When I was a kid in the 60’s, if you acted up you got taken to the bathroom for an attitude adjustment. Couple of snacks on the butt is not child abuse. However, a beating constitutes being smacked several times and not always on the rear.
I’ve been to parks where a screaming brat throwing a temper tantrum can ruin your whole experience.
The longer you let it go, the worse it will get.
You are whats wrong with the world. A “screaming brat” isn’t a child throwing a tantrum! But simply a child in need of something from their parent! They are unable to communicate their needs in that moment so they cry out. Educate yourself better. This isn’t the 1960’s.
I don’t see where they said anything about beating the child, they said an attitude adjustment.. which typically, as a child from 1970 .. meant a quick seat to the butt, not a beating.. and typically not even painful. Just enough of a swat to the butt to say.. stop this isn’t going to continue. Sometimes we need something to snap us out of tantrum. There are kids that are screaming to scream. I have one 11yr old with ODD.. and although I’ve never spanked him… I sure can see why parents still use spanking. He is larger than me, and he often does aggressive things in public to see if he can get a response or get away with something. He is not a small child that is having a tantrum but when I took his phone this year for shop lifting (something that has been an issue from an early age) he kicked and yelled and screamed. No amount of talking to was getting him to calm down. My husband took him back to our room where he continued .. and told him if he didn’t calm down he was going to call 911 and the ambulance and police could come and calm him down. My husband who was born in 1959 says he should have just swatted his butt the first time something like this happened and it wouldn’t keep happening. Sometimes there are children that at an appropriate age 4-6 yrs, that know enough not to throw a tantrum and are doing it to get attention or their way… and a quick swat to the butt, not a beating, is a good learning tool. It shows the child you know what, this is not how we act and I’m not going to put up with it. If more parents would do this and stop talking so much, maybe the new generation wouldn’t cry over every little thing that didn’t go their way and learn to behave in public.
Marie, I agree with you 100%! I never spanked, hit or slapped any of my 3 children! They are now adults and never have hit, slapped their children. Sorry, Donna, but you are wrong. There are better ways to deal with a child having a meltdown.
Marie you are what is wrong with the world today. to many people like you who think you are entitled to tell someone else how to raise they’re children. If a child is having a tantrum for no better reason than to get it’s way then a smack on the bottom is justified.
Calvin, perhaps if you had paid attention in school, you’d have learned the difference between they’re, their and there. Also, you might have learned how to properly use apostrophes.
And hitting your kid because you’re mad only teaches them that those who are bigger can use their size and power to hurt those who are smaller.
marie, i hate to say this but a screaming brat is a screaming brat. My children and my grandchildren all know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. I have some of these at Disney/dw/and others. they were screaming and throwing a fit because parent said no to this or that. that is a brat. so maybe you need to educate yourself. plus just because you may have been raised in the 60’s, 70’s, and on doesn’t mean people are out of touch. today’s children and some adults think the world owes them everything and guess what you are not entitled. you have to earn it not just be given it.
I’ve been going to Disney since the 70’s and my family and I are annual pass holders and I have only once seen a child slapped by parent. This kid was completely out of control and the parents took lot of restraint before slapping the kid on bottom
Been going to Disney for over 30 years… I guess I’ve been going at the wrong times. I’ve never seen abuse like what’s mentioned here in this article, not that it doesn’t exist but I also don’t look over a bathroom stall to checkout the situation like the person in the article did.
Same for me in all our trips…also “article” lacked context other than the pervy bathroom creeper…a smack on the butt doesn’t constitute a beating, nor do I advocate beating a kid no matter how much of an A-hole mine can be but that’s not the point. Aside from life, limb or eyesight people need to mind their own business
When I grew up you knew better than to act up in public or you would get smacked. That’s not abuse that’s discipline. Love how those that don’t know judge others.
We go to Disney every year for 2-3 weeks as DVC and club 33 members. In the last 2-3yrs we’ve seen more and more instances of parents, typically mums, loosing it. This year we saw two instances where security got involved. One was a mum who pushed her maybe 14yr old boy to the ground and was screaming obscenities and slur words at him.. and she pushed him hard. It looked like he had a broken arm, and he definitely had road rash on his cheek. The second was a Mum that lost it with her 12-18 MONTH old, yes you read that right, she had her on a leash.. and the kid kept trying to get further ahead… and at first the mother pulled the leash a bit and the kid came back but after a minute or so the mother reefed on the leash so hard the baby fell backwards and hit her head off the pavement… and the mum… was pulling the leash … in turn pulling the kid across the hot pavement and the kid was screeching bloody murder and the mother reached down and covered her mouth and nose with her hand! WTH! Security came right up. We left no idea what happened in the end. But we saw maybe 2-3 occurrences a day while there.
I also was a child in the 60s. My mother used to spank us with a metal flyswatter – on the back of the thighs where it left red welts. We were never truly beaten (think belt with buckle), but we were spanked. What did it teach me? That those in power can do what they like, and the way to avoid getting hit was to be sneakier and a better liar.
