Guests Endure Suffocating Conditions at Disney World Hotel

Comments for Guests Endure Suffocating Conditions at Disney World Hotel

Credit: Emmanuel Detres


  1. Chris

    All Florida hotels should have the same ceiling fans Saratoga Springs gas, those reduce the temperature dramatically, to the point it can be too cold without air conditioning at times if the fan is on high.

    1. WUT

      Wait….nobody suffocated, guests just slightly warm. Tragedy.

      1. Sharon

        You can’t say “guests suffocated” if no one is dead. Did AI write this? Feeling suffocated and actually being suffocated are two very different things.

        1. Please google the definition…you sound uneducated

          1. Homer

            “die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.”

            If you suffocate, you’re dead

        2. Thom

          72 degrees is too hot? I keep my ac on 79 and it’s quite comfortable.

          1. Gator Girl

            And you live here in Florida and can keep it at 79? Wow!

          2. PPam in Fort Myerd

            Me too! You get used to the warm temperatures. Now anything below 70 feels cold to me.

          3. Marie

            So I live here and grew up without air for a good bit of my childhood. Even now, I rarely ever use my central air. Instead I opted to purchase an old,historic home built for the climate. Windows open during the day (I work from home) with ceiling fans in all rooms is perfect. At night the ceiling fans aloneare perfect.
            For the few days that it can get really warm, I have 4 air conditioners on wheels 2 upstairs and 2 down, and use them to just cool off the rooms I’m using.

          4. Eugene Belanger

            We always find the rooms too cold. The ac is set at 65 when we go in and always raise it to 72. Have never been too warm and certainly not suffocated.

          5. Fatima

            Different stokes for different folks.

          6. Nett

            That’s the sum of it all. To save power and money we all get used to warmer temperatures

          7. ardisfaire

            You live in Florida?! Because a non humid 90 feels cooler than an extremely humid 73. 🤷🏻

          8. Monica

            I live in Florida and I keep my thermostat set at 77. I’m fine at night.But, everyone is different. I don’t think I’d like my electric bill if I kept the temperature colder in my house.

          9. Marie

            Do you live in Florida? I live in Virginia and keep it at 65 all summer

        3. Terri

          Lol. Right! The one said it never got under 72😅

        4. SamE

          I have stayed at the Coronado Springs several times. The rooms in the outer buildings have ceiling fans, but the new tower rooms do not. When I stayed in June 2019, we were in the Ranchos section and had Maintenance come and do an “AC Override” so we could lower it below 72. It was a special code sequence they entered into the thermostat. They also had to “unlock” the TV menu since the picture was way to bright, so we could lower the brightness down to a normal level.

      2. Kimberly

        Well they are probably to cheap to turn the air down so people can stay cool!
        God knows they charge enough

        1. Judi

          It was 102 every day we were there and our room was perfect. We were in the Tower at Coronado Springs!

        2. Peter

          You must either be a republican or fat.

          1. Mixxy

            Do you live in Florida. It is not so much the temperature- it is the HUMIDITY! Especially if you normally live in the North!!!

      3. Bill

        Insidethemagic is a DeSantis cover. All lies.

        1. People with experience have stated their experience. What are you backing your statement up with? Bring the reality.

        2. Guy

          I bet in hind sight Disney probably wishes they had given DeSantis those season passes

      4. Jake

        Just in case you’re wondering NO ONE REALLY SUFFOCATED!! The writer went out if thier way using trigger words like suffocate to get you to read an article about disney that was spinned in a bad way. What the title shoild have been is NO ONE DIED OR EVEN CAME CLOSE TO IT, KEEP READING IF YOU WANT TO HATE ON DISNEY, then they could have told us about this boring article on some tourist who went to florida and were hot!! Im suprised the state of florida didn’t call in fema!! Oh my heart goes out to all those poor people that had to endure a thermostat reading of 72. Oh my God I couldn’t imagine anything worse!!!

