Why do you feel that way. America is a country that was founded on fighting the government. In fact, the Constitution protects the right of corporations to fight the government. Is the Constitution wrong?
“As mentioned earlier, these are the times we’re living in. It would be nice if those who needed a break from reality could visit a Disney Park without being slammed with political news every time. Disney has always been an escape from the chaotic world at times, but now the company seems to be drowning in the same problems it was designed to help people forget about.”
Nathan – What constitution are you talking about? “I do not think it means what you think it means” to coin a phrase. There is no call or directive in the Constitution for corporations to fight the government. That is – I am sorry – completely absurd. Not being critical of you but what they taught in school is (most likely what you heard) is complete fabrication. When Fredrick Douglass was approached by a group to enlist his criticis of the doc – he said first he had to read it. When he did he saw in it its brilliance.
The Supreme Court ruled that corporations have the right to freedom of speech. That’s where this whole issue started. The governor didn’t like that Disney’s former CEO spoke against a law/bill and said the company would not financially support any candidate that supported this law/bill.
I feel there is enough responsibility for the situation on both sides. Chapek should have kept his butt out of politics; DeSantis should not be sticking his nose in a successful buiness that brings million$ to his state. The pandemic sure the hell didn’t help !!!!
We shouldn’t have minority groups dictating policy. Yes, they have their rights, but their rights aren’t any more important than others…..especially when there is no basis in science. There enough laws on the books to cover all their complaints. All government has to do is enforce them. And parents have the ultimate right for what their children are taught.
As much as I have enjoyed my trips to WDW, I feel like another visit would be a waste ! I hear too many comments that the magic is gone, there is too much “planning” via parks apps making the freedom of a vacation feel too much like my former career (I’m a retired engineer…plan, plan, plan !!!) I was part of the original Mickey Mouse Club in the early 50’s. I have subscriptions to Disney magazines, and a bookshelf full of books. I feel sad that that part of my life’s enjoyment is being destroied.
Parents have rights for their children but it should not take the right of one parent to ban a book or whatever for all the children. I can take care of my own children! STOP WITH THE BANNING OF EVERYTHING!
No private business should be telling the government how it should be run. Governments tell business how they can run all the time. We have the Department of transportation, States require licenses for many businesses, ( daycare, hair salons, etc…) There is a federal minimum wage, restaurants are required to have people trained as Safe Serve and CPR, The government is involved in every aspect of business.
I wonder how many respondents, or other Americans, realize Disney isn’t the only entity in Florida who has a special district or tax status? If people knew they were one of a thousand or they were the ONLY one out of a thousand to be targeted be DeSantis, would their opinions change.
If we just look at the poll. Harris is one of the most trusted pill takers who was acquired by Nielsen.
Furthermore, reputation wise they are in the top range of pollsters.
My concern as a researcher and someone who has researched and written a dissertation is their methodology. Moreover their methods and their audience.
Lastly who paid for the poll. Harris and Nielsen do not create polls for charity. A good example of bias was a singular research paper which was taunted during the pandemic on the ineffectiveness of masks. I reviewed the paper and found the not only was the conclusion confounded but the research was paid for by the owner of a huge chain of stores in Norway which did not want his stores shut down or restricted.
Exactly! Currently it seems that the only voice we really hear in the news is that of the Conservatives. Seems everything is slanted their way. Hmmm…wonder why? Very few people will actually do the research required to find out the truth of polls, etc., like this.
Disney made the mistake of standing up for their LGBTQ employees, which just flew all over DeSantis and his little narrow mind. He’s now considering pushing to have the “Don’t say Gay” bill include K-12! And hes also has a bill ready to be approved that will stop the Governor, legislatures, etc., in Florida to no longer have to report any of their travel expenses, etc., that is paid with taxpayer dollars. The “Transparency Act” (or whatever it was called) is coming to an end. Do people not see that these things are building up, and that FL is going to have a heck of a time digging it’s way out of his mess?!
Excuse me. Most new stations are covering for Biden’s increasing brain erosion. No one but conservatives are talking about the Biden’s China involvement. No one except conservatives are covering the fact that 1000s of illegal immigrants are crossing the border bring drugs every day. If you don’t specifically turn in to watch conservative news, you’d think that Biden is competent, Hunter Biden is an angel and the border is secure. Drink the koolaid much?
