Kardashians Take Over Disneyland Once Again

Comments for Kardashians Take Over Disneyland Once Again

Kylie Jenner walks through Disney California Adventure in two photos.

Credit: @lifeoftheparty2000s on TikTok


  1. They need to stop interrupting people’s time at the parks. You enjoy the limelight and the money that comes with this so stand in line like every one else. If you need security at the park, schedule a time late at night and pay to have the staff stay.

    1. "LEO"

      ALL CLub 33 members can (and some do) have the same experince as the Khardisians. Are they Club 33 members? As for security; their security is for them, they have no authority or power enforce anything. That is why private security does not put their hands on anyone unlesss they are a threat to the protectee. If they do touch a someone who is not a threat (for instance, I wouldn’t recongize any of them) and I was heading to walk through their group, like often happens as Disney, and any security personnel put their hands on me that would be a criminal battery and a civil battery. The security guard would be subject to arrest and civil suit. That is why there are so many; to stay close together around the protecteee to prevent anyone from walking through the group. They can’t push you out the way, but neither can you push them out the way.

  2. Sandy

    They think there above everyday people guess what you’re not you wait like everyone else and by the way as you said us poor people made you rich and for your information I m not poor you have to respect people obviously you don’t

  3. P.C.Knott

    Oh goody. Another “celeb” shows up and disrupts every other guests experience, because they think they are above the little people. I don’t begrudge them family time at an amusement park, but they should not get any special treatment.

  4. George Reynolds III

    The Kardashians need to follow the rules and state laws like everyone else!!!!! If they get arrested and receive lifetime bans so be it!!!! Absolutely no one is entitled to special treatment!!!!!

  5. Deb

    They are entitled to use the park just like the rest of us ,if we paid for VIP tours we can also skip the lines but if they were to shut any rides of whilst using it I would be p- – d of

  6. gel

    If they were considerate of others instead of feeling entitled, they could get up early before the park opens to us peons or stay late after the park closes to us peons and have their private time at the parks without inconveniencing the rest of the visitors. I’m sure Disney wouldn’t mind as the K’s pay handsomely for the privilege of being the K’s, right?

  7. HM

    They pay for it. Anyone with the money can pay for private VIP tours and those come with the privilege to skip the lines. Privatizing rides is too far, but everything comes at a price. Disney is a company first and foremost.

  8. Marcia

    I’ve been going to Disney parks for years. I would be furious to have a ride shut down just for them- while I stood in line with my family. If they want that have the park after hours—pay for it! Rumors that others have done that over the years. They are no better than anyone else. We work hard for our money to take our kids to the parks!

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