        1. John Heartfield

          78 is comfortable for us. Been here since 2007.

      5. Patty

        My thoughts exactly, I was expecting to read something much different. Then when it began talking about the room temp, I was expecting to see temps above 100⁰ in the room, not just “warm”

        1. Kc

          Wow , Everyone jumping on this poor person Because they expressed there opinion
          Imagine that 🤔Maybe they felt like they was suffocating!

          1. I know I would feel like i was suffocating.
            I have Multiple Sclerosis and most with it can not be in heat and especially real hot! ..our core body temperature does not work like a healthy person’s!
            I myself hate summer and love my winters!

      6. Diane

        Stayed at many Disney resorts. All have fans and thermostats to adjust in room. Never been hot and sometimes too chilly!

      7. Hillary

        Welcome to Florida!!😂 It’s just hot down here. Everyone’s ac is working hard to keep it below 90 inside. 😆

      8. Alexie

        I lived in Florida most of my life. When I lived there, I kept my house between 74-76. 72 was cold for me as I was used to the hot florida climate. The air conditioners don’t really get a break as Temps can rise over 100 and at night tend to stay in the 80s during the summer. If you aren’t used to the florida weather, it might be difficult for you to handle. But know that 72, is pretty darn good for an air conditioner that chugs away day in and day out in the hot florida weather. (Not saying that air conditioners can’t go lower, but depending on time of year, that puppy can have a hard time maintaining any cool temperature. I get that different people are used to different things. But I wouldn’t call 72 “suffocating”. I would say, when my air conditioner broke after getting hit by lightning and at night it was 89, muggy, and I was sweating my ass off, that was pretty suffocating.

    2. Lynn

      The resorts regulate the a/c at 72. It won’t go lower even if you try. So infuriating after what you pay for resort hotels price.

      1. That is correct, and it has been for years. They have trained the response from hotel personnel to blow it off. Normally air would come from vents 15-18+ degrees cooler than the setting. Not at Disney, so if you’ve got a bit of a burn or a lot of yraffic in and out of your room it takes hours just to get to 72°.
        You want control of your indoor environment, you’d better be paying for one of the upgraded resorts. They don’t care. They expect the complaints.
        Corporate Disney is a joke.

        1. John Heartfield

          You do realize that 18 degrees less than 72 is 54, at which you would have to be wearing a coat!
          Clearly, somebody has a political agenda here.

      2. Jake

        I feel like the author has no clue of how the word suffocate triggers people. Or maybe they do and their just trying to hate on disney!! Eitherway. The author and whoever approved this “news piece” should both go to fox news. The way they spun this “news story”. Wow. They are wasting
        their talents here..

    3. Jake

      I feel like the author has no clue of how the word suffocate triggers people. Or maybe they do and their just trying to hate on disney!! Eitherway. The author and whoever approved this “news piece” should both go to fox news. The way they spun this “news story”. Wow. They are wasting
      their talents here..

      1. Shelle

        We were there for 4 days in early May, Casita 5. If anything our room was too cold!!

    4. Chris Wood

      Puuullease. The way the head line was written, you’d think someone was dying.
      So once again the story is written more dramatic then need be.

    5. Edu

      My thoughts exactly.
      The rat still going after the mouse for personal reasons. It’s amazing how low this person or his base can go to make Disney look bad

    6. Pamela

      I wonder if these people aren’t used to the “suffocating” humidity in Florida. For people who aren’t used to that type of humidity it can be overwhelming and sometimes all the AC in the world won’t eliminate it even inside.

    7. Aharon

      Personally, I feel 72° is too cool. I live in central Florida. Near the Gulf. I keep my thermostat @77 and I use my ceiling fans.
      How anyone swelters at 72 is ridiculous!

  2. WUT?

    Wait….nobody suffocated, guests just slightly warm. Tragedy.

