Dwayne Johnson is Done With "Woke Culture"

Comments for Dwayne Johnson is Done With “Woke Culture”

Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" glaring toward the crowd at Wrestlemania 40

Credit: WWE


  1. Regina

    I agree. Freedom of speech doesn’t stop at one persons opinion. You don’t have to agree with everyone but you do have to respect that persons opinion even if it’s opposite of yours. Agree to disagree…

    1. Allen Jodie

      Agree 100%!!!

    2. Khristy

      I agree!! With you, and Dwayne!

    3. Cheryl C

      If he’s all about neutrality, keep your mouth shut. His “non-endorsement” of Biden is being taken as an endorsement for trump. I never like him, and i like him less now

      1. Victor


      2. Sherri

        I couldn’t agree more! Also, he could’ve said this in any interview but chose to go on Fox; making his neutrality seem questionable. To be honest, I once liked him but he’s become so full of himself. Is he so relevant anymore?

        1. D

          This is not acceptable you’re judging him for talking about his feelings whether it’s on CNN ABC, or Fox don’t dislike him he has this right, and he’s very neutral I feel that it’s unfair for someone to be judged because they’re speaking from their heart. I give him a lot of credit there are issues today and he said he’s staying out of politics. It’s between him and the ballot whether he spoke on Fox News or ABC stop judging.

  2. Kimberly Gardner

    Agree to disagree is best option

  3. It is awesome that the Rock has decided to keep politics to himself and ballot box. I think all celebrities should follow this practice.

    1. Jim

      Why should they be silenced, I can understand them being so as not to alienate folks and then possibly curtail their success. But those that do, have my respect 👍

      1. Seth

        Because those that don’t go along with the approved political viewpoint in Hollywood are “punished”. It isn’t until late in actors’ careers with great success that they will come out as something other than a Liberal.

      2. CJA

        There are conditions to freedom of speech, else wise you would not have libel or slander laws. Falsehoods and threats are not protected under the First Amendment.

    2. Glen hunt

      I agree with the final boss. People need to realize the it’s ok to disagree. Everybody doesn’t think the same and we all are born the same way and tied to the same fate. Life is to short to waste time arguing with someone because they don’t see things the way you do sometimes it best to keep your opinion to yourself. I’m not saying not to speak your just realize you can’t force your views on others.

    3. Khristy

      Exactly, we don’t need to know, it’s not changing my opinion, or who I end up voting for. We can vote for different Politicians I don’t care, but I will respect what you do!ypu

    4. Dawn Keibals

      Make sure your preacher does the same.

  4. It is awesome that the Rock has decided to keep politics to himself and ballot box. I think all celebrities should follow this practice.

    1. M.S.K.

      I don’t really think there are too many celebrities who I would listen to who would influence my politics… DEFINITELY NOT DWAYNE JOHNSON!
      Usually when s celebrity opens their mouth, whatever they say tends to be bent towards a cause, not their TRUE feelings.
      He also said that in that Fox interview that he voted for Biden last time, but he’s not gonna vote for him this time, cus he says Biden “has been divisive, he didn’t bring people together like he said he was going to“.
      So he’s gonna vote for TRUMP?
      The guy who says he’s going to be a dictator on day one and has authoritarian leanings snd is surely a danger to our very democracy!
      The same democracy that millions of Americans have literally died to protect… or he’s voting for Kennedy.
      those are his options if he’s not voting for Biden, Trump, who is a disaster, as we saw the first time we saw the movie (and we KNOW how that movie ends)
      or he is going to vote for Kennedy, the VAX denyi g conspiracy theorist, and overall jackass!
      He is SO BAD, the ENTIRE Kennedy family has SHUNNED him and his presidential aspirations, and have fully committed their support to Joe Biden.
      THAT IS REALLY ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about Kennedy!!!
      SO, I’m glad he will keep it quiet and to himself. Thats his right. My mother was the same way- she would never say who she intended to vote for, She told me it was none of my business. I think all celebrities should do that. That way, people vote with THEIR heart and THEIR feelings, and NOT vote based on what some former wrestler, or a some random actress, tells them to vote for.

  5. Ken Jones

    This was a ploy for division. Woke culture, cancel culture. What does that really mean. There are those who don’t want the truth to be told. It’s not about freedom of speech it’s about facts and the truth. We are a democracy

    1. Jim

      Exactly 💯and any side doing the canceling, it’s tRUMP quoting Hitler 👎🏼

  6. Tim Nash

    I believe that a lot of the “cancel culture” “wokeness” and”Me-too” is reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials. Most is done without regard to the truth and the facts.

    Let’s be clear, if someone does wrong, they deserve to face justice. But, in America we are supposed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty. Too many have forgotten this in recent times.

    Kudos to Dwayne Johnson for NOT wanting to be a part of what seems to be spiraling out of control and asking for people to respect others opinions even if they are different.

