Former Homeless Cast Member Shames Disney For Latest Union Offer

Comments for Former Homeless Cast Member Shames Disney For Latest Union Offer

Left: Cinderella Castle as viewed from under an arch on Main Street, U.S.A. Right: Jessica, a white woman with brown hair, passionately speaks while greenscreened in front of a union protest photo.


  1. Gary

    I still think $25 per hr is possible and the CM’s should hold firm. And the different Appt. locations should reduce their rates to where people can afford to live. What would happen if Disney & Appt. places kept on, many people would leave not many would take their place then Disney and the Appt. places would be up a creek with out a paddle and go bankrupt!

  2. Steve

    It would be easier to support Disney against this extortion attempt if they weren’t constantly pushing far-left agendas and weren’t known for firing anyone right of Obama. The way I see it, they deserve what they are getting. Enjoy paying fifty dollars to toilet scrubbers.

  3. Nicole

    It’s shameful that they have such a large percentage of employees who are homeless… given the insane costs associated with a trip to a Disney park these days, how on earth do they justify not paying better wages to their employees.

    1. John

      So lemme understand this. They offer you $xx.xx for pay. You accept this and start working for them. THEN you complain about the wage? I mean…you accepted it!

      1. Edward

        So John you offer your employees a “take it or leave it approach ” and when they’re forced to accept it….You say…”See they were happy for it”????

        1. Steve

          You aren’t forced to work for any specific employer. If you feel you are, that is a problem with you, not the employer.

      2. Bob

        When you agree to a wage, that doesn’t mean forever. If the cost of living spikes significantly (like it has), but wages remain stagnant, it’s a problem. If a company refuses to keep up with costs of living (especially when they are taking in a ton of money), then they should expect low employee morale. employees quitting, and labor shortages.

  4. Jay

    Just 6 years ago Dusney starting pay was below $10 an hour. Now it’s $15 an hour. With a proposal to raise it $1 immediately and a dollar each year thereafter for the lifespan of this 5-year contract. This is not a crap offer. Also, where is the hate for Universal studios and for SeaWorld who both pay less than Disney.

  5. Adam

    This is entery level job. I worked 40 plus hours a week as shift manager for Hilton while going to college full time. The pay was $11.83 an hour with 5 years hotel desk experience. After the degree my job change and pay went up to 50k. That job advance to 63k in three years plus profit bonus. These jobs are not careers. If you want better get some additional training or a degree. Disney is a good starting point, talk to those that make what you want to at your work. The three factors to achieve higher pay is experience, skills and education.

  6. Chris

    THANK YOU!! You said things perfect. I don’t know why some people missed the memo, life owe you nothing.

  7. Steve

    Someone please nuke the tiktok servers and make these people irrelevant.

    1. Steve

      They already are.

  8. Edward

    So John you offer your employees a “take it or leave it approach ” and when they’re forced to accept it….You say…”See they were happy for it”????

  9. Edward

    Ask around….what is a degree from Disney worth in the real world??? Crap!!! Same as the awards giving to Disney Marathon runners!! It’s an EGO TRIP!!! Do you REALLY think having Disney applies to your future? Was told many years ago…after 20yrs….YOU AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE in this company. So I say…get as much as you can NOW!!!

    1. Steve

      This post proves you’re completely clueless. How old are you?

      1. Ginger

        It’s not a Disney degree! It is a college degree that you earn but that disney pays for. Being able to graduate from college “debt free” is a great opportunity. So many people choose to stay at Disney because of the park passes, despite struggling financially. That is their choice but if they choose playing at a theme park instead of paying their bills, they shouldn’t complain and make adult decisions based on needs instead of wants.

  10. Tammy

    I really need to move to Florida! Our state minimum wage is 7.50 an hour! And most places offer that. Average rent for a 1 bedroom in the slums is 2k plus. Nothing included. Go into the better area and you are looking at 3k and up. Gas is 4 plus. And we are in PA in the suburbs of valley forge and where it is cheaper living. I am glad we own a home and have it laid down pretty well. Most entry jobs here you are lucky to start between 9-10. If you are lucky. No place will rent to you unless you make 2 times the rent. So let’s talk about homeless issues or having to live at home with the parents. Smart employees would be sharing the rent, which many do :). At least the ones we know. Even the housekeeping starts at 17 an hour down there. Go read some of the job postings ;). You would be surprised what some disgruntled employees will say for attention to bash the company. And this writer is the worst at being negative.

  11. Jaxx

    Well said!

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