'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Reboot Shares First Look

Comments for ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ Reboot Shares First Look

Red Ranger in 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once and Always' trailer

Credit: Saban / Netflix


  1. Bryn

    What a foolish thing to do. The Return Comic series has nothing to do with the upcoming Reboot. A lot of people won’t be happy with this form of deception.

    1. I agree but they are going to like the new rangers series like they did in every single one

  2. What is the MMPR: The Return that turns into a movie?

  3. Damien

    You should probably stick to covering Disney news because you’re more accurate with that.

  4. member

    Power Rangers 2017 remake shouldn’t have taken place in 2023 early. The Turbo movie is ok in 1997 but the first one in 1995 that introduces Ivan Ooze shouldn’t have made it so early or lately either.

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