My girls are grown (millennials) and we never hit them. They undoubtedly got away with some stuff (I learn about things to this day), nothing reached the level of “I need to hit my kid to teach her who’s boss.” Only once did I grab my older one and yank her by the arm; she was two and ignored me, nearly walking into the street of the town we lived in. Yelled at her, but didn’t hit her. The grab and yelling was enough.
Decades of research and anecdotal stories like mine have shown that for nearly all children, physical punishment has no positive effects – and plenty of negative ones.
Perhaps the parents who are at a theme park with a young child who has a meltdown should stop and think about the why. I can go to DL and spend 10 hours there in the summer and be fine (at 65 I now need rest breaks). But kids have different needs. Is the meltdown because your child has been on their feet for hours without a break, running from ride to ride? Are they in need of a snack? A rest? A nap? This doesn’t address the challenges faced by parents with neurodivergent children or the commenter whose child has ODD; I don’t have experience with those things and have no business speaking to them. But for regular old kids, thinking about their needs before resulting to hitting them generally does a better job.
I have been a passholder for many years and go to the parks monthly. The screaming/yelling kids has gotten worse the last few years. Part of the issue is the LOOOOONG wait times for rides/shows. Kids get bored and want to roam around. Parents try to keep them from bothering others in line, but after telling them multiple times to stop, you can see the switch flip and the parent get frustrated/angry. I have popped my son on the butt at Disney for not listening. I have seen kids being assaulted by the parent. I get the attention of the closest cast member asap. I have also seen a mam hit his wife/gf. I called him out on it, to purposely cause a scene, which in turned got a cast member and security. He was escorted out by police, I got a thank you from the woman. I am a firm believer that there are just too many guests in the parks nowdays. My pass is set to renew next month and after 18 years, I think I am letting it expire.
Really? What Disney in what universe did you see this? I’ve seen a lot of parents with a lot of restraint with their kids, and I’ve seen parents with kids who were being brats because they didn’t get their way …aka…. Mom and Dad said “NO” to something, and the parents did a damn good job in their handling of the situation. The only bad thing I’ve seen is parents who brought literally newborns to the park who were suffering from over heating.
Comments for Mother Assaults Child at Disney World
When I was a kid in the 60’s, if you acted up you got taken to the bathroom for an attitude adjustment. Couple of snacks on the butt is not child abuse. However, a beating constitutes being smacked several times and not always on the rear.
I’ve been to parks where a screaming brat throwing a temper tantrum can ruin your whole experience.
The longer you let it go, the worse it will get.
You are whats wrong with the world. A “screaming brat” isn’t a child throwing a tantrum! But simply a child in need of something from their parent! They are unable to communicate their needs in that moment so they cry out. Educate yourself better. This isn’t the 1960’s.
Dana Ducote
Educate yourself. If a child is throwing a tantrum in public needs to go to the bathroom for a attitude adjustment.
Let me take my child into the bathroom
and beat the crap out of them instead of finding out what the real problem is. What an awesome mother I am.
~You probably~
I don’t see where they said anything about beating the child, they said an attitude adjustment.. which typically, as a child from 1970 .. meant a quick seat to the butt, not a beating.. and typically not even painful. Just enough of a swat to the butt to say.. stop this isn’t going to continue. Sometimes we need something to snap us out of tantrum. There are kids that are screaming to scream. I have one 11yr old with ODD.. and although I’ve never spanked him… I sure can see why parents still use spanking. He is larger than me, and he often does aggressive things in public to see if he can get a response or get away with something. He is not a small child that is having a tantrum but when I took his phone this year for shop lifting (something that has been an issue from an early age) he kicked and yelled and screamed. No amount of talking to was getting him to calm down. My husband took him back to our room where he continued .. and told him if he didn’t calm down he was going to call 911 and the ambulance and police could come and calm him down. My husband who was born in 1959 says he should have just swatted his butt the first time something like this happened and it wouldn’t keep happening. Sometimes there are children that at an appropriate age 4-6 yrs, that know enough not to throw a tantrum and are doing it to get attention or their way… and a quick swat to the butt, not a beating, is a good learning tool. It shows the child you know what, this is not how we act and I’m not going to put up with it. If more parents would do this and stop talking so much, maybe the new generation wouldn’t cry over every little thing that didn’t go their way and learn to behave in public.
Marie, I agree with you 100%! I never spanked, hit or slapped any of my 3 children! They are now adults and never have hit, slapped their children. Sorry, Donna, but you are wrong. There are better ways to deal with a child having a meltdown.
Calvin Stephens
Marie you are what is wrong with the world today. to many people like you who think you are entitled to tell someone else how to raise they’re children. If a child is having a tantrum for no better reason than to get it’s way then a smack on the bottom is justified.
Teddy Gingerich
Calvin, perhaps if you had paid attention in school, you’d have learned the difference between they’re, their and there. Also, you might have learned how to properly use apostrophes.
And hitting your kid because you’re mad only teaches them that those who are bigger can use their size and power to hurt those who are smaller.
