New Universal Theme Park Shelved Indefinitely, Report Reveals

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Universal Epic Universe concept artwork for Celestial Park.

Credit: Universal


  1. A theme park where some people can afford to go

  2. Eric you

    I hope this years Halloween horror nights at universal studios Orlando Florida resort gives us Nathaniel Crowe as our main icon he has been replaced by the legend of bloody Mary back in 2008 could he comeback this year to bring a new level of fright and mayhem into our world another creature is knight mare or nightmare last seen in 2006 he would make a great one and have a expanded backstory a redesigned scarier look a new personality and a new incredible voice complete with a evil laugh and his own army of monsters at his command.

  3. Eric you

    I think some other good choices for this years Halloween horror nights at universal studios Orlando Florida resort is to give us Edgar Schmidt and have his backstory expanded upon and give a redesigned look kind of like his older brother jack the clown along with giving him a new personality and a new voice for whoever is going play his role as a scare actor or give us Cindy Caine as our main icon and expand upon her origins and give her a upgraded look and a new personality of sorts and have her talk with guests and have her play together with her new imaginary friends who become the original monsters in the scare zones and haunted house maze walkthrough attractions and shows.

  4. Eric you

    I also think if Edgar Schmidt becomes this years main icon for Halloween horror nights at universal studios Orlando Florida resort he could be having his own underground facility where he tortures people who dared to enter this secret place underneath the park or could he get arrested by the police somewhere be sent to a courthouse for a trial and later be sentenced to go into shady brook asylum he later escapes together with the inmates just like his older brother jack the clown and chance did before him. he later makes his own freaky twisted movie production or a twisted insane gory horror based television show or his own version of a circus.

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