Shame. The original was part of the disney ren, disneys era of peak film. Using any of that live action stuff is like buying the dollar store version of a girl scout samoa, cheap imitation. That’s not to say the newer version doesn’t have some likeable bits, just that the popularity/existence of the animated version is key in the live actions’ existence.
Comments for Live-Action ‘The Lion King’ to Officially Replace Animated Disney Film
Another big mistake to go with many more !!
Spank You Very Much
Gary, you need to be spanked.
Not sure if the 1st one went thru. But you would get much more from me then you go to ER believe me on that !!
Spank You Very Much
Jacob Allen
The original animated Lion King shouldn’t be replaced. The original version is just as good as the live action version.
Spank You Very Much
Where did you hear the animated Lion King was being replaced, genius?
No one is asking for this..
No one is answering this either.
I like the trailer I want to see the movie
Shame. The original was part of the disney ren, disneys era of peak film. Using any of that live action stuff is like buying the dollar store version of a girl scout samoa, cheap imitation. That’s not to say the newer version doesn’t have some likeable bits, just that the popularity/existence of the animated version is key in the live actions’ existence.
I think the captions need to be changed to theme park replacement not movie replacement.
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