Government should stop over-reaching. I used to vote republican, but now vote democrat. Don’t like either, but the Republicans in power are stupid, crazy, and lost the soul of their party.
Why would Disney get involved to support teaching children under 8 yrs old about anything to do with sexual stuff of any kind? That just seems incredibly bizzare and stupid.
If they word the question “Do you believe DeSantis continually going after Disney is only retaliation for them voicing their disagreement with him?” would the percentages be the same?
The trouble with polls is that they are skewed by who is polled. If you ask 100 people and 65 are Republicans you are going to get an entirely different result than if 65 are Democrats! The only way to get a fair poll is to make sure that all respondents are divided equally according to the sides of the polls. I wasn’t asked to participate but if I had been I would side with Disney….I think DeSsntas is a jerk…just my option! Personally, I would love to see Disney pull up stakes and move to VA or Maryland. Closer to the big cities east of the Mississippi. Really, with climate change, most of Florida will be under water by 2075 anyway!
If this poll had asked the people of Florida most of us can’t stand our Governor. This is all about his almighty ego thinking that he knows what is better for our families than we do. His ego is hurt and he obviously has a very bad temperament by the way he keeps lashing out at a private corporation and thinking that he knows what the people of Florida want, when most of us haven’t been asked. This poll is just one of many that is guessing what we all want. Try asking real people not just certain people when you poll.
And, as pointed out, word it in such a way that it highlights the fact that DeSantis is trying to punish a private business for disagreeing with his almighty opinion. I have (rather obsessively) read every article that shows up in my news feed on this, and the comments. I’m aware that DeSantis won reelection very easily, so it would seem that the people of Florida (at that time) liked his views. Now? Not so much. He left for a book tour and ignored Ft. Lauderdale being underwater. He has spent a TON of taxpayer money on lawyers, with more to come, fighting the state’s largest single-site employer and largest corporate taxpayer with no understanding how devastating this could be if he gets his way. I’m sure the taxpayers in the two counties covered by the Disney property have no desire to see the Mouse’s bond debt and formerly covered infrastructure suddenly added to their already high property taxes. And speaking of property costs, I’m reading that Floridians are losing homeowner’s insurance as insurance companies flee the state. And those who haven’t lost insurance have seen their rates skyrocket. But none of that matters. DeSantis is going to win against a monolith with a massive and experienced legal team – at all costs. And I hope to goodness it costs him the nomination.
Nope . At 76, and living in Florida my whole life, former teacher of government and economics, for juvenile counselor, Disney is way out of line. And out of the blue comes a knight in shinning armor, Ron Desantis.
Political poll is the word here…most people I know think DeSantis is being a dick. He’s on on personal quest of vindictiveness. Walt Disney had a vision, bought SWAMPLAND in the middle of nowhere, built an entire community, brought jobs and tourism to central Florida. Now that it’s worth a pretty penny this governor wants more money, more money but even more than that revenge for the audacity of going against him.
DeSantis is great for Florida. A blueprint for what other states should be trying to follow. Disney stuck their nose in state politics saying that they would overturn a bill “with everything they had available.” Why don’t you people read what the bill says. Here is the short version-stop teaching young children inappropriate subjects. Teach them what they need to further themselves in life. Newsflash-teaching gender propaganda is not a subject that is going to help any child to advance themselves in life. DeSantis and other governors could go even further by keeping it out of K-18 schools altogether. Parents need to stick together on this for our children’s sake and stop listening to Dem propaganda. Disney was getting special priviledge’s as compared to other businesses in Florida. Now the playing field will be leveled and Disney is trying to get around this anyway possible. Does anyone actually think that Disney has been doing us all a solid for the last few years? Prices increase and services decrease. Inflation is up but Disney raised their prices above and beyond. I like going to Disney World as well as the next family but they have to look at their business model and do some major changes. Get back to the family oriented entertainment instead of being an activist company.
In what elementary school was there gender and sex studies? Its pure discrimination on DeSantis’ part, it is unjust and unfair, and he got called out on that fact and his ego can’t take it.
