5 At-Home Star Wars Workout Videos to Get the Force Flowing Through the Whole Family

in Merchandise, Star Wars

STAR WARS themed workout

Source: Youtube - CosmicKidsYoga, GETKIDSMOVING, Jason Strachan Fitness, Sarah Rocksdale

Rise young Jedi Padawan. Your training is about to commence.

It can be difficult to be motivated during this really weird time. Personally, I find turning to the dark side of exercise to be a snooze-fest, and I’d prefer to stay frozen in carbonite (and stuck to my laptop screen).

However, for you Star Wars fans that can’t make it to the gym and want to resume your force training, we’ve got you covered. Star Wars fitness is an increasingly popular trend online, as training in the style of everyone’s favorite Jedi or Sith like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader is fun for the whole family.

If you’re looking to get your nerd fitness on and need a Star Wars workout, look no further than the below videos. Who needs a gym when you have a Jedi training you in the ways of the force. Just remember what Jedi Master Yoda says;

‘Do or do not. There is no try’.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cosmic Kids Yoga Workout – Cosmic Kids Yoga

Keeping your little Jedi in training entertained and healthy can be a handful! Luckily, this Youtuber has complied a Jedi training video that focuses on simple yoga moves that kids across the galaxy will enjoy. This one is great for younger Jedi to keep their fitness going. It’s really for Padawans, and you even get told a super cute story as you train!

Star Wars: Daisy Ridley’s Rey Work Out – Sarah Rocksdale

Woah boy, this one is a more hardcore! Unsurprisingly, a powerful Jedi like Rey needs to stay in optimal shape, and this Star Wars workout will definitely put you through the wringer as it’s based on Daisy Ridley’s personal training routine. There are some amazing moves in here, but this Jedi training routine is best for those already strong in the force. (And gains).

Star Wars Jedi Workout – GET KIDS MOVING

We love this one. For every would-be Obi Wan Kenobi out there this Jedi workout us an absolute must! Incorporating easy steps, some hilarious workout gear and even a lightsaber, this one is perfect for a Jedi of any age.

Star Wars Kylo Ren Sith Workout – GET KIDS MOVING

However, if you spend your nights talking to a Darth Vader helmet, perhaps Kylo Ren is the right person to complete your Sith training. Build those muscles without weak-minded Jedi and with a hilarious bit of fitness equipment: Kylo’s lightsaber! These Star Wars parody training videos are amazing.

Star Wars Themed Workout – Jason Strachan Fitness

This one is a little tamer, but just because it doesn’t feature a Jedi costume doesn’t mean it’s not a great workout! You won’t even need any gym equipment as this training routine, like the force, comes from a Jedi’s own body!

Phew, I think I need a Death Star-sized glass of water after that! I’ll need to get my Han Solo yoga mat out of the attic. These martial arts-inspired workouts are perfect for any would-be Princess Leia or Boba Fett, so give them a try today!

Which Star Wars themed workout did you try? Did it bring the Jedi out in you? Let us know in the comments below.

in Merchandise, Star Wars

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