DeSantis Vows To Destroy Disney Despite How It Will Affect Floridians

Comments for DeSantis Vows To Destroy Disney Despite How It Will Affect Floridians

DeSantis yelling edited in front of Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Sharon Minds

    Ron DeSantis is a petty vindictive person who picked a fight with a giant and was out played. U have lost the independent voter over abortion and u r trying to ruin our education system. Please go climb back under your rock and disappear

    1. Hannahbea


      1. Juliet

        Haha Ron DeSantis hot shunned by Disney…as Donald Trump said it bested out maneuver by Mickey!

        1. B

          The governor is acting like a spoiled kid that doesn’t get his way! Disney needs to take this to the Supreme Court and be done with it!!

          1. Sandra

            DeSantis is acting like a child having a temper tantrum whose parents never taught him how to stop it. I don’t want a president who can’t control himself , and I don’t want him as my governor anymore. How do we get rid of him.

          2. George A Schaum

            He should act like an adult and meet with Bob and iron this out.

        2. Marsha Sherouse

          DeSantis is not only trying to destroy Disney, he is exhibiting a personality trait lethal to all in FL – the destruction of Free Speech!
          Can you see what a disaster it would be for thls guy to be President?? RD has a “messiah” complex!!!!!

    2. Yes DeSantis must go away! I was for him before but he says it’s his way or nothing! Not voting for him any longer!

      1. Walter

        Ronnie who do You think You are You are destroying the once Great state !
        I loved,now I’m totally embarrassed to say that I live here

        1. Thomas Durkan

          I say this to Desantis, “You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”

        2. Stephanie

          I think he is doing an amazing job. So glad he is our Governor

          1. David Rosoff

            So, you hate children too. Like Ron DeSadist, you also want them uneducated, without free speech, & without fun theme parks to go to.
            You do realize that that means they’ll have nothing to do but hang out, get into trouble, & commit mischief/crimes?
            Is that your & DeSadist’s plan? To send more kids to prison for slave labor instead of college?
            You must LOVE Florida’s well-deserved reputation as a state full of backward idiots. I guess you want more people who are on your level.

          2. .A.D.A

            Because a child can’t go to theme parks doesn’t mean they will get into trouble. A majority of kids don’t even have annual passes. I am a teacher, and of my my 41 students, only 5 can afford to have annual passes. I am a teacher and a mom of 4. But unfortunately annuals are not possible for me. I think everyone should have a meeting (Ron/disney). And see if they can work out their differences and come to an agreement.

          3. Deborah Hudak

            Disney was willing and DeSadist shut them down after the fact. Government takeover of corporations is fascism Mickey Mouse for Governor of Florida. Then maybe the entire State would be the happiest place on earth with the exception of don’s house

          4. .An.d.AnA.D.A

            Because a child can’t go to theme parks doesn’t mean they will get into trouble. A majority of kids don’t even have annual passes. I am a teacher, and of my my 41 students, only 5 can afford to have annual passes. I am a teacher and a mom of 4. But unfortunately annuals are not possible for me. I think everyone should have a meeting (Ron/disney). And see if they can work out their differences and come to an agreement.

          5. Casey Elno

            Spinning much? Hate children? No fun theme parks? Children will likely get into trouble and commit crimes without Disney? You sound like a total fool!

          6. Karen Steele

            Puli, my dear, are nuts

          7. Ruth Diehl

            I hurt from the actions of this man daily. We’re we perfect no, but at least I feel I t like my voice, my vote mattered. He us not doing these things alone. He has mastered a group of individuals that have similar ideologies and they quietly silenced the rest. If we do not vote we end up in anarchy. Disney is the reason Florida is even on the game. Think back when all we had were oranges, no more oranges, no more jobs, no way to pay the budget.

          8. KFox

            Don’t we all!!!

          9. Peter

            He thinks he is the Supreme being and all must agree or face his rath.

          10. Michael

            Are you off your meds again?

          11. suong

            So, you feel building a prison next to Disney theme park is appropriate? The tourists feel Florida has so many criminals therefore they have to build a new prison. What does he think OMG. What is he trying to say? He spent too much tax money paid by the Floridians for lawyers just to prove his power as a governor. If he has to use his own money to pay for these expenses he will think twice before to please his big ego.

          12. Marsha Sherouse

            Stephanie, I’m sure you are a good person, but save yourself &
            FL by finding out the truth about Ron DeSantis. Lots of Russian $
            put him where he is now. You may not know all you & others need to know to save our FL from a madman. Just investigate for yourself❣️

        3. Delain

          Thank you for the work you are doing to protect our children . Keep up the good work.

        4. Rich

          Technically DiSantis is a Fascist. Much worse than a socialist.

          1. faackanders2


          2. He has lost my vote next around!!!!

        5. Peter

          He thinks he is the Supreme being and all must agree or face his rath.

        6. Linda W

          LMFAO😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂 Disney will be around much longer than DeSantis! It serves him right!!!!

        7. Jeff

          He will be defeated.
          Disney is strong and we need them here. Disney will be victorious!!