    1. BartmanLA

      Getting sick of this site sensationalising and giving a negative slant to virtually every story they post. We get it you’re down on everything Disney. Fail to see how there’s any “Magic” your name seems to indicate.

      1. Jb

        I really hope Disney sues the h*ll out of this site for slander 🤣🤣

        1. Why because people are speaking the truth

          1. Oh ok, your now again trying to flip the narrative like all good little socialist and blame conservatives for exactly what you do.

          2. Jim

            Your ignorance and rudeness are suffocating! It isn’t close to 72 because they put the thermostat right under the air vent. The rooms do not cool properly and who the he’ll likes to sweat and sleep hot. Sleeping temperature is recommended at 65!!! When you return to the room after a full day in the 100 degree heat, those of us who don’t live on the equator, want a cool room to rest and sleep in upon return. And with some people having asthma and other conditions, they too need a cool room because it can be suffocating, just like dealing with people like you!

        2. That is correct, and it has been for years. They have trained the response from hotel personnel to blow it off. Normally air would come from vents 15-18+ degrees cooler than the setting. Not at Disney, so if you’ve got a bit of a burn or a lot of yraffic in and out of your room it takes hours just to get to 72°.
          You want control of your indoor environment, you’d better be paying for one of the upgraded resorts. They don’t care. They expect the complaints.
          Corporate Disney is a joke.

      2. Ray

        Wait what…it’s hot in Florida??? Whoa, sooo nobody “suffocated”in a disney hotel! Wow, cheap story

  3. Susan

    72° and they were suffocating? I don’t get it.

  4. Enzo

    How was this humans BMI??
    Put down the fork and take a walk

    1. Okay

      This is so unnecessary

    2. Unfortunately it’s either the ignorance in you paradigm that doesn’t allow for you to understand, or just you IQ. You really shouldn’t sling insults without a real understanding. It’s a very childish habit.

      1. Carlos

        Stayed at WDW Hotels hundreds of nights, the last 44 in August never had problems with the ac

  5. Ang

    Lol, I always feel like I’m in arctic circle in my Disney room, especially when I first check in

  6. That’s what you get for way overpaying for a vacation

    1. Kathryn Anderson

      Disney- pack up the magic and move somewhere you’d be appreciated. NC would welcome you .

      1. It’s hilarious when people who have no experience or clear understanding of business with Disney know everything about it anyway.As long as they take every bit of their garbage with them. They have lost their way due to corporate thinking. You’re ignorant to think that they are just giving money away.

    2. Penny Sneed

      Exactly 😂. It’s overpriced and it underperforms, just like it’s stock. Trust me I know. 🥲

  7. NmMark

    Tell them to deal with it or come to Akaska where it really never warm enough.Even when it was 91°

  8. Jake

    As a writer, you’re supposed to put “suffocated” in quotes since it is a phrase a visited used to describe their experience, not something that literally happened. The primary understood definition of ‘suffocate’ is to die by lack of air. Please don’t freak people out for no reason.

    1. Dictionary would disagree with you. So many people don’t understand words have multiple meanings. It’s why in a lot of books they say suffocated to death….because suffocate does not mean death…Jesus. Humanity is doomed and these comments including yours prove it.

  9. Mrs. Roosevelt

    Yesterday is history. Tomorrow will be a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why we call today the present..

  10. Jerome Hess

    Yeah could get the ac below 72. I live in cent FL and keep my ac at 76 anything lower is amazingly hard on the unit (5 years old). So yeah I’m thinking there are some additional issues, besides AI generated articles. No human could write this and then look in the mirror, and I am no fan of the mouse….

    1. Get some insulation. Change out your windows. Upgrade to central HVAC. If you’re going through the summer in FL & 76°, your closets and airflow deadsposts are getting moldy.
      It’s not an HVAC problem with a 5 yr old unit. It’s a bad environmental envelope/maintenence issue. Watch out for lowest bidders in FL. Like a Disney bargain.

