Disney World Guest Under Fire for “Offensive” Splash Mountain Costume

Comments for Disney World Guest Under Fire for “Offensive” Splash Mountain Costume

Left: A person dressed as Princess Tiana during a runDisney race. Right: Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom before it closed.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. RDrew

    This is just absolute absurdity the person had the right to wear the freaking costume people need to quit this racial crap and let it be this is so tiring now how this is becoming such an issue if you continually writing senseless tripe i hope no one continues to read because this is just utter ridiculousness and idiocy.

    1. Agatha Crusty

      Anyone over the age of 14 is not allowed to wear costumes at Disney as they can confuse children who might think they are cast members and approach them. This is an obvious security issue as any oefophile can dress up like Mickey or Tinkerbell and touch children inappropriately. Is that what you want? You’re sick!

      1. BD

        it was a run Disney event. You can dress up if you want. Read the rules

      2. Its a runDisney event, thecpark is not open, You correct about codtumrs vs in the psrk but that does not apply to special events.

  2. Bee

    I see no difference between the skin tone of her arms and chest and her face. She does appear to apply make-up poorly, in this case bronzer which most women do wear every day, and most women put it on poorly. This may just be stirring the pot here on ITM.

    1. Danny O.


  3. Danny O.

    Tiana isn’t white. Why are people obsessed with wanting a white Tiana?

    My group of close-knit friends include three white and two Asian. My group of close-knit friends include two females and three males. My group of close-knit friends are those I hang out with in person. Well…one of them (Asian male), I only see two or three times a year, these days. Anyway, none of them a re a black female (to play Tiana).

    Before 2015, I had a larger group of friends that I hung out with. One of them happened to be black. However, he was male. Once again, not quite the Tiana look.

    I guess this means I’m not allowed to have anyone represent Tiana (if it was part of a costume combo idea). 😟

    The video the article provided wasn’t even “blackface”, by the way. Disney probably didn’t care for the fact that they were calling out Disney trying to erase history by covering up Splash Mountain in a Princess and the Frog skin. Hence the reason the Tock Toc is being called something that it wasn’t.

    1. Er

      Honey, I didn’t catch a word of that.

    2. Tara

      Wow. Racist much?? ‘Tiana isn’t white’ no different or better than ‘Snow White/Ariel/Santa isn’t black’🙄🥴😂SMH

  4. Devsuncle

    I have actually known Michelle since she was young. She didn’t darken her skin. That’s the way she looks.

  5. Sjf

    Just take the message for what it is. The end of one era and the start of a new one. Some people just like to stir the pot and stir up controversy. Guess they have nothing better to do but complain

  6. Er

    White women have to make damn sure no one has any fun. I guarantee every person that disliked it was a white woman gatekeeping minority status. It’s so irritating.

  7. RCH

    T.C.T.F.F.W.E. (The Committee To Find Fault With Everything) strikes again.

  8. B Smith

    I seem to remember Disney did something to “The Little Mermaid” to darken her skin. If you are a permanently offended idiot, just keep it to yourself rather than go on social media to rant, and expose the rest of us to your warped thinking. It was a wonderful idea and anyone who thinks otherwise should be glued to a barge on “It’s a Small World” and made to spend their remaining time on earth on a continuous loop of dolls and brain worm “It’s a small world after all.”

    1. Danny O.

      I remember an article (i think the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023) about Disney possibly removing the It’s a Small World attraction for being “offensive” to people.

      The only thing _I_ find offensive to that ride is now (simply by mentioning its name) I have that song stuck looping in my head! 😱

  9. BD

    No wonder Trump absolutely destroyed the last election. Woke and hurt “princesses”. Get a helmet. Life is hard. Share positive stories. This is trash.

  10. Native

    Disney’s first black face ride

  11. Who, Me?

    But it’s ok to paint a Black woman green for the role in Wicked, one that is based on a White character and also on European folklore and culture. Can’t have it both ways.

  12. Michelle T

    so nobody at Disney has ever had a tan, just the lobsta red sunburns I see at EPCOT every weekend . . .

  13. Diane

    Its ok to blackwash splash, mermaid,snowwhite etc, but not ok to whitewash tianas?

  14. Kevin

    So it’s ok for a black person to play a white character but a white person shows up as Tiana and it’s a bad thing. Thank God Trump won, hopefully this BS gets solved once and for all. You can’t have equality if only one side can do something.

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