    3. Carla Recker

      Ron D’Fuhrer needs to resign and completely forget that he has any ambitions about being President of the United States. I can’t say that he will defeat Disney, but as the leader of our state, is it good business to destroy the income base for the Orlando area? Ron D’Fuhrer is hurting Florida with is immature antics, narcissistic behaviors, and beliefs of his superiority! Disney has operated under Florida law since its conception. How degrading to Disney and former legislative members and governors. I am truly saddened by his actions, embarrassed to call him governor, and pray everyday that he will come to his senses , not run for President, and quitely go away when his term is up! He is a piece of fruit that has turned rotten!

      1. Sarge

        I guarantee Disney’s pockets are deeper than Florida’s. We’ve already seen their lawyers are better…and smarter.

      2. Su

        Couldn’t agree with you more!!
        Right on!!

      3. Marsha Sherouse

        Well said‼️

    4. George

      I guess your for sex education for K thru 3 . Having teachers trying to change young children’s sex without parents being told ! Changing out theme rides because a few people complain about its content ! Maybe his agenda is correct ….

      1. Timothy Herman

        This post does make pro-education, especially spelling classes.

        1. David Rosoff

          Makes it what?

      2. CJA

        Please provide evidence for these scary (and nonexistent) statements.

        1. Norma

          He once had my vote but never again! For every Fl legislator that sticks by his policies needs to be voted out.

      3. Steve

        If you are really wanting to watch out for children you’d avoid them going to church, since that’s where the real groomers and molesters are. As it is, you should have probably paid more attention in school since YOUR spelling is atrocious.

      4. Manny

        @George (aka Russian bot). Please update your script since Meatball Ron is altering the bill again so it carries over till high school.

        So parents rights is another smoke screen for defunding public education. Try using FOIL request to find out how much privatized education out in Ron’s pocket.

      5. Ronald Emery

        Where was this happening? Actually happening, not I heard.

      6. Stephanie

        Agreed 100%

      7. David Rosoff

        You do realize that nothing you said has any basis in reality, right? But, then again, if you like DeSadist, you obviously have no concept of reality to begin with.

      8. Charly

        How are you feeling about your governor now? Yeah, k-3 makes sense. But it was just a placeholder for the real legislation of K-12. So where are our kids going to go for help understanding their sexuality? School was the only safe place for some to get help understanding what is happening to them. I guess you think they will just go to their parents. Yeah, that has worked so well in the past. What you are unfortunately going to see is a lot more teen suicide. So instead of a teacher or guidance counselor being someone a child can go to in confidence about their feelings, you just tied their hands and put duct tape over their mouth. Those kids will feel helpless and hopeless and end up taking their lives because they had nobody to talk to. That blood is on your hands, but more importantly it’s all over DeSantis.

    5. Peggy

      I agree completely. He needs to get off his high horse. No way will I vote for him for president. I would rather vote as a dem than him.

      1. Stephanie

        The be prepared to continue sky rocketing costs on everything. Hope you have a lot of money saved under your bed because your 401k will have nothing left.

        1. David Rosoff

          As usual, your comments have no basis in reality. But, then again, if you like DeSadist, you have no concept of reality to begin with.

    6. Stephanie

      He wasn’t outplayed. Disney is going to lose the fight. They can’t use an antiquted law and it is just a stalling tactic.

    7. Ws

      Do the people in Florida a favor…leave

    8. Kathy Meyer

      I agree 100%

    9. faackanders2


    10. Carmen

      Say it again, control freak!

    11. Lin

      You are so right!

    12. Lin

      You are so right!I don’t even live in FL and I can’t imagine it if I did. DeSantis goes overboard on every damn thing that is important. Burning books taking women’s rights away frigging with Disney. What next? Impeachment I hope.

    13. T

      DeSantis needs tobe sued for trying to destroy Florida Tourism. He is a petty little Fat Dictator and needs to be put in his place with all this Woke crap. What an ahole.

    14. Barbara Belzer

      de sanctimonious has gone off the deep end – time to put him away

    15. Margaret

      Desantis need to grow up , omg can you imagine if he won the presidency and another country pissed him off. Act your age not your shoe size. Scary man

    16. I’d expect more from a Naval Officer and Ivy Educated man.

      There are so many other issues in Florida that require attention. He is off the path.

      Now is picking a fight with Jamie Dimon!

      It’s gonna be one fight too many.

  2. Dan

    Good. No corporation should be more powerful than the state. Disney is promoting a radical left political agenda and is out of touch with the population of Florida. You dont see Universal or SeaWorld completely disrespecting half the state. People want to go to a theme park to have fun and bond with family. They dont want to be endlessly lectured to. Disney has taken this social justice thing way, way too far! Walt never wanted this company to be so politically divisive as Iger and Chapek have done. It’s crazy. All Disney has to do is back off a tad. Stop punching people in their face with it. Every movie. Every attraction. Every event. Everything Disney does is a political statement now. I’m sick of it!

    1. Betsy Schlesinger

      You said it. They DON’T want to be endlessly lectured to. Take note, DeSantis. HE is the he one endlessly lecturing. So much for individual freedom. He turned out to be a ‘My way or the highway’ kind of guy after all.

      1. Hannahbea

        Hannahbea I agree. No family values like Walt designed. It’s a sad thing.

