Report: Disney To Replace Marvel Hero With Female Lead, as Fans Cry “Woke”

Comments for Report: Disney To Replace Marvel Hero With Female Lead, as Fans Cry “Woke”

Danny Rand/Iron Fist (left), Colleen Wing/Iron Fist (center), Matt Murdock/Daredevil (right) from Marvel's The Defenders

Credit: Edited by ITM


  1. Geno

    No. Iron Fist has Always been male.

    1. Misfit3571

      Imagine not knowing what you’re talking about but still saying it so boldly.

      1. Andrew

        Iron MAN, has always been a man. Just because you don’t accept your gender at birth, doesn’t mean we have to accept your made up delusional one.

    2. Marco

      Iron Fist is a FICTIONAL character in the Marvel MULTIVERSE. Tranquilo!

      1. Dc

        Lol doing just to push an agenda alienating their fans let’s see what happens

    3. Greg

      No they haven’t. Danny has always been a guy. There’s been female Iron Fist and if you watched Netflix you know Colleen got the Iron Fist at the end.

  2. Kirk

    While I grew up with Danny as Iron Fist, the Netflix version was utterly terrible. I am happy to see them move away from that dumpster fire. If has to be a gender change then go for it. Especially since it was already set up in the series.

  3. TheBLC

    I get it. The Netflix iteration of Iron Fist was horrible but, I’m not sure if the partnership with Luke Cage (if Disney decides to bring him into the MCU)over at Heroes for Hire would work the same.

  4. Glenn

    One person commented m she u…one.

  5. Jp

    Honestly, Colleen was the main character throughout the Netflix series and Danny was the comic relief. Love to Jessica return as the Iron Fist!

  6. Kay

    I loved Finn Jones as Iron Fist hes the only reason I watched it. I will not be watching anything that replaces him or removes him thats absurd. Do people not see the writing was the issue in Iron fist? It had nothing to do with Finn Jones. How awful.

    1. Berwhale The Avenger

      Frankly, thank the Sacred Timeline for that. Finn was absolutely God awful, and had all the martial arts skills of a pile of dirty laundry. They should have called the series Limp Wrist. Colleen at least put the effort in on her training and preparation for the role, and deserved the title more.

  7. Andrew

    They need to stop doing gender swaps with characters, the script for the Iron Fist show was horrible. Leave Iron Fist as a male that he is in the comics, and just give other existing female superheroes their own show. There are a lot of female heroes to choose from.

    1. Jonathan

      Spot on.

    2. FU

      It wasn’t horrible. Don’t believe the BS.

  8. Stang

    Iron Fist was never a woman. Why make it something it wasn’t. If they are trying to add woman characters just do ones that are really woman in the comics.

    1. Call_Me_Ainz

      Iron fist is a mantle, not the character. There have been female iron fists in the comics, but Colleen wing did not become iron fist,

  9. Call_Me_Ainz

    I dont care that there are more female superheros. What I care about is comics being changed for “reasons”. Colleen Wing is her own character with a deep story that did not become iron fist. Why are we ignoring that story? Why are we changing Danny Rands story to ignore her story? That’s what makes it woke, not because there is a female iron fist (which there have been already in the comics)

  10. Berwhale The Avenger

    Frankly, thank the Sacred Timeline for that. Finn was absolutely God awful, and had all the martial arts skills of a pile of dirty laundry. They should have called the series Limp Wrist. Colleen at least put the effort in on her training and preparation for the role, and deserved the title more.

    1. FU

      Your insane. Stop spewing that BS.

  11. Marco

    Anyone watching the Netflix series knows it ended with Coleen taking the mantle of Iron fist. There’s nothing to cry about here

    1. FU

      Except that’s not how you become Iron Fist. And if you watched it all the way, you would’ve seen that Danny Rand still had IF power.

  12. Billy

    Good grief why? Let’s just leave well enough alone. Man is man woman no changing just because that is what the world says so. Is this a Disney production? I am so disappointed is Disney Walt is now doubt rolling in his grave!!!

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