The Disney/DeSantis feud is main stream media hype only. Does MSM print anything about how the law effects other businesses also? No. Why? Because it’s Disney. Disney is a very well known entity that a majority want to be part of. MSM doesn’t mention the lesser known businesses that are effected because those businesses aren’t as notable or currently as controversial, because of their lesser notoriety.
Thennnnn maybe Disney should have kept their noses out of politically charged issues but since they couldn’t just be the dream makers we hoped they would be they had to jump on a side vocally and make noise SO… maybe it’s just me but it sounds to me that they want to be the poster children for the rich paying higher taxes, right? Tax breaks? No, no, no, no, noooooo- can’t have it both ways.
Those polls do NOT cover the entire USA, the entire East Coast, OR the entire South, or even Florida! Those polls do NOT show the views of ALL Americans only 1068 of us?! Don’t be duped by this. DeSantis is a bully and since he is rubbing noses with his new HBR (Head Bully in Residence) he thinks he can just change rules to fit the GOP. I, personally, am getting very tired of all governments NOT looking after the benefits of all citizens and just focusing on what the 1%ers want to get richer. Rich or poor alike, we are all in this together and it’s time we stand up and let these greedy, egotisitical, money-mongering politicians know that we are ALL not happy with the direction this country is headed and change who we vote for. Stop letting them “wag the dog” all the time and let’s pay attention!
Comments for According to Political Poll, Americans Agree With Ron DeSantis Over Disney Feud
Disney shouldn’t be fighting any government. No business should.
Why do you feel that way. America is a country that was founded on fighting the government. In fact, the Constitution protects the right of corporations to fight the government. Is the Constitution wrong?
“As mentioned earlier, these are the times we’re living in. It would be nice if those who needed a break from reality could visit a Disney Park without being slammed with political news every time. Disney has always been an escape from the chaotic world at times, but now the company seems to be drowning in the same problems it was designed to help people forget about.”
Forgot to add Touche’
Nathan – What constitution are you talking about? “I do not think it means what you think it means” to coin a phrase. There is no call or directive in the Constitution for corporations to fight the government. That is – I am sorry – completely absurd. Not being critical of you but what they taught in school is (most likely what you heard) is complete fabrication. When Fredrick Douglass was approached by a group to enlist his criticis of the doc – he said first he had to read it. When he did he saw in it its brilliance.
The Supreme Court ruled that corporations have the right to freedom of speech. That’s where this whole issue started. The governor didn’t like that Disney’s former CEO spoke against a law/bill and said the company would not financially support any candidate that supported this law/bill.
Dan F.
I feel there is enough responsibility for the situation on both sides. Chapek should have kept his butt out of politics; DeSantis should not be sticking his nose in a successful buiness that brings million$ to his state. The pandemic sure the hell didn’t help !!!!
We shouldn’t have minority groups dictating policy. Yes, they have their rights, but their rights aren’t any more important than others…..especially when there is no basis in science. There enough laws on the books to cover all their complaints. All government has to do is enforce them. And parents have the ultimate right for what their children are taught.
As much as I have enjoyed my trips to WDW, I feel like another visit would be a waste ! I hear too many comments that the magic is gone, there is too much “planning” via parks apps making the freedom of a vacation feel too much like my former career (I’m a retired engineer…plan, plan, plan !!!) I was part of the original Mickey Mouse Club in the early 50’s. I have subscriptions to Disney magazines, and a bookshelf full of books. I feel sad that that part of my life’s enjoyment is being destroied.
Parents have rights for their children but it should not take the right of one parent to ban a book or whatever for all the children. I can take care of my own children! STOP WITH THE BANNING OF EVERYTHING!
Henry Lamb
Quite oversimplification
Teddy Gingerich
No government should be telling a private business how it should be run.
Kelly Connerton
No private business should be telling the government how it should be run. Governments tell business how they can run all the time. We have the Department of transportation, States require licenses for many businesses, ( daycare, hair salons, etc…) There is a federal minimum wage, restaurants are required to have people trained as Safe Serve and CPR, The government is involved in every aspect of business.