        1. Anonymous

          Um. Do you seriously think there were no LGBTQ+ members employed by Disney during Walt’s time? It was all the perfect little whitewash world… yes, there were gays rightfully employed by WALT DISNEY. It may not have been spoken about like most of Hollywood (hello Rock Hudson, Marlene Dietrich, George Cukor, Vincent Minnelli [bi], Jim Nabors, Sergei Eisenstein [look it up as Walt toured him around Disney], Montgomery Clift, Tab Hunter, Sal Mineo, Ramon Novarro, Edith Head, Van Johnson & there’s more) Walt AND Roy were fully aware of the LGBTQ+ actors/actresses, film crews, animators, paint & inkers that were LGBTQ+. They didn’t have their heads in the sand.

      2. Smitty

        It’s scary that there are so many people out there who vote for these lying nutjobs.

        1. Carmen

          It all charges once they get in office!

    2. Hannahbea

      Hannahbea I agree. No family values like Walt designed. It’s a sad thing.

    3. Goldie

      I think you have it backwards. It’s DeSantis who should back off. He just can’t stand when people disagree with him. Therefore he has to punish them. He thinks he is an autocratic dictator.

      1. Joel L.

        I agree 100%. God help us if he becomes the president of the U.S.

        1. Carmen

          Yes yes,God be with us!

        2. CGH

          Like he could be worse than the idiot in there right now. Smh

      2. Sherry

        How can his wife & children put up with this petty nonsense, go away already DeSantis, fix Insurance rates in Fla so people can have Homeowners Ins without working 3 jobs , oh wait, can’t afford gas to get to these jobs.

    4. Carol


    5. Phil

      Then don’t take your kids to Disney parks, buy them Disney themed clothes and toys, show them Disney movies if you even have kids. I pity you for you must have had a very sorry childhood. By your own admission, only “half the state” doesn’t like Disney. What about the other half? Don’t they have rights too? Oh, I guess they don’t if you are a DeSantis sycophant. Remember, it was the Supreme Court, dominated by right wing nuts that ruled corporations have the same free speech rights as people under our constitution. But, I guess that doesn’t matter to people like you or your governor.

      1. Big "D"

        …the “other half” can’t afford to go! And with Disney’s ridiculous pricing its a LOT MORE THAN THAT!!

        And by the way-Florida is a SOLIDLY RED STATE!!

        If you want Disney and a live in a Blue state-why don’t you move to California? Where they have such a GREAT LIBERAL PANACEA that MILLIONS of people have moved from there to Texas (Red) and Florida (Red).

        On the last shareholders meeting Iger ADMITTED that the RCID was a SHAM and as such, Desantuis is simply CORRECTING what should have been done AGES AGO!!

        You do not see Universal, SeaWorld, Bush Gardens, Et Al crying that they do not get special treatment do you?

        1. faackanders2

          The others don’t own continous property twice the size of Manhatten,

      2. Carmen


    6. TJ

      They also want to go to a theme park and feel included. Not everyone fits into YOUR idea of family. However, it is ok for YOU to impose your thoughts and values on others but not willing to share the playground with all. It seems like YOU and yours are the problem. BTW….I do fit into your small and shallow mold but I choose to be inclusive and want everyone to be happy.

    7. Sarge

      If you’d ever actually been to Disney you’d know they aren’t ‘endlessly lecturing’ anyone. There is literally nothing in the parks with any kind of political agenda. Even the much-hyped and completely ridiculous politicization of a ride makeover somehow being ‘woke’ (while completely ignoring that the problematic Peter Pan ride was not changed at all during its recent overhaul).

      Stating a corporation doesn’t have the right to speak their minds on political agendas just shows that the GOP doesn’t really think that corporations are people, they just want corporations to bend to their will. So much for being the party of big business and small government.

      It’s cool that you knew Walt, though, and his specific ideas on what Disney should stand for.

      1. Big "D"

        As an OWNER of a corporation (x2) I will tell that “Yes!” corporations are NOT people!!

        I can state my opinion all I want to…..but my Corp. can’t.

        Saying otherwise shows your ignorance to the Nth degree…..but when have FACTS ever stopped a liberal?

        1. CGH


        2. Elizabeth Baldwin

          Whoops!!! You’re statement is erroneous….
          I’m not going to go in-depth here but…. Be aware….

          Corporations have First Amendment rights. The Supreme Court’s first decision protecting individuals’ free expression rights came in 1931. Its first decision protecting a corporation’s free expression rights came just five years later, in 1936.

    8. Tink


    9. frostysnowman

      Dude, chill out.

    10. JR

      I’m sick of people like YOU, with your double standards and hypocrisy. You are disgusting.

    11. Stephanie

      Agree 100%

    12. Beth

      @Dan…Disney has never promoted any political agenda, nor do they endlessly lecture about anything (their movies are what you want to make of them…I’ve never had a problem with them). This is a case of Disney exercising their Freedom of Speech, and DeSantis getting his nose out of joint because they didn’t agree with him. He wants to be king over all. He’s costing the taxpayers of this state more and more, and the dumb Republicans just refuse to see it. We’re going to pay for the taxes he imposes on hotels, we’re going to pay for the additional tolls (people down there use those roads to get to and from work!), we’re the ones paying for people to send their kids to private schools instead of leaving them in public schools. Why not just fix the public schools? ‘Cause that’s not what the elite want. I’m sick and tired of his childish “I’ll get you” behavior. He needs to grow up and be a real governor for our state!

