Agree! It is a “pirate” ride. They were rowdy in their day. You people need to stay home. Go visit your neighborhood playground. Tired of seeing this story. For the guy peeing. Appalling behavior. He should be arrested
For over 40 years we’ve been to both Disneyland and Disney world many many times. Not once did our family find POC ride offensive or rapey. Good God get over yourselves and stay off the ride. Let those of us that enjoy the ride enjoy it.
Stop listening to a few nut jobs that are offended by everything. You could have saved a ton of money by not being so woke. If someone doesn’t like a ride because they are offended then DON’T ride it. Problem solved.
Em, woke isn’t what you believe it is. Research the term as to its meaning during the civil rights and not the corrupted Republican definition. You’ll find the one has nothing to do with the other.
Disney Co delved into state politics with an opposing viewpoint (not wokeness) to a Florida governor who was attempting to run for president on a Republican platform of alternative lifestyle, sexual orientation, and minority bashing. Many of Disney Co’s employees are these demographics (should not be described as woke), so opposition to this kind of politics was warranted as Disney Co has one of the largest voices and pocketbooks in Florida. Though he tried the governor has not gotten his way, as he was forced to place at the head of his so-called oversight committee, which was in actuality intended to be a governor-controlled directives and extortion committee, an executive boardperson who is pro-Disney which is exactly what the board he replaced was said to be.
Disney Co has to listen to its customers even when they cry about things that they should know may offend them and they should make changes in ways that alleviate these complaints. There are many ways to reach this goal without changing a ride that many have been enjoying for decades without complaint, and there are many ways to make changes to a ride that still fit in with Disney film and historical correctness. This still would have nothing to do with being or not being woke.
Being ogled by puppets? Feels “rapey “?? Try therapy-puppets not alive and cannot watch or interact with persons. You have issues and need help for your mental health issues.
A Ess, please tell us at what point J Doelker mentioned being “ogled by puppets” or referred to the ride as “rapey.” If you’re gonna comment, at least try to stay on track. Maybe you have mental issues yourself, since you can’t seem to pay attention to what people are actually saying in their comments. LOL
I think there’s a feeling of tradition lost in changes to a ride that is older than most of its riders and a censoring of history, though even today, kidnapping and trafficking of women seems to be an issue. The Disney Co could use the ride for awareness to the issue as riders have a long wait at times, but Disney Co also has no obligation to delve into politics and has had negative repercussion when it has.
I think I would side with those who have said that one should not ride a ride that offends them, and one must understand that this ride is meant to be entertainment and in no way endorses any practices of the past depicted, but it would border on censorship to change a ride (a piece of entertainment) every time things go in and out of political correctness.
Disney could put up warnings about potential offensive situations in their rides and then riders could choose before they become offended, complaints from unsuspecting riders, and avoid costly changes and loss of tradition and historical correctness.
The other repulsive incident is a park security and local law enforcement issue. Yes, please video discretely for evidence and notify security. Do Not Post it to the Internet, shame is not the game, paying time and his/her dime for the crime is.
What this guy did was gross. They should fine him, make him clean the water that he contaminated, help clean the rest of the ride, and then (if that’s what Disney wants to do) ban him from going into any Disney related/owned/operated locations. Period!!!!! I try to be open minded and see both points of view of every issue. I can understand why certain Disney rides make others feel uncomfortable. I get it. Still, I wouldn’t change POTC anymore. Enough of the ride has changed already. If you don’t like it then don’t go on the ride. There is no signs nor is anyone forcing you to do/see/say/etc, on anything Disney related that bothers you. Just don’t go on it and let others enjoy it. Please!!!!! Seriously!!!!! Why don’t these people go complain about Universal Studios. Not all there rides are kid friendly. In fact, a big portion of Islands of Adventure is roller coasters that have inventions (which means that they go upside down and there are people that have preexisting conditions that prevent them from going on those rides). So, I think that Universal should make thrill rides that don’t go upside down so that everyone can enjoy all the rides. Or, at least more rides/attractions.
Comments for Man Contaminates Water on “Canceled” Pirates of the Caribbean Ride, Guest Splashed
I think the garage should’ve been left the way it was with the addition of the Johnny Depp character. I don’t think it was ‘rapey’ at all.
