TikToker Who Built Child Custom Shoes to Bypass Disney’s Height Requirement Shares Lackluster Apology

in Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World

Left: A white man sits in front of a greenscreen with a blue button up on. Right: The same man holds a little boy, who wears a pair of blue sneakers that have been altered to have a large platform.

Last week, Inside the Magic reported on a TikToker who went viral for his ultimate Disney “hack:” altering his son’s shoes so that he was tall enough to fit on Walt Disney World Resort thrill rides. While many Disney Parks rides are family-friendly, some, like Space Mountain and the upcoming TRON Lightcycle / Run, have strict height requirements for the safety of all Guests.

But @the.kelly.fam didn’t want to wait for their son, Kannon, to be tall enough to ride. The family made a video encouraging others to glue flip-flops to the bottom of their kids’ shoes to get them on rides they are too short for.

slinky dog dash
Credit: Disney

“We didn’t want that to stop him from feeling the rush, so we took matters into our own hands and crafted a shoe that just might do the trick,” Kannon’s father said. “With the help of towering heels, extra flip-flop bottoms, and some gorilla glue, we’ve possibly discovered the ultimate Theme Park hack.”

The TikTok received thousands of angry comments in the days after it was posted, but the TikTokers initially doubled down. “Get off your high horse,” The Kelly Fam replied to one commenter. “My son was perfectly fine. If he was in ANY sort of danger, we wouldn’t have put him on a ride.”

Later, the family shared this video of tiny Kannon riding Slinky Dog Dash, which has a 38” height requirement:


Safe and sound with slinky dog 🫶🏼 #thekellyfam

♬ Toy Story: You’ve Got A Friend In Me – Geek Music

But after further harassment and suggestions that Child Protective Services (CPS) get involved, The Kelly Fam posted an apology:


I hope you all hear my heart here! We don’t want to be known for stirring up drama on a social media app. We want to uplift, inspire and entertain folks. As I said on the video, I am a flawed individual that needs Jesus and needs grace every day. I make mistakes every day, and ill be the first to admit them. In this situation, I know my sons were not in any danger, and I know in my heart I would NEVER do anthing to harm or endanger my children or my wife, or any one elses kids. I just want to love people. I tried to give my children a magical experience, and we had an amazing time. Have I handled this situation flawlessly with all the hate we have been recieving? No, I haven’t, but I don’t have any ill will towards any of you. At the end of the day, we are responsible for our own actions, and I can hold my head up high knowing I didn’t put my kids in danger. Ya’ll have a blessed day. #thekellyfam

♬ Get You The Moon – Kina

“My wife and my kids can attest; I have to apologize to them all the time because I need Jesus every single day,” Kannon’s father said. “Because I’m a flawed individual, and I’m an imperfect human being.”

The father said he’s been “arrogant,” “prideful,” and “wrong” many times throughout his life. But he insisted that he would never endanger his children and stood by his decisions.

“One thing that I do take to heart is when people come at my character for how I love my wife and how I love my kids because other than my relationship with God and my relationship with Jesus, they are the most important thing in my entire life,” he said. “…I would have already removed that video if I thought it was wrong.”

The top of Expedition Everest, where the tracks are torn off.
Credit: Luke D. ITM

He apologized to those who defended The Kelly Fam and got attacked, admitting that he could’ve handled parts of the situation better. “I’m sorry that I didn’t handle this the perfect way.”

After acknowledging their platform, the father of The Kelly Fam refused to remove the original video. “At the end of the day, you are responsible for you… You are responsible for your kids. You make decisions, not me.”

Commenters were not impressed. “‘Influencer parents’ aka ‘i use my kids for income’, are my biggest ick,” said @iamwendywilliams.

Sign that reads soarin around the world
Credit: ITM Kelly C.

“This is arguably the longest non-apology I’ve ever seen,” @vankaanto wrote.

“Brings religion into it to justify his behavior without holding myself accountable,” @miscrowe43 agreed.

The Kelly Fam has not commented further on the drama surrounding their Disney TikTok. Walt Disney World Resort has not banned the Guests at this time, though many Disney Park fans requested it.

Is it acceptable to alter kids’ shoes to get them on thrill rides? Share your thoughts with Inside the Magic in the comments. 


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