      1. Carmen


    13. I believe you have been misled, my friend.

    14. TS

      The new board is going to be vindictive. When it comes to building permit approval they could even run powerlines right through the center of the magic kingdom just to be petty.

  3. Squirrel

    DeSantis is an authoritarian despot who wants to rule with an iron fist. He is trying to “groom” everyone in his own image (or is it imagination?). He should count the money that Disney brings to the state. He’s not very smart—just vengeful. This is not your father’s GOP.

    1. Anonymous

      Exactly! And there are MANY FL RRPUBLICANS who do NOT stand alongside Duh.

  4. Dawn

    I am a dis person and found getting around any of the parks was a nightmare for us on wheel chair and scooter. I wasted too much money trying to enjoy anything. Disney is in violation of the Americans Disability act! I plan on ring on a suite!!! Disney should have designsted roadways for wheelchair or scooters! It was a total nightmare with people running into me.

    1. melinda

      And you will lose. All park and resorts are ADA accessible. The law doesn’t say that people with disabilities have the right to enjoy more access, or access at a lesser cost. We are all paying more for convenience these days. That puts us on equal footing. Enjoy your frivolous lawsuit.

    2. Fifi

      I don’t agree. I find Disney very easy for wheelchair users. My Mother is in a wheelchair and we’ve been many times. Everyone was kind and helpful and we’ve always had a great time. We travel alot and Disney is by far the easiest place to go with a wheelchair.

    3. Pude

      Then you must be the only one with a problem as the dozen or so times I’ve been there, so wheelchairs and scooters everywhere with no issues where they wanted to go

    4. Goofy

      So you think it’s somehow Disney’s fault that you picked a busy day to go and you expect them to keep people from bumping into you? Personally, I think their DAS program is great! I’ve used it when I could still walk, and I’ve used it in a scooter. It sounds more like you want special treatment, not “accommodations” like the ADA calls for.
      Do you insist on your own lane in Publix too?

    5. Carmen

      Stay home!

  5. Dave Williams

    Ronnie The Pooh and the Blustery Pout.

    Total abuse of power by government for a personal vendetta against a private company. He will lose in court.

  6. Dave Williams

    Has DeSantis met Disney’s lawyers? Imagine his bunch of Florida state functionaries who attained their positions through cronyism and political graft going up against those guys. I’ll pop some corn, you bring the chocolate milk. Should be totally humiliating for him.

    1. Tim Yarbro

      Popcorn and chocolate milk? Dang that sounds good.

  7. Richard Davis

    Disney has done more for Florida than Ron sanctimonious ever did. God help us if he gets to be president total power trip.

    1. Sarge

      Amen–just thinking of all the corporations he will strip of their rights unless they bend to his will is disturbing, and supports the very ideals of communism that he is supposedly against.

    2. Carmen


    3. Randel

      Disney executives past and present have been encouraged to run for president… all declined because as leaders of one of the largest multimedia and entertainment corporations it would be a massive step down in power.

  8. Lloyd

    Desantis is POS

  9. Marcus

    DeSantis isn’t going to do anything. He’s a bully and has no chance at becoming president.

    1. David Rosoff

      You do realize that’s exactly what they said about Trump, right? Look how well THAT prediction turned out (he said sarcastically)!

    2. Carmen

      Let’s pray he doesn’t!!!!

  10. Janet

    Just look at the tax money Disney brings to the state.

    Ron – leave Disney alone and concentrate on all the people who will now have guns without permits.

    1. Stephanie

      Disney is a for profit company. I was present when Disney was obtaining legal rights to build. They wanted to completely devastate the wildlife and surround land. Thankfully my father and a couple of other wise senators stopped them cold. Disney would sell their soul if it meant having a profit. People are dumb enough to spend an extra $29 per person to get on a 3 minute ride. They are laughing their way to the bank. I hope places like Universal and Sea World start getting to play on a level field with Disney now that their benefits are taken away.

      1. Do you know any of these supposed benefits that have supposedly been taken away?

    2. faackanders2


    3. Carmen

      It’s gonna be like the wild Wild West!

  11. Cyndi

    Ron DeSatan is a bully. I was raised by a bully, and it only gets worse. We need to make sure he doesn’t become President, not just hope for it. When his term is up, same thing.

    1. Carmen

      But even worse!

  12. Jack

    Disney executives, like so many others on the left, misunderstood, misrepresented or purposefully manipulated a proposed piece of legislation intended to PROTECT CHILDREN. That became the proverbial straw. Disney is now proselytizing in the guise of “educating”. Disney should not be involved in politics.

    1. Ross

      100% Agree, and like most of the news media, the author of this crap wrote it with the typical tone of trying to gin up hate for the Governor who is doing an excellent job. Disney is not above the law, and the extra right should be stripped away. They waded into a place they should never have, and it’s great to see someone stand up to them. If we don’t, corporations will run our country instead of the people.

      1. Ron D*

        Bot alert!

      2. Donald T

        SMH. Um, corporations are (run by) people. So people are running the country.

      3. Sarge

        Wait a minute–I thought corporations WERE people? You GOPers sure are confusing with all the mixed messages. We’re for big business and small government, unless that business doesn’t do what we say, or people decide to live their lives in a way we don’t like, then the opposite is true!