Gary L
I wonder how many respondents, or other Americans, realize Disney isn’t the only entity in Florida who has a special district or tax status? If people knew they were one of a thousand or they were the ONLY one out of a thousand to be targeted be DeSantis, would their opinions change.
Teddy Gingerich
I looked up the number when all this started, and it’s close to 2000. None of which are being targeted. Hmmmm.
Dr. Manny
If we just look at the poll. Harris is one of the most trusted pill takers who was acquired by Nielsen.
Furthermore, reputation wise they are in the top range of pollsters.
My concern as a researcher and someone who has researched and written a dissertation is their methodology. Moreover their methods and their audience.
Lastly who paid for the poll. Harris and Nielsen do not create polls for charity. A good example of bias was a singular research paper which was taunted during the pandemic on the ineffectiveness of masks. I reviewed the paper and found the not only was the conclusion confounded but the research was paid for by the owner of a huge chain of stores in Norway which did not want his stores shut down or restricted.
Dr. Manny
Please forgive two errors in my writing. Poll not pill, and touted not taunted.
Beth W
Exactly! Currently it seems that the only voice we really hear in the news is that of the Conservatives. Seems everything is slanted their way. Hmmm…wonder why? Very few people will actually do the research required to find out the truth of polls, etc., like this.
Disney made the mistake of standing up for their LGBTQ employees, which just flew all over DeSantis and his little narrow mind. He’s now considering pushing to have the “Don’t say Gay” bill include K-12! And hes also has a bill ready to be approved that will stop the Governor, legislatures, etc., in Florida to no longer have to report any of their travel expenses, etc., that is paid with taxpayer dollars. The “Transparency Act” (or whatever it was called) is coming to an end. Do people not see that these things are building up, and that FL is going to have a heck of a time digging it’s way out of his mess?!
Sandra Diane Mack
Excuse me. Most new stations are covering for Biden’s increasing brain erosion. No one but conservatives are talking about the Biden’s China involvement. No one except conservatives are covering the fact that 1000s of illegal immigrants are crossing the border bring drugs every day. If you don’t specifically turn in to watch conservative news, you’d think that Biden is competent, Hunter Biden is an angel and the border is secure. Drink the koolaid much?
Government should stop over-reaching. I used to vote republican, but now vote democrat. Don’t like either, but the Republicans in power are stupid, crazy, and lost the soul of their party.
Henry Lamb
No, Disney had no business and has rotten morals to become involved with little children and sex and perverted sex. Period.
Donald J
Did FOX news assist with the polling?
Mark Whatley
Why would Disney get involved to support teaching children under 8 yrs old about anything to do with sexual stuff of any kind? That just seems incredibly bizzare and stupid.
If they word the question “Do you believe DeSantis continually going after Disney is only retaliation for them voicing their disagreement with him?” would the percentages be the same?
I doubt it
The trouble with polls is that they are skewed by who is polled. If you ask 100 people and 65 are Republicans you are going to get an entirely different result than if 65 are Democrats! The only way to get a fair poll is to make sure that all respondents are divided equally according to the sides of the polls. I wasn’t asked to participate but if I had been I would side with Disney….I think DeSsntas is a jerk…just my option! Personally, I would love to see Disney pull up stakes and move to VA or Maryland. Closer to the big cities east of the Mississippi. Really, with climate change, most of Florida will be under water by 2075 anyway!
If this poll had asked the people of Florida most of us can’t stand our Governor. This is all about his almighty ego thinking that he knows what is better for our families than we do. His ego is hurt and he obviously has a very bad temperament by the way he keeps lashing out at a private corporation and thinking that he knows what the people of Florida want, when most of us haven’t been asked. This poll is just one of many that is guessing what we all want. Try asking real people not just certain people when you poll.
