Kate McKinnon Says ‘Barbie’ Movie Proves That Gender Roles Are Dumb

Comments for Kate McKinnon Says ‘Barbie’ Movie Proves That Gender Roles Are Dumb

kate mckinnon as weird barbie barbie movie

Credit: Warner Bros.


  1. Gailbraithe

    Hollywood and the liberal media establishment have been shoving this gender nonsense down everyone’s throats for 20+ years and its so boring and dumb. I was hoping this movie might actually have a positive message, like that girls don’t have to be masculine to be special or powerful, but nope, it’s just going to be the same old man-bashing, femininity-hating, all-girls-must-be-masculine garbage that every movie is these days. So tired of it.

    1. Don


    2. Anna

      You don’t have to watch it Galbraith! Leave it to those of us that like having fun and continue living your own miserable little life in peace!

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