      4. frostysnowman

        Um, Disney didn’t break any laws. Sorry to burst your bubble.

      5. Randel

        Corporations do run this country, kinda the point of capitalism.

    2. Manny

      All corporations are involved in politics and even worse religious institutions which pay zero taxes.

    3. This seems like an issue for their shareholders, not any government body.

  13. Abstract Graphics

    I may not agree with many of the views that the left puts out there, but for DeSantis to act like a little child and insist it’s his way or no way is total childish bull.
    The revenue that Disney brings into the state of Florida is enormous.
    I also may not agree with all that Disney does but it is an awesome place that I enjoy taking my kids and grandkids.
    That is no place for politics. DeSantis – SHUT-UP PLEASE

    1. Sharon

      DeSantis needs to clean up Disney. Get all the fake genders and same sex relationships out of the movies and tv. Also Disney has been going demonicfor many years and got worse with Owl House, Satan’s daughter show, now Devil dino or something like that. All that needs to go and should not be in Disney shows and movies. It’s sick. I use to love Disney but not anymore.

      1. How is any of that stuff the business of the governor of Florida?

        You sound crazy, and very anti-American

    2. Willie E

      Totally agree. With the taxes Disney pays, the jobs that are created by them, and the tourists that are come to Florida that boost the businesses, any other state would love to have them and not try to hurt them!

  14. Steve

    DeSantis won Florida by nearly 19 percentage points over Democratic Charlie Crist, himself a former Republican Florida governor who couldn’t make up his mind which political party benefited him the most. The largest margin of victory since 1982. DeSantis defeated Andrew Gillum in his first bid for Governor in 2018. Yes, that is the same Andrew Gillum that was found in a Miami Beach hotel with a male escort (nice way to say prostitute) who had overdosed. Gillum, who was passed out on the bathroom floor naked was too inebriated to speak. A third man in the room called 911. Now it’s obvious you all don’t like DeSantis because he’s messing with your beloved WDW but the people of Florida made the right choice. Thank goodness, the alternatives were disasters waiting to happen.

  15. Phil

    If you don’t like what Disney is advocating, then don’t take your kids (if they are unlucky enough to grow up with a bigoted narrow minded parent) to Disney parks, show them Disney movies, buy them Disney toys. You may have never heard that governments are’nt supposed to pass laws which interfere with contracts, but that is exactly what DeSantis’ sycophantic legislature did and what he continues to threaten to do. Remember, it was a conservative Supreme Court that ruled that corporations have the same right to speak out under the first amendment as you or me. It is governor (lower case g) DeSantis who is violating and threatening to violate the Constitution, not Disney.

  16. Disney will crush DeSantis like the bug he is.

  17. MagicBeliever

    The more DeSantis speaks up on this the more vindictive he shows himself to be. Every time he speaks on this topic the more votes he will lose. He is WAY out of line in my opinion and needs to be shut down. Voters speak up, show everyone Floridians are much better than the Governor

  18. Paul W

    Trust me, Disney has prepared for DECADES, not months, to defend against a governor like Ron who would eventually try to pull a stunt like this. Ron was extremely naive to think otherwise.

  19. Janny

    This MADMAN has lost his d@mn mind. I live in central FL (I did NOT vote for Duh-Santis) & have kids who work for Disney. Guess what? There are 1,000s upon 1,000s upon 1,000s in this area who work there. It is their bread and butter…. their livelihood. Duh-Santis will cost them EVERYTHING. He will strain THEIR hard earned dollars. SO, how does FL financially survive? Easy answer – through TOURISM, whether it is from the theme parks or the beaches. He will tax the already stressed savings of those tourist. This obsession Duh-Santis has will DESTROY this state. Putting in toll roads & knocking down businesses around Disney to reconstruct is NOT an answer. He’ll financially stress Disney and their employees, but what about the TOURISTS and the Mom & Pop hotels, stores, restaurants surrounding Disney, who make their FULL revenues from TOURISTS? Duh-Santis will destroy them. He will financially demolish our central FL economy. This is evil… what he’s doing is… vengeful, obsessive, irresponsible, making it ALL about HIM & not FLORIDIANS. Say. Gay. Because Disney took a stand… but so did many other central FL & west FL theme parks… but Duh has no gripes with them. The man who GOT MARRIED at Disney has a NEGATIVE HYPER MANIA over Disney. Duh has mental issues & it is NOW becoming FULLY PUBLIC. It’s time for him to GO. His GOP constituents MUST wake up. Our state level representatives & senate, who are PRIMARILY GOP’ers, need to WAKE UP and KNOCK Duh out. Do NOT vote with him & his plan to DESTROY central FL… maybe ALL of Florida’s finances. Duh is nuts, so say. gay.

    1. Norma

      Please go review your history and maybe you will see this minion is following someone from the past. If the governor wants to make Florida great help raise social security and Medicare for your state. Instead of teachers , police, firefighters getting a $1000 raise make it more meaningful like another $5000 to each. Raise taxes on big business and lower the tax on seniors. Nope that won’t be done but you will stop tolls or take off certain taxes on items just before election. Come on people wake up before it is too late. Yes he won in the last election bc he got Florida back making money but look at the cost of that now.