    1. Anawyn

      Absolutely agree!!! Too many accusations and not enough proof going around. But also like Mr. Johnson ki da said – if you are a crappy person enough people have told you by now….you know what you are saying isnt right….making it digital doesnt make it better…just meditate on why you gotta be hateful maybe? Hug something? Idk just dont spread your negativity. We got enough dumb going on out here. Keep your dumb in. 😊 but be happy! Spread happy!

    2. Jim

      By his denial he has joined sides, it’s the MAGAS, amazing what a lot of money will do to someone 💔

  7. Tag

    Amen! Sir nothing but love and respect for you. It not easy being where you are and share your view points. Totally love what you said. Couldn’t have said it better myself. God bless. Stand firm and strong.

  8. Jonwest

    Weird how so many say they respect him for having that stance. Lol.

    Playing neutral is celebrity 101. The only thing that can bring him down is losing popularity. Playing in the middle is not brave or respectful, in fact it’s cowardly.

    If you don’t want the people you look up to to have an opinion than why do you look up to them? Corporate, PC opinions are the same reason we hate/distrust politicians.

    It’s un-American to not standby what you believe in.

    1. VacaDad

      Who cares what someone in Hollywood says about politics? He knows his role and he is a better person for not sharing his opinion on the candidates. Too many sheep and snowflakes in America…everyone should do their own candidate research.
      And since you believe “It’s un-American to not standby what you believe in.” I will say I stand by Trump bc he is not a politician, he will do what he says. If you sincerely believe Biden has policies more aligned with your beliefs, that is fine but don’t spread hate.

  9. Jmg

    Everyone in the comments are goofies , The Rock is the most woke person ever scared to voice his opinion on any topic.

    1. Kungaloosh

      And I guarantee you’re scared to voice your opinion to The Rock’s face.

      1. CJA

        So, you think The Rock would be intimidating or forceful if someone speaks a differing opinion than his own? I doubt it.

        1. Kungaloosh

          Not what I said at all. Expressing a differing opinion is one thing, but would you like to try telling The Rock that he’s scared to voice his opinion publicly and let us know how that goes? I doubt it.

  10. John Runnels

    If he is trying not to be involved? And not have an opinion? Then why is this news? This is just BS ! If you don’t have anything to say?? Then STFU !!

    1. Bart

      I agree John, making an announcement about not being involved? Please. Maybe just not say anything instead of being on all the news feeds. Scheech…..

  11. Jim

    I wonder what WOKE he has in mind, the original meaning of being AWARE as voiced by Black Culture correctly or the stealing of the meaning as done by right wingers. Since he has become so wealthy, I have a feeling it’s the right wing MAGA side since he’s done with WOKE👎🏼💔🤮

    1. Sherri


  12. Sue

    I agree with him on the side of we are all different and it is okay to disagree we just have to remember to keep things respectful

  13. Roo

    I don’t think he is forgetting some people get cancelled for a reason. I’ve read his broader context and I think he just doesn’t want people to paint with broad brushes, or demand someone get cancelled because they don’t agree with them. I 100% agree with that view. We should not have extreme elements from either side policing our culture.

  14. Gary

    Go get them Dewayne and hit them hard they deserve it !!

  15. From his comment, he is not saying he likes Biden or Trump.
    He is stating he is not on the total Liberal side.
    I myself vote for the best candidate, Not a crook and lier.
    Biden is not my favorite, but at this juncture, he may be the best choice. If you check facts and do the background checks and current info, how can you vote for a self facing, person who cares nothing about the American people and says crazy thing and even his books tell his story, that he tells people lies. Think America, let Dwayne think what he wants, don’t read into it what you want. Hopefully we can get back on tract as a society.

  16. Saying what he believes and leaving it at that is Great.
    Not giving his stance as being conservative or liberal, is not a bad thing. I myself take the middle of the road. I fall on the side of conservative, but do not follow the policies of the crazies today in office. I also do not believe in the total liberal way of life.
    Why can’t people just do something to help society and spread love instead of hate and not hide behind God to justify their own beliefs. Read the Bible and try to live the life that helps you to navigate the hopefully 80+ years you have on this earth. But I will vote for a person, not a criminal.

  17. Cynthia Deatherage

    I agree with Dwayne Johnson’s desire that our culture re-learn the art of agreeing to disagree–respectfully. What concerns me about this article is it’s closing statement:
    [More often than not, people use terms like “cancel culture” and “wokeness” to argue about freedom of speech. What they tend to forget is that even though you can say what you want, you still have to face the results. While the ‘Central Intelligence’ (2016) star speaks briefly about that, it doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences to being a bad person.]

    Other than espousing obviously illegal activities, when is a person in disagreement with another person or political persuasion or ideology considered “bad”? True, attitudes can be considered disrespectful, and one can choose not to follow obnoxious persons or to strongly (and with equal obnoxiousness) disagree with them in your own right. But does that give one the right to shut down or cancel even an obnoxious person?

    I would rather live in a nation where I myself might feel offended at times with what others say about my own thoughts, ideologies, and words, than in a culture where I could be fined, arrested, canceled, or labled “a bad person” for simply disagreeing with someone or with any given ideology or political, religious, or cultural stance. Agree to disagree–preferably in a respectful manner.

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