Teddy Gingerich
And, as pointed out, word it in such a way that it highlights the fact that DeSantis is trying to punish a private business for disagreeing with his almighty opinion. I have (rather obsessively) read every article that shows up in my news feed on this, and the comments. I’m aware that DeSantis won reelection very easily, so it would seem that the people of Florida (at that time) liked his views. Now? Not so much. He left for a book tour and ignored Ft. Lauderdale being underwater. He has spent a TON of taxpayer money on lawyers, with more to come, fighting the state’s largest single-site employer and largest corporate taxpayer with no understanding how devastating this could be if he gets his way. I’m sure the taxpayers in the two counties covered by the Disney property have no desire to see the Mouse’s bond debt and formerly covered infrastructure suddenly added to their already high property taxes. And speaking of property costs, I’m reading that Floridians are losing homeowner’s insurance as insurance companies flee the state. And those who haven’t lost insurance have seen their rates skyrocket. But none of that matters. DeSantis is going to win against a monolith with a massive and experienced legal team – at all costs. And I hope to goodness it costs him the nomination.
Sandra Diane Mack
How did he win by an overwhelming margin?
Henry Lamb
Nope . At 76, and living in Florida my whole life, former teacher of government and economics, for juvenile counselor, Disney is way out of line. And out of the blue comes a knight in shinning armor, Ron Desantis.
They may be out of line in your opinion, but it’s their right to be out of line ! Constitution!
Political poll is the word here…most people I know think DeSantis is being a dick. He’s on on personal quest of vindictiveness. Walt Disney had a vision, bought SWAMPLAND in the middle of nowhere, built an entire community, brought jobs and tourism to central Florida. Now that it’s worth a pretty penny this governor wants more money, more money but even more than that revenge for the audacity of going against him.
DeSantis is great for Florida. A blueprint for what other states should be trying to follow. Disney stuck their nose in state politics saying that they would overturn a bill “with everything they had available.” Why don’t you people read what the bill says. Here is the short version-stop teaching young children inappropriate subjects. Teach them what they need to further themselves in life. Newsflash-teaching gender propaganda is not a subject that is going to help any child to advance themselves in life. DeSantis and other governors could go even further by keeping it out of K-18 schools altogether. Parents need to stick together on this for our children’s sake and stop listening to Dem propaganda. Disney was getting special priviledge’s as compared to other businesses in Florida. Now the playing field will be leveled and Disney is trying to get around this anyway possible. Does anyone actually think that Disney has been doing us all a solid for the last few years? Prices increase and services decrease. Inflation is up but Disney raised their prices above and beyond. I like going to Disney World as well as the next family but they have to look at their business model and do some major changes. Get back to the family oriented entertainment instead of being an activist company.
Fine, I'm Leaving
In what elementary school was there gender and sex studies? Its pure discrimination on DeSantis’ part, it is unjust and unfair, and he got called out on that fact and his ego can’t take it.
Sean Golden
It’s a Bit GOP led (the poll) and Let the poll be taken Nation Wide and see the difference.
The Disney/DeSantis feud is main stream media hype only. Does MSM print anything about how the law effects other businesses also? No. Why? Because it’s Disney. Disney is a very well known entity that a majority want to be part of. MSM doesn’t mention the lesser known businesses that are effected because those businesses aren’t as notable or currently as controversial, because of their lesser notoriety.
Kenth Mcabe
Thennnnn maybe Disney should have kept their noses out of politically charged issues but since they couldn’t just be the dream makers we hoped they would be they had to jump on a side vocally and make noise SO… maybe it’s just me but it sounds to me that they want to be the poster children for the rich paying higher taxes, right? Tax breaks? No, no, no, no, noooooo- can’t have it both ways.
Erin H.
Desantis needs to leave the Mouse House out of his political agenda and stop acting like a child because someone did not agree with what he said.
Henry Lamb
Its not that they said it its what they said.
Those polls do NOT cover the entire USA, the entire East Coast, OR the entire South, or even Florida! Those polls do NOT show the views of ALL Americans only 1068 of us?! Don’t be duped by this. DeSantis is a bully and since he is rubbing noses with his new HBR (Head Bully in Residence) he thinks he can just change rules to fit the GOP. I, personally, am getting very tired of all governments NOT looking after the benefits of all citizens and just focusing on what the 1%ers want to get richer. Rich or poor alike, we are all in this together and it’s time we stand up and let these greedy, egotisitical, money-mongering politicians know that we are ALL not happy with the direction this country is headed and change who we vote for. Stop letting them “wag the dog” all the time and let’s pay attention!
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