  20. I think Desantis has lost his mind! Simple fact, a person (and might I remind you, Desantis could and will try to shut anyone up) exercised his freedom of speech. Desantis retaliated because a person disagreed with him. Desantis will punish anyone who speaks against him! Whether it comes from Disney or any other business or citizen, beware! Dictator on the loose!!!
    This, the governor who now allows anyone to run free with loaded guns, surely is not for protecting children, any citizen or visitor in Florida. He’s a dangerous man!
    As for winning, I guess the court will decide.
    Side thought, I’d like to know what Desantis plans to do when all those jobs are lost! Other than theme parks and hospitality industries, he has nothing to offer Floridians.

  21. Potter 009

    Hey jerk hope you don’t decide to run for president bc there are many many many many(can’t say it enough) people that back disney. I think if you are deciding to run for president you ought to back off slowly.

  22. Andrew

    Desantis is an EVIL FASCIST BULLY with all the so called antiwoke laws he has come up with! What is being done to Disney here is absolutely a part of his fascism. If Desantis becomes President, this country and much of the world will be in big trouble. With Desantis picking fights with Disney, I can see Desantis picking unprovoked fights with other countries if he were to become US President while having horrible evil laws domestically at same time throughout US.

    1. Mason

      Desantis hasn’t thrown his political enemies in jail. Like your buddy Joe

  23. Mikey

    If name calling is all you have you lose from the start.

    All the governor is doing is taking away the special set asides Disney enjoyed all these years. If Disney had stayed in their lane it never would have happened.

    1. CJA

      Disney and every corporation doesn’t have to “stay in their lane” per Citizens United. And what is that lane? Are not the workers at Disney World Floridians as well? Do they not have civil rights as citizens? Just because DeSantis has a bug up his b#@t doesn’t mean his ideology is superior. I cannot believe he’s taking a vendetta against the largest employer in his state – bad economics, but an angry way to the White House.

    2. Anonymous

      What lane? Who created this lane? I live in central FL & Disney has given A LOT to Orange, Osceola, Polk, and Lake counties. Disney creates jobs – so many you can’t count them. These cast members work hard for their money ‘ these are the people Duh will hurt. You know who else he’ll really hurt? The people and companies, like hotels, stores, restaurants, tourist traps throughout central FL. They make their living on tourist income. Duh is punishing the GUESTS who spent a large chunk of change to take this vacation, whether on Disney property or out on 192, I4. It’s Duh’s vindictive, obsessive compulsive punisher mentality that will ruin our central FL economy. Oh and did you know Universal, Sea World, Busch Gardens, LEGOLAND support their LGBTQ+ employees and guests too.

    3. JC

      I don’t agree. I see this is because the Disney CEO publicly gave an opinion as is his constitutional right to do so. Governor DeSantis has expressed in his speech in Michigan that these actions are a result of that opinion.

  24. Stephen

    Disney is no longer what Walt Disney intended it to be!!! It’s become a pure greedy corporate company that only goal is money and the stockholders!! Desantis is doing the right thing!!!

    1. Robert Last

      Stephen, please don’t make this a political and/or anti woke opinion your post reflects…..Disney changed to a greedy company. Disney isn’t a ‘not for profit’ corporation, it’s a capitalistic corporation….has been for 60+ years for your information.

  25. Mary L

    Gov. DeSantis obviously never read “Citizens’ United,” in which the US Supreme Court gave corporations the rights of “people,” including First Amendment rights. (By the way, I totally believe Citizens’ United” was wrongly decided, but right now it is the law—even in Florida).

  26. Matthew Brewster

    DeSantis is a pathetic; whiny little brat who can’t face the fact that he was outfoxed by a Mouse!

  27. Robert Last

    Mr Govenor….you say “Disney shouldn’t be able to operate outside the context of our constitutional system in Florida.” But let me ask you a very simple question….hasn’t Disney been operating outside the context of FL constitutional system for years (60+ years) as a very profitable, hugely popular company worldwide, and Florida’s largest tax revenue producer in your state? WTH is your beef?

  28. Archibald Alexander

    Broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. There is a truth. The religion today of the State has become Secular Humanism. The teaching of its tenets in State schools today is tearing down the family unit and will ultimately destroy this country if we don’t again seek truth, repent, and bless the one true God rather than the false gods being taught our kids today. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. ‘It’s true.

  29. Andrew Kotcher

    Improvement districts are a scam to start with.
    they reward companies with having to pay less than their fair share .
    I don’t get all you people defending Disney either, they are known for their low wages especially to the students working at Epcot, and over the past 20 years they make it a habit of layoffs of senior people who have worked there for 15-19 years totally wiping out long time careers so they can hire less experienced lesser paid employees, they made employees train their overseas replacements and generally is a money hungry company that doesn’t care about the state or its people. it isn’t until you have lived here and met quite a few employees that you learn these things. downtown Disney and Pleasure island are 2 things that crushed Orlando’s downtown area for years. most of its hotels are leased out so unions cant get a grip.
    so Disney hasn’t been very good for the surrounding areas, they introduced mid priced motels- the all star sites that severely damaged Kississmee and its budget friendly hotels and motels.
    so by all means keep on supporting the mouse that has been gnawing on the very area it lives in.

