ABC Star Faces Severe Backlash After National Anthem Debacle

Comments for ABC Star Faces Severe Backlash After National Anthem Debacle

Robin Roberts, Michael Strahan, and George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America

Credit: Screenshot, 'Good Morning America', ABC


  1. T Gold

    I went to school in NYC. We put out right hand over our heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. We stood at attention during the National Anthem. This is nothing but a pile-on against Michael. He does not deserve this. It needs to be put down.

    1. Lenette

      I came to say that too. Hand over heart for the Pledge but hands down for the Anthem.

  2. Ray

    Michael, didn’t mean no harm, the man already said he didn’t do it to send ANY kind of message! Leave him alone. It’s someone trying to make something outta nothing. His dad is a vet for Pete’s sake. Come on man! Are we really this petty.

    1. Rob Martin

      In Australia dressed in civies with no head dress it is fine to stand at attention with both hands at your side while the anthem is played.

  3. Cheryl C

    I am not a Strahan fan at all. I just do not like him. However, this is ridiculous. That’s all

  4. anonymous

    They are his hands. He should be free to put them where ever he wants.

  5. I was raised to put your hand over your heart for the pledge and to stand with your hands down at your side for the anthem.

    1. RoiRed

      I’m guessing if the camera had scrolled through the stands,most of the people weren’t even paying attention to the National anthem or its protocols. People are always trying to start something. Get a life!

  6. Kathy Pearlman

    Why should he put his hand over his heart? It isn’t the flag being shown, it’s the National Anthem.

  7. Charles Patterson

    When in grade school I was taught that when you pledge allegiance to the flag you put your hand over your heart representing putting it on the Bible. In my 24 years of active military service I have been trained to stand at attention (hands by your side) when not in uniform during the national anthem and the parade of the flag.

  8. Lisa Buescher

    He didn’t kneel and it’s not disrespectful not to place your hand over your heart. It’s personal choice. As a Veteran I do not place my hand over my heart but stand at attention. He stood tall and with his hands together. It’s a choice.

  9. Lenette

    Hand over heart for the Pledge but hands at your side for the Anthem.


      Not true. Check out the law: According to U.S. Code §301- National Anthem, there are several protocols regarding etiquette for non-uniformed men. One of these—putting the right hand over the heart– is the one that Michael Strahan recently violated and caused such an uproar. Interestingly enough, the legal code also gives instructions for men wearing hats. 36 U.S. Code §301(b)(1)(C) and (2) state that men “should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should REMOVE THEIR HEADDRESS WITH THEIR RIGHT HAND AND HOLD IT AT THE LEFT SHOULDER, THE HAND BEING OVER THE HEART; and (2). when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

  10. Michael

    One person does it and then like lemmings there is outrage when others don’t. I see people putting their hands over their hearts during the anthem and it seems like a show… “look at me, I’m so patriotic”…. while it’s THE PEOPLE THAT PUT THEIR HANDS OVER THEIR HEARTS, the sheeple, that should be ridiculed. I praise Michael for knowing the proper way to address the anthem. Give it a rest folks.

  11. Juan

    You can’t sit, you can’t kneel, you have to put your hand over your heart…sounds like indoctrination to me. What happened to the right to peaceful protest? Or just maybe he doesn’t feel the need to do it like everyone else?


    According to U.S. Code §301- National Anthem, there are several protocols regarding etiquette for non-uniformed men. One of these—putting the right hand over the heart– is the one that Michael Strahan recently violated and caused such an uproar. Interestingly enough, the legal code also gives instructions for men wearing hats. 36 U.S. Code §301(b)(1)(C) and (2) state that men “should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should REMOVE THEIR HEADDRESS WITH THEIR RIGHT HAND AND HOLD IT AT THE LEFT SHOULDER, THE HAND BEING OVER THE HEART; and (2). when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed. So take a look at the photo of Strahan and the broadcasters. Notice—TERRY BRADSHAW IS ALSO VIOLATING THE MANDATED PROTOCOLS- HOLDING HIS HAT IN HIS LEFT HAND AND DOWN AT HIS LEFT SIDE. Why is no one pitching a fit about his “insulting behavior???”

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