    2. Mary

      The whole site is fake!

  11. CA

    Seriously, is this news feed being paid by DeSantis?

    1. Mary

      Bingo! The entire site is phony.

  12. Lynn

    Disney hotels regulate the a/c. The thermostats will not go below 72. It was soo hot at night. Just sweating and staying awake. Really made me mad after paying sky high price at Polynesian resort.

    1. Mary

      Did you call the front desk? Because they will change it. I would guess not since this comment is fake just like this website.

  13. DFK

    At the coldest setting 72 degrees F someone needs to make better life choices if your so fat you cant cool down at 72F. My observation is that the heaviest people always need more A/C. I keep ours at 79F at night and 78 during the day, plenty comfortable for my 182lbs of hotness.

  14. Mike

    In grand Disney in California I was in a room where the AC or Heat would shut off if there was no movement in the room… duh! Who moved at night? So it was either too hot if I moved around or too cold as I did t move and no heat came on… this was in their $4,000 a night suit too!

    1. Mary

      Did you bother calling the front desk? Probably not since this comment is fake.

  15. Dixie Carter

    It’s ridiculous that they lock the air/ heat controls so that you cant control temperature. ” Guests” are paying a high price for a room that should make them feel like a “guest”. Disney needs to get back to their basics of service.

    1. Ray

      Just came back from the Casitas at Coronado Springs, and when we were there last week, our thermostat went down to 68 degrees, and as high as 78 degrees, but we kept ours at 70 degrees so my wife didn’t freeze her tush off as she said.. but not at anytime did we have any problems regulating the temp in our room ..

    2. Cindy

      Yup. It’s terrible that Disney locks the controls. My room is never cool enough there. I keep it 67 at home

  16. Crystal

    There ARE ways to hack the thermostat to get it down to even 68, and where it won’t shut off if it doesn’t sense movement. Just have to do it every 24 hours. Once I figured out what the combo was that our thermostat needed at All Stars in December, we were comfy, and I did it every night for 8 nights. We sleep in cooler temps all year at home and 72 wasn’t going to cut it.

  17. Mary

    Look ITM is back with more anti-Disney propaganda!

  18. Chris

    I have a girl that’s so fat that I ran into her other lover coming from the other side.

  19. Autumn

    We’ve stayed at Disney hotel properties atleast half of the time we have visited Orlando over the last 23+ years and even tho my personal temp gage is off quite often as I’ve gotten older, there’s usually never an issue with our room temp except the thermostat being blocked from going lower than 67°. During certain times of the year it can be a bit frustrating, but having worked in hospitality, I totally get it. Trying to accommodate several people in one room is usually the most inconvenient issue lol once in a blue moon the units can make an annoying noise throughout the night, but nothing I would worry the world about! I’ve learned to bring different clothes and a personal fan. Problem solved. Over the last few years people have become so “entitled” that they complain over anything that doesn’t go their way. Sometimes it’s OUR own responsibility to make things work out and just be happy!!! °O°🎆🐭 just my input!

  20. Jake

    My heart goes out to all those poor people who had to suffer with a room temperature of 72 in florida!! It must be god awful!! Just the nightmares alone!!

  21. Jake

    The nitemares alone is probably the worst part of the sufferage those poor people had to go through. I mean just the thought of your room only being 72 Wow. Makes that anne frank just seem silly now

  22. Patricia

    I was just at that particular hotel in late March. The AC shut off every night. I was horribly hot. I was with a former employee who said she had heard rumors that Disney did this on purpose to save costs.

  23. Tammy

    Let’s not forget some people have illness that have to be at cooler temps. I have Multiple Sclerosis-and just a few degrees effects mine and many other MSer’s I’m sure there are other illness also. I keep my house between 59-65 with 65 sometimes being to warm depending on humidity. But just in case you don’t understand MS it’s like if you have a wire that is split and moisture gets on there. Our bodies react to slight temperature changes and cause a wording of symptoms like for me mobility becomes worse

    1. Tammy

      Oh before someone comments on my air being on 59 that’s the winter temp. I usually have window open here in Iowa unless it’s below zero.