  30. Racer

    So, let me get this straight. Many comments say the Governor shouldn’t have picked a fight with a giant and they should be able to have free speech to promote whatever they wish. But, as the Governor of Florida and dealing with a company that has more money than the state and contributes money to the state, he should leave them alone. Promoting sexually explicit material to children and gender alteration surgery is a serious issue. Where does it stop? Will Disney next believe they are completely above all government and refuse to even contribute tax dollars one day or if crimes are committed on property, Florida has no grounds? Did Disney overnight become Sovereign? Are they Native Americans? What if Disney decide they were so big they could claim eminent domain and take your property because it’s next to theirs and it was to better their company, would you disagree? Many of you just said they’re too important to the state, so would you freely give them your property? I think not. Governor Desantis believes what they’re doing is wrong and the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of people who elected must believe in him also. The few minority voices that always seem to be the loudest don’t get to win just because they cry louder. Elect a liberal governor if you want liberal ideas. Then watch your highly profitable state go into the sewer like Chicago or New York or California. There’s a reason there is massive evacuation from those states to Florida and not the other way around.

    1. Domini Hunter

      Disney died years ago ! I’m a true Florida cracker and they are nothing but a greedy empire now! Haven’t wasted my money there and long time and never. They’ve killed so much history there nostalgia innocence purity and affordable fun to families as Walt Disney designed it for in the first place. Desantis it’s only making this greedy corporation pay what they owe seeing how they can more than afford to take care of things their self since they think they’re their own country! Why should they get special privileges over anyone else paying certain taxes???? Disney is ran by the devil himself!

    2. Manny

      Hey Racer next time try to present an argument that is fact based and not in hyperbole.

      You lost me on overwhelming majority. You do realize the park is in Florida but the HQ is in California?

      Please provide the proof where Disney provided sexually explicit material to children. How they promote gender altering surgery.

      The culture war is alive and well since you are pulling your claims straight from Fox sound bites.

  31. Domini Hunter

    Disney died years ago ! I’m a true Florida cracker and they are nothing but a greedy empire now! Haven’t wasted my money there and long time and never. They’ve killed so much history there nostalgia innocence purity and affordable fun to families as Walt Disney designed it for in the first place. Desantis it’s only making this greedy corporation pay what they owe seeing how they can more than afford to take care of things their self since they think they’re their own country! Why should they get special privileges over anyone else paying certain taxes???? Disney is ran by the devil himself!

    1. frostysnowman

      You do know there are hundreds of special districts like Reedy Creek in Florida, right? It wasn’t/isn’t just Disney who had this special deal. Yet this one is the only one he dissolved.

  32. frostysnowman

    Looking into toll roads?
    Looking into more hotel taxes?

    Hysterical. All that would do is add cost to an already-expensive Disney trip and keep people away. Fewer tourists, less revenue. And where on property would the tolls go? LOL – he’s got no idea what he’s talking about.

  33. Linda

    This man is power hungry. He is attempting to take down public education as he makes rules to fit a small section of the population.
    Hmmmm. Isn’t Florida supposed to be freer???

    1. Dave

      He is petty Wannabe dictator. Certainly not a statesman

  34. Joe

    I’m a fan of Disney but the old ceo screwed up plain and simple

  35. Dave

    He is petty Wannabe dictator. Certainly not a statesman

  36. Mike

    This article is one big lie.

  37. M

    I didn’t think Disney should’ve got involved in the bill and i liked SeSantis, but he’s made this personal. What he plans on doing isn’t going to affect Disney but it will everyone else. Taxes on Hotels & tools will be paid by tourists not Disney. He’s just being a jerk.

  38. Jamie

    Disney has a gift in Florida. Should’ve never had it as long as they’ve had it. However, when Disney decided to get into politics & start up rallies against stopping sexualizing kids, they deserved to have it taken away. Wanting it in Kindergarten should be every parent’s nightmare. If it’s not, the parents are the problem. Every normal parent shouldn’t want any kind of sex talk in any school especially elementary school. By the way, that’s why he won by 20 points. Keeping kids safe from sex & child rapists should be 100% from every person who has morals.

  39. Stephanie

    Disney got a lot of benefits no other company in the state of Florida got. Disney is mad because now they have to be accountable for some of their profits as well as comply with state laws concerning building, roads, hotels, etc. Disney is finally going to have to pay the price and comply with Florida laws. Personally Disney has gone down hill and completely outpriced the typical American household from ever visiting. Disney could care less.

    1. M. Walling

      Stephanie, have you been to Disney recently? It been jammed every time I’ve been there (5 times in the past 2 year). Seems like people are still able to afford it. What about the other special districts, like the Villages? Why isn’t he going after them? Oh, right they’re a right-wing enclave.

  40. Not me

    He is waisting tax payers money on HIS, vendetta against the biggest corporation in the state.
    Without Disney the central Florida area would be just another cowtown.
    We still have people living in tents in south Florida. Those who lost homes from the hurricanes, the rise of home owner’s insurance. The cost of housing and, he’s spending our tax money on a fight with a mouse?
    He’s abandoned the state already. He doesn’t care about the people here anymore.
    He is the biggest baby having a temper tantrum.
    I didn’t vote for him and he certainly will not have my vote for president.

  41. Buzzritear

    Ron DeDummy has done it again, putting his personal agenda above all of the residents of Florida. May he finish out his term and disappear or just disappear.

