Disney World Cuts Entertainment Amid Staffing Issues - Inside the Magic

Comments for Disney World Cuts Entertainment Amid Staffing Issues

Frozen characters in Festival of Fantasy

Credit: Disney


  1. lorraine

    my husband and I watch employees at DW parks, especially at the Magic Kingdom……………Yesterday at one point there were at least a dozen cast members around the circle by the flag at the entrance……3 to 4 of them standing talking and it was over an hour before the parade was set to start………Other instances there are 3 to 4 cast members standing and talking at other places…………Some could actually be put to work doing other things other than standing around.

    1. Disneymom2

      I was just hired as a cast member in September and just wanted to add that it is very common during our Training days, to meet our Trainers at the Flag pole so they can begin our training at that park since we do not know how to enter the park or where we are to clock in as a cast member yet! Also with my Training, we are usually a group of 2-3 new cast members with a Trainer walking around in a small group and are stopping and discussing that area of the park for Training. So please if you see a group of Cast members walking around, they are most likely training. If you have any questions about the park and need info Please feel free to approach them and ask it, it’s great practice for a New cast member! 😊

  2. Carl

    It’s no surprise Disney is short staffed. Disney is no longer the great place to work. Part time Cast Members don’t even get medical benefits unless they work a certain amount over a year. They only release staffing schedules two weeks in advance so how can anyone plan a life around that. Their pay is terrible and Cast Members rarely can get in the parks due to the constant blocked dates. Forget about taking any holiday off and trying to schedule any vacation depends on how far up you are on the seniority scale. Disney is begging college students to stay and when they do they find they can’t afford a place to live unless they take a second or third job and live with up to 3 to 5 other people. I’m surprised anyone works at Disney anymore.

  3. Beth W.

    Sounds like Disney’s staffing problems are kinda tied to their increase in profits…meaning, instead of paying staff members a decent wage, and giving them decent benefits, they’re cutting corners to save the company money. Hey Disney…you get what you pay for! Try offering staff members an employment package that you would accept instead of treating them like they can’t get any work anywhere else.

  4. Steve

    This staffing problem is a lie. It is a cost cutting problem.

  5. Gary

    I got this from a Castmember who retired earlier than what he planned. Castmembers are leaving because they are fed up with what is going on at Disney. It is because of what Chapek has been doing, what Woke movement with Chapek’s OK doing in Disney, not getting a living wage. And you can tell by peoples reaction to it and the backlash is building quickly as more & more people are learning of it. So Disney MUST go back to Walt’s Disney with new leadership that Walt would have approved of & with out Woke!

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