HBO's "Perverted" 'Scooby-Doo' Series Gets New Logo - Inside the Magic

Comments for HBO’s “Perverted” ‘Scooby-Doo’ Series Gets New Logo


Credit: HBO

1 Comment

  1. Lightbringer

    Let’s see…

    A nearly naked Daphine covered in soap, check.
    A Daphine who is “tired of the over the clothes stuff from her daddy issue laden boyfriend who is 16 and yet to go through puberty, check.

    You know I would say that is more than enough to fairly label this as a subversive perversion of a beloved children’s series. It’s not even that it is animated it’s that these hacks are so creatively bankrupt that can only garner attention by destroying a beloved a children’s franchise. When most adults look back on Scooby Doo, they want to do so through those childlike eyes towards a sweeter time which has now been mostly bastardized.

    Then let us consider HBO is developing a Scooby Doo series aimed towards children. For all you adults out there who actually take an active role in your childrens lives be sure to click on the correct one when you search the Scoob or your 2-year-old will be watching a half-naked Daphine who on the sly is clearly trying desperately to bang her prepubescent boyfriend.

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