  42. Nancy Blanchard

    The governor should stop trying to control everything and everyone’s life.If it wasn’t for Disney FLORIDA wouldn’t be what it is today.

  43. Big "D"

    Man….Its AMAZING how much Disney has fallen. Just look at the polls about what people think of the company. Better than 60% DISAPPROVAL.

    And am I the ONLY one who has noted how poorly financially Disney has done since “going woke”?

    As a FORMER Disney annual passholder, I NEVER remember this kind of animus against Disney 20+ years ago. Oh, that’s RIGHT! Back then their focus was on WHOLESOME, FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT. And they understood that they were beholden to the SHARE HOLDERS, many of whom are current and former EMPLOYEE’S who are DEPENDING on the success of Disney shares…..and Disney had its BEST FINANCIAL SUCCESS when it stuck to American Family Values.

    But, now that they have become the last standing ‘Tower of Woke’ the has completely deviated from what made the Disney Company so successful in the past, and you would have to live in the “river of DENIAL” to be blind to the terrible financial shape they are in….

    And do NOT fault our Governor who is simply enforcing the law and the will of the people of the GREAT STATE OF FLORIDA. We simply want Disney to be like EVERY OTHER theme park, pay their fair share of taxes, have to apply for permits and pay the accompanying fee’s. Etc.

    The RCID was a farce and was simply an EXTENSION of the Disney company. Legally it was supposed to be a SEPARATE ENTITY acting in the best interest of the citizens of Reedy Creek…

    But during the last shareholder meeting, in an incredible act of hubris, Iger declared and admitted that the RCID was, in reality, simply another arm of the Disney Company-thusly exposing the FACT that the Disney company has been BREAKING THE LAW….

    I know that Liberals & Democrats have a REAL HANGUP when it comes to the word “law”. In that they do not like enforcing the ones that go against their agenda….

    Well rant here al you want, but Desantis is not going anywhere, and he is simply making things RIGHT from a legal perspective….and BTW please remember that it was Disney that “poked the bear” and started this self inflicted mess upon themselves….

    If you do not like how things are done in “Free America” Florida, I will PAY YOUR ONE WAY ticket to NY, Cali, Chi Town, Portland and you can see how well Lib policies are working there in those towns and states….

    1. karen Greissle Burberry

      I enjoy going to Disney. I see nothing wrong with it. My husband & I go with our daughter, her husband, and their two young children. It is wonderful. Something that each of us can enjoy. I don’t see what your issues are, but I don’t see or hear anything that, I wouldn’t want my grandchilren seeing or hearing.

  44. Efren

    The problem with Mr.Desanti started when he applied to inperson Goofie but Disney rejected his application due to his iq was under the low limits.

  45. Ivana

    Florida has become the state where Freedom comes to Die. He is alienating Democrats, Independants, and a percentage of Republicans. Florida has become the prime example of why it is so dangerous to have one party control. The republicans right now are out of their minds with the power they have. They are eventually doomed to fail and they did it themselves.

  46. George

    This is something I thought id never have to say because I think former President Trump is a Narcosistic Psychopath but if i am forced to vote between Past President Trump or Governor Desantis, im voting for Past President Trump. At least Past President Trump isn’t a facasist. Governor Desantis, thank you for showing your true colors so the country can see the facasist you really are. Oh, and stop wasting my hard earned taxes on your own crusades.

  47. karen Greissle Burberry

    Lors of people eenjoy Disney. Disney also attracts tourists. These tourists come for vacation and eat at restirants, shop, and go to other attractions. I think this is good for Florida. I remember watching The Wonderful World of Color with Walt Disney as a child. Then there are the many Disney movies. I didn’t vote for DeSantis for Governor, and if he continues his feud with Disney, I won’t vote for him next time. My husband and I do have annual Disney passes, and we enjoy going!

  48. William

    If you get your ass handed to you by Mickey mouse your in trouble.

  49. Ralph

    Ron DeSantis is a punk.

  50. JT

    There was a time when I hoped DeSantis would step up and be the new face of the GOP. But now that I see how he acts when his ego gets bruised, I don’t think he could be the new face of a kindergarten class. Someone should hand him a rattle and have him sit in the corner for a while to cool off.

  51. Diane

    Pudding’ face WILL and should lose this battle. How stupid for a Republican Governor to go after his state’s largest employer, largest taxpayer and biggest creator of tourism simply because they exercised their 1st Amendment right to free speech. Bye bye Ronnie – go back to the schoolyard and take your childish bullying acts with you.

  52. What are you Floridians going to do when Disney leaves Florida? And, takes that $1.116 billion in taxes with them? Is DeSantis really worth $1.116 billion dollars? A couple of days ago Disney broke ground for a brand new Walt Disney World outside of Atlanta, Georgia. DeSantis, you want to destroy Disney? Remember, the old saying DeSantis. When seeking revenge, dig 2 graves.

  53. Ralph

    Ron DeSantis is fighting against the depravity of a bloated corporation that thinks it can do whatever it wants. Iger, and the bunch are a bunch of immature high school bullies that are going to get spanked when everything is said and done.

  54. Disney is a very popular attraction. If they scale back employment or reinvestment in the park Florida will have to pay unemployment benefits and also catch hell from the construction companies that stand to lose.

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