  24. DJT luvsputin

    Never had that situation… usually it gets too cold. The ac units get a lot of use in florida and are often left on 24-7. Eventually they need maintenance or replacement. Call the front desk. They always try to accommodate at Disney…. and F – Douchesantis

  25. Literally Said

    Say what you want to. Can’t dispute the fact that those hotels are hot. Most of those negative comments are from people who never stayed in a Disney Resort Hotel.

    Disney is scamming. I called maintenance every time we stayed in one of their hotels. They fool around. Bring you a fan. #truth

  26. JC

    I never stay at their hotels they are over priced. I usually rent a townhouse in Davenport with plenty of space and privacy. And I can also keep the AC as cool as I want.

  27. Virginia

    Better to be warm than to freeze your ass off, if I can’t be warm and comfy with the air on, then it is way too cold, sounds to me like they are looking out for their guests by it being nice but not too cold and that’s a good thing

  28. Rob H

    When my son and I stayed at all stars Music the AC worked very well and it actually got cold at night. If the OP. Sleeps with AC at 65 usually than maybe it was just not her preferred temperature. How did she manage to walk around the parks in 85 + degrees.

  29. Jimbo

    I followed this link to read about about the people who allegedly died at Disney World.

    Hi, Disney lawyers!

  30. Don

    I have never had any problem staying at any of the Disney hotel maybe I was lucky – always had great service and accomodations.

  31. Patty

    I go to WDW 2-3 times per year and stay at either AK, OKW or SS, all DVC member resorts and I have never had a single issue with cranking up the AC. I don’t recall completely but the majority of the comments were made regarding the budget friendly resorts, maybe that is a way to keep the rates lower by controlling the utilities? Just a thought.

  32. Patrick

    I stayed at Coronado Springs in Early 2009 and yes the rooms felt stuffy…i like it cool at night and it felt like the thermostat was stuck or broke…id never stay at Coronado Springs Again!!

  33. Kathy Smith

    Just got back from WDW stayed at French Quarter and my room temp was great. Ceiling fan was o and the room temp was set at 70 when I walked in.
    Suffocating is a huge misstep in this story

  34. Kathryn

    A more suitable title for the article would be: “Guests Endure SWELTERING conditions at Walt Disney World

  35. V.R.

    What’s “suffocating” is Jess and her consuming nonsensical postings. WOW

  36. Susie

    I’ve stayed at every hotel in Disney and have been to Disney hundred of times since they opened back in the 70’s and never have I had any issues at all with anything at Disney including the a/c. We crank ours down to 72… which is reasonable but have give lower than that at times.
    Everything is always perfect and I love going there!
    This person should not be posting this as it sounds like an isolated incidence.

  37. John-Michael

    It’s because all of the Disney resort rooms have motion sensors on the thermostats so when you go to sleep at night and don’t move enough to Trip them the A/C will actually shut off.

  38. Jaimote

    Spoiled folks, next time book into motel 6, quit whining.

  39. Spoiled folks, next time book another motel, quit it whining

  40. Tom

    On a hot day Kali Rapids feels really good

  41. Don Blankenship

    Ppl don’t understand that cold air is heavy and flows out of an open door in seconds. I live in FL. I am a 65-year old airheadanautical engineer w/Master’s from Embry-Riddle Airheadanautical University. If the door is open for 4 1/2 minutes a day, there is no ac. That ship sailed. If you brought kids to Disney or anywhere, you have kids not ac.

  42. Stayed at Music beginning of May. Noticed air set to 76 (like at home, cheap S. Fl.,) but room was HOT. Notice only 1 vent,bywindiwns, so and the individual slats were pointed down. Pulled chair over. Opened slats. Made sure curtain was not covering vents, happy day.