You are a bully. Degrading is bulling in case you did not pay attention in School.
Hi Calvin, using fear to discipline a child is the lazy way- teaching them takes effort. Maybe you were raised by animals?
marie, i hate to say this but a screaming brat is a screaming brat. My children and my grandchildren all know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. I have some of these at Disney/dw/and others. they were screaming and throwing a fit because parent said no to this or that. that is a brat. so maybe you need to educate yourself. plus just because you may have been raised in the 60’s, 70’s, and on doesn’t mean people are out of touch. today’s children and some adults think the world owes them everything and guess what you are not entitled. you have to earn it not just be given it.
I’ve been going to Disney since the 70’s and my family and I are annual pass holders and I have only once seen a child slapped by parent. This kid was completely out of control and the parents took lot of restraint before slapping the kid on bottom
Lisa Pappas
Been going to Disney for over 30 years… I guess I’ve been going at the wrong times. I’ve never seen abuse like what’s mentioned here in this article, not that it doesn’t exist but I also don’t look over a bathroom stall to checkout the situation like the person in the article did.
Same for me in all our trips…also “article” lacked context other than the pervy bathroom creeper…a smack on the butt doesn’t constitute a beating, nor do I advocate beating a kid no matter how much of an A-hole mine can be but that’s not the point. Aside from life, limb or eyesight people need to mind their own business
When I grew up you knew better than to act up in public or you would get smacked. That’s not abuse that’s discipline. Love how those that don’t know judge others.
We go to Disney every year for 2-3 weeks as DVC and club 33 members. In the last 2-3yrs we’ve seen more and more instances of parents, typically mums, loosing it. This year we saw two instances where security got involved. One was a mum who pushed her maybe 14yr old boy to the ground and was screaming obscenities and slur words at him.. and she pushed him hard. It looked like he had a broken arm, and he definitely had road rash on his cheek. The second was a Mum that lost it with her 12-18 MONTH old, yes you read that right, she had her on a leash.. and the kid kept trying to get further ahead… and at first the mother pulled the leash a bit and the kid came back but after a minute or so the mother reefed on the leash so hard the baby fell backwards and hit her head off the pavement… and the mum… was pulling the leash … in turn pulling the kid across the hot pavement and the kid was screeching bloody murder and the mother reached down and covered her mouth and nose with her hand! WTH! Security came right up. We left no idea what happened in the end. But we saw maybe 2-3 occurrences a day while there.
Teddy Gingerich
I also was a child in the 60s. My mother used to spank us with a metal flyswatter – on the back of the thighs where it left red welts. We were never truly beaten (think belt with buckle), but we were spanked. What did it teach me? That those in power can do what they like, and the way to avoid getting hit was to be sneakier and a better liar.
My girls are grown (millennials) and we never hit them. They undoubtedly got away with some stuff (I learn about things to this day), nothing reached the level of “I need to hit my kid to teach her who’s boss.” Only once did I grab my older one and yank her by the arm; she was two and ignored me, nearly walking into the street of the town we lived in. Yelled at her, but didn’t hit her. The grab and yelling was enough.
Decades of research and anecdotal stories like mine have shown that for nearly all children, physical punishment has no positive effects – and plenty of negative ones.
Perhaps the parents who are at a theme park with a young child who has a meltdown should stop and think about the why. I can go to DL and spend 10 hours there in the summer and be fine (at 65 I now need rest breaks). But kids have different needs. Is the meltdown because your child has been on their feet for hours without a break, running from ride to ride? Are they in need of a snack? A rest? A nap? This doesn’t address the challenges faced by parents with neurodivergent children or the commenter whose child has ODD; I don’t have experience with those things and have no business speaking to them. But for regular old kids, thinking about their needs before resulting to hitting them generally does a better job.
you were spanked with METAL?? i’m so sorry…
I have been a passholder for many years and go to the parks monthly. The screaming/yelling kids has gotten worse the last few years. Part of the issue is the LOOOOONG wait times for rides/shows. Kids get bored and want to roam around. Parents try to keep them from bothering others in line, but after telling them multiple times to stop, you can see the switch flip and the parent get frustrated/angry. I have popped my son on the butt at Disney for not listening. I have seen kids being assaulted by the parent. I get the attention of the closest cast member asap. I have also seen a mam hit his wife/gf. I called him out on it, to purposely cause a scene, which in turned got a cast member and security. He was escorted out by police, I got a thank you from the woman. I am a firm believer that there are just too many guests in the parks nowdays. My pass is set to renew next month and after 18 years, I think I am letting it expire.
Really? What Disney in what universe did you see this? I’ve seen a lot of parents with a lot of restraint with their kids, and I’ve seen parents with kids who were being brats because they didn’t get their way …aka…. Mom and Dad said “NO” to something, and the parents did a damn good job in their handling of the situation. The only bad thing I’ve seen is parents who brought literally newborns to the park who were suffering from over heating.
a little too far...
um, banning parents from disney might actually make the situation worse. because then who’s gonna watch the kids? the cast members??
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