Disney “Pedophile” Conspiracy Spreads Further Online, Raises Concerns

in Disney, Merchandise

Mickey Mouse looks around a doorway, an image of a Simba Huggies diaper with some swirl designs on it, alleging a Disney conspiracy to promote pedophillic symbols

Like any corporation, The Walt Disney Company has many faults worthy of criticism, from thousands of layoffs to cut costs to poor treatment of Disney Park employees. But some online Disney conspiracy theorists suggest there is something more concerning underneath the House of Mouse.

In a now-viral tweet with over two-and-a-half million views, Vincent Kennedy (@vincentcrypt46) alleged that The Walt Disney Company and Huggies conspired to make baby diapers with symbols allegedly identified by the FBI as associated with pedophilia. In his Twitter bio, the man describes himself as an “Authorized conspiracy theorist:”

Once you truly awake you ain’t going back to sleep.

If attention was what Kennedy wanted, he got it. Thousands liked, retweeted, and responded in support. Huggies responded to the tweet hours after it was posted: “Kimberly-Clark and Huggies® take the safety and well-being of children seriously. Our products and its’ designs are in no way meant to represent anything other than fun and playful designs.”

After the tweet became popular, even more replies debunked the conspiracy theory. “If they want to throw a bunch of designs on my baby’s diaper that conspiracists interpret as being a bunch of 6’s then go for it,” @Troll said. “As long as the diaper does the job it’s meant for, I’m good. Keep reaching though 😂”

This “Disney conspiracy” and others do not represent the actual intent of The Walt Disney Company, Huggies, or any adjacent companies to promote pedophilic imagery. As harmless as they may seem, there’s a danger in allowing such conspiracies to run rampant. Similar allegations were made as part of the QAnon “Pizzagate” scandal and led to a gunman opening fire into a Washington, D.C. pizzeria he believed to be the center of a child trafficking ring.

There is no evidence of truth in this Disney conspiracy, and The Walt Disney Company has not responded to any allegations made about their partnership with Huggies. 

*Editor’s Note: The opinions reflected in this article are those of the individuals quoted and do not necessarily reflect those of Inside the Magic. 

in Disney, Merchandise

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