Agree! It is a “pirate” ride. They were rowdy in their day. You people need to stay home. Go visit your neighborhood playground. Tired of seeing this story. For the guy peeing. Appalling behavior. He should be arrested
I guess I don’t understand why people keep riding a ride that upsets them. There are so many other rides. They are pirates doing what pirates do.
For over 40 years we’ve been to both Disneyland and Disney world many many times. Not once did our family find POC ride offensive or rapey. Good God get over yourselves and stay off the ride. Let those of us that enjoy the ride enjoy it.
Has your life been negatively impacted in any way by the change??
Stop listening to a few nut jobs that are offended by everything. You could have saved a ton of money by not being so woke. If someone doesn’t like a ride because they are offended then DON’T ride it. Problem solved.
J Doelker
Em, woke isn’t what you believe it is. Research the term as to its meaning during the civil rights and not the corrupted Republican definition. You’ll find the one has nothing to do with the other.
Disney Co delved into state politics with an opposing viewpoint (not wokeness) to a Florida governor who was attempting to run for president on a Republican platform of alternative lifestyle, sexual orientation, and minority bashing. Many of Disney Co’s employees are these demographics (should not be described as woke), so opposition to this kind of politics was warranted as Disney Co has one of the largest voices and pocketbooks in Florida. Though he tried the governor has not gotten his way, as he was forced to place at the head of his so-called oversight committee, which was in actuality intended to be a governor-controlled directives and extortion committee, an executive boardperson who is pro-Disney which is exactly what the board he replaced was said to be.
Disney Co has to listen to its customers even when they cry about things that they should know may offend them and they should make changes in ways that alleviate these complaints. There are many ways to reach this goal without changing a ride that many have been enjoying for decades without complaint, and there are many ways to make changes to a ride that still fit in with Disney film and historical correctness. This still would have nothing to do with being or not being woke.
Aunt Polly
What a refreshingly sensible comment!
A Ess
Being ogled by puppets? Feels “rapey “?? Try therapy-puppets not alive and cannot watch or interact with persons. You have issues and need help for your mental health issues.
Spare The Rod
A Ess, please tell us at what point J Doelker mentioned being “ogled by puppets” or referred to the ride as “rapey.” If you’re gonna comment, at least try to stay on track. Maybe you have mental issues yourself, since you can’t seem to pay attention to what people are actually saying in their comments. LOL
J Doelker
I think there’s a feeling of tradition lost in changes to a ride that is older than most of its riders and a censoring of history, though even today, kidnapping and trafficking of women seems to be an issue. The Disney Co could use the ride for awareness to the issue as riders have a long wait at times, but Disney Co also has no obligation to delve into politics and has had negative repercussion when it has.
I think I would side with those who have said that one should not ride a ride that offends them, and one must understand that this ride is meant to be entertainment and in no way endorses any practices of the past depicted, but it would border on censorship to change a ride (a piece of entertainment) every time things go in and out of political correctness.
Disney could put up warnings about potential offensive situations in their rides and then riders could choose before they become offended, complaints from unsuspecting riders, and avoid costly changes and loss of tradition and historical correctness.
The other repulsive incident is a park security and local law enforcement issue. Yes, please video discretely for evidence and notify security. Do Not Post it to the Internet, shame is not the game, paying time and his/her dime for the crime is.
I guarantee the women that called it rapey was north of 300lbs and would only be looked at by a guy lost at sea for several years.
Zilma A Osle
What this guy did was gross. They should fine him, make him clean the water that he contaminated, help clean the rest of the ride, and then (if that’s what Disney wants to do) ban him from going into any Disney related/owned/operated locations. Period!!!!! I try to be open minded and see both points of view of every issue. I can understand why certain Disney rides make others feel uncomfortable. I get it. Still, I wouldn’t change POTC anymore. Enough of the ride has changed already. If you don’t like it then don’t go on the ride. There is no signs nor is anyone forcing you to do/see/say/etc, on anything Disney related that bothers you. Just don’t go on it and let others enjoy it. Please!!!!! Seriously!!!!! Why don’t these people go complain about Universal Studios. Not all there rides are kid friendly. In fact, a big portion of Islands of Adventure is roller coasters that have inventions (which means that they go upside down and there are people that have preexisting conditions that prevent them from going on those rides). So, I think that Universal should make thrill rides that don’t go upside down so that everyone can enjoy all the rides. Or, at least more rides/attractions.
ogled by animatronics?
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