  43. JJ Hibs

    DeSantis turned their a/c off.

  44. Suzanne

    The thermostats that are used in the Disney Hotels have a movement sensor on them once you fall asleep and there is no movement the A/C cuts back and the room becomes very hot. If you wave your hand in front of the thermostat you can hear it kick on. This is Disneys way of cutting back on their power/energy cost.

  45. Homer

    Didn’t ‘feel’ like it got below 72⁰ in the room? You really succeed in making this lady (& yourself) come across as an entitled, peevish a-hole. Congratulations!

  46. Gore

    To everyone antagonizing the author, her usage is correct

    suf·​fo·​cate ˈsə-fə-ˌkāt
    suffocated; suffocating
    Synonyms of suffocate
    transitive verb

    : to stop the respiration of (as by strangling or asphyxiation)
    : to deprive of oxygen
    : to make uncomfortable by want of fresh air
    : to impede or stop the development of
    intransitive verb

    : to become suffocated:
    : to die from being unable to breathe
    : to die from lack of oxygen
    : to be uncomfortable through lack of fresh air
    : to become checked in development

  47. Kristina

    Thanks u/sudifirjfhfjvicodke,

    I’m so glad I now know that it’s hotish in Florida!
    72? Sheesh, melting much!? 🫠

  48. Amy

    You must keep your patio door closed at all times. If you have any door open this effects the ac unit and it shuts down.

  49. We are from the North East. I am always cold in the AM so I bring my huge robe. I am the WDW coocoo for EPCOT girl. He only goes because I like it so much. Plus, he likes grilling! We both love nature and taking walks around 1-2 am. Sitting on the pier with the chairs is so relaxing. Nobody suffocates at WDW! Why do they say things like this?

  50. Shawn

    It sounds suspiciously like Disney might have taking up a similar route that power companies are in an effort to conserve power. What I mean is that if you allow a power company to put a power saving device on your AC, then they will set it at 78 degrees. They claim this is comfortable and will save energy. It will save energy, but most people are comfortable around 68-70 degrees. 78 is for those that really want to torture themselves. It’s far to hot for me, and I’m fairly sedentary.

  51. Denise

    A little glimpse of hell

  52. GG

    72° is cold for a Floridian but not for a northerner with thicker blood. I used to work at the front desk of All Star. The room a/c had motion sensors back then. We used to give the guests balloons to tie to the unit. That used to work to trick the unit into staying on overnight. Hope that helps.

  53. Penny Sneed

    If I am paying the price Disney Hotels demand, if I want the air conditioning at 65 degrees all day long that’s what I paid for and that’s what I should have. No opinions from anyone else needed. I paid for it period!

  54. TheARGblue

    Tip. Get a balloon at one of the parks and place it in front of the motion sensors for the AC this should help keep it on the whole time. If you don’t mind the light from the TV this has also helped me to keep the AC going.

  55. Alexie

    I lived in Florida most of my life. When I lived there, I kept my house between 74-76. 72 was cold for me as I was used to the hot florida climate. The air conditioners don’t really get a break as Temps can rise over 100 and at night tend to stay in the 80s during the summer. If you aren’t used to the florida weather, it might be difficult for you to handle. But know that 72, is pretty darn good for an air conditioner that chugs away day in and day out in the hot florida weather. (Not saying that air conditioners can’t go lower, but depending on time of year, that puppy can have a hard time maintaining any cool temperature. I get that different people are used to different things. But I wouldn’t call 72 “suffocating”. I would say, when my air conditioner broke after getting hit by lightning and at night it was 89, muggy, and I was sweating my ass off, that was pretty suffocating.

  56. Tricia

    When I pay 3-4 hundred a night. I want the room cold!

  57. Earth to People:
    It’s Early Summertime.
    And it’s Florida.
    No further explanation is required.

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