NEW: Johnny Depp Fired at Assistant With Shotgun in Twisted “Prank”

Comments for NEW: Johnny Depp Fired at Assistant With Shotgun in Twisted “Prank”

Johnny Depp looking shocked as Jack Sparrow in the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean series

Credit: Disney


  1. Mike_Hunt

    Just harmless fun. Nobody died.

  2. Lisa

    That is NOT harmless fun!! Someone could have died. Ask Alec Baldwin. But also you never know if the person you are scaring has a health condition. I am totally against pranks, especially of that magnitude!

  3. I agree with Mike. Worse things in the world to worry about at the mo then worry about people playing harmful pranks especially as this seems to be an ongoing challenge between a group of friends

  4. Zaena B

    Long, long ago and a younger man. Feels like someone is bringing up stuff Johnny did in his youth to justify any shade thrown his way now. Time and again, Mr. Depp has shown his good will, kindness and compassion as a more mature individual. Young people sometimes do stupid things- movie stars are no exception, but are more exposed because of their profession. No harm, no foul, unless the assistant was truly traumatized. Otherwise, he has an ” Oh, Wow” story he can tell forever.

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