A sea lion repeatedly rescued by SeaWorld San Diego was euthanized last week, SeaWorld confirmed.
With three parks across the United States – and a fourth set to open in Abu Dhabi in May – SeaWorld has pledged itself to the rescue, rehabilitation, and return of marine animals. In the past 50 years, it estimates that its Rescue Teams have “come to the aid of more than 40,000 sick, injured, and orphaned animals in need.”

That number includes Freeway – a sea lion who earned his name after being found on State Route 94, a freeway several miles away from the ocean, in January 2022. His appearance caused chaos for motorists, who blocked the road to try and usher him to safety.
Freeway had a track record for wanderlust. As well as State Route 94, Freeway had also been spotted at San Diego International Airport and in a storm drain in the oceanside neighborhood of Logan Heights.
His first rescue came in 2021, when he was rescued from the side of a busy road near North San Diego Bay. Rescue Teams took him to SeaWorld San Diego for a week of rehabilitation, where his left flipper was tagged, before returning him to the sea.

But Freeway had other plans. After making multiple treks into the city, he became a SeaWorld San Diego regular. However, Freeway had contracted a progressive disease prior to his rescue that SeaWorld’s animal care experts diagnosed during his time at the Park.
“Despite extensive treatment, the disease caused his health to deteriorate over time,” SeaWorld said in a statement on April 21.
Ultimately, this led to the decision to “humanely euthanize” Freeway.
“Given his decline, the team made the extremely difficult, but compassionate decision to humanely euthanize him,” the Park said. “We are grateful for the support of the community and all of Freeway’s fans who, like us, loved him so very much. We will miss him dearly.”
Tributes soon poured in for the adventurous sea lion. “He got good care and lived longer than he could have in the wild,” wrote one user.
Another commented, “Thank you for taking good care of Freeway. Blessings to all SeaWorld caretakers.”
Meanwhile, one user called for the city to memorialize Freeway. “It would be great to memorialize him by having statues of him at all the places that he had been rescued from throughout San Diego.”

Sea lions are a huge focus for SeaWorld San Diego’s Rescue Team. California sea lions, harbor seals, northern elephant seals, and Guadalupe fur seals account for an estimated 85% of the marine mammals rescued by the Park annually, with many wandering onto land after struggling to find food. This wasn’t the case for Freeway, however, who SeaWorld reported weighed a healthy 200lbs upon his rescue.
“His adventurous spirit won the hearts of all San Diegans and he will be remembered for that and so much more,” SeaWorld said.