said, ‘It feels like there’s a movie to be made.”
But it’s not just a movie being made. This intergenerational comedy is getting a new addition, a baby! And the actors couldn’t seem happier. As for their on-screen counterparts in the upcoming film, we can only wait for sneak peeks as production moves forward.
What do you think about how the Freaky Friday share a family bond? Let Inside the Magic hear your thoughts in the comments below.