That’s what I was thinking as well. All this “inclusion” crap needs to stop. Leave the classic Disney movies the way they are. I’m surprised there hasn’t been an uproar over the Indians in the Peter Pan ride yet from these numb nuts
So true!!! Disney has been trying to represent all ethnic groups so when is this all going to end with blacks thinking they are discriminated against??? Or other groups for that manner.
I’m a small Japanese artist and I have some OC’s and this relates to me and my work. Some Japanese anime characters get turned into black characters due to fan edits. Some change their skin darker and stop while others change the hair and even how they dress and talk. I have a OC that I made to look like a traditional Japanese role model with a hime hair cut and someone changed her to look completely different. I tried to get the edit removed or taken down and nothing. To make matters worse the one who made the edit somehow managed to remove my original art of my OC and laughed it off.
It is incredibly disgusting to know that if a character is edited to be black it’s accepted with high praise but if a black character is changed to anything else it’s met with hate and racism. I will not support this version of the character because she was originally white turned black because I have had my characters turned blacked and attacked because I don’t make black characters.
Steve, I am so sick of hearing the whiney song of your people. No one is gonna take out a tiny violin to accompany your false cries of straight white male victimization. You’re a drama queen and a sensitive flower. It’s outrageous.
The overwhelming amount of white characters Disney has created and you’re upset that one was turned black for a live action movie? Steve, how old are you? It seems to me that you and many others must be suffering from “post-privilege”. You’re so used to seeing white characters as a default but when as soon as one is altered just the slightest, you act as though the world is ending. Guess what, Disney will continue to make white characters a priority and your racism will live on. May you rest in the biggest pile of piss.
Mermaids are a mythical creature rooted in European folklore and mythology. They are white in every myth and story out of Europe.
What’s next for Hollywood? Make a movie on “The Odyssey,” and have Odysseus be a black man? It doesn’t make sense when Hollywood does this kind of crap.
Oh please. How is it integral to Tiana? What about the Elves in LOTR? I can’t think of any other dictionary group that is more integral being white, bit now they get black washed, too. You are fine with erasing whites, admit it. It is your dream.
Steve, you’re still going on…. I’m seeing a pattern here, “I’m a victim.”, “It’s my way or the highway.”, “I’m destroyed mentally by the presence of a black female lead”. A lot of emotion towards something that is literally microscopic compared to so many other issues in America and in the world. Dare I ask again, How old are you? Clearly something isn’t working upstairs.
False equivalency? No, not really. You might have a point if we were talking about say Pocahontas or Mulan where their race/nationality was essential to the story. It isn’t for Tiana. People of all races live in New Orleans. However, that is how she was presented in the original. If a remake replaced her with a blond German, a red head from Ireland or an Asian Tiana, it would be strange. That is why people are taken aback about Ariel. A beloved character they grew up with was changed radically for no discernable reason.
How about the remake of Snow White into a black. The story goes skin as white as snow, lips ruby red. How do you do that with a black person. Disney needs to just make new stories up for all the black actors then I would love to go see them.
It doesn’t matter to me that she’s black or white. I just am not a fan of remakes. What they should have done was make an all black version, like The Wiz and the Wizard of Oz. THAT would have at least been original.
No matter how good the edit is, I still find it insulting that people are criticizing the actress chosen for the live action Ariel. I’ve seen the trailer and Halle Bailey has got real potential, and I’m okay with the lead they chose.
A black actor playing a white character is unacceptable ra.cism. She is a horrible person for accepting the role knowing how ra.cist the casting was. She deserves all the trouble she is getting.
Black, white or anything in between. I could care less about the skin color of an actor/actress. My beef is Disney keeps making live action remakes. I want something original for my money and copying something that’s already been done is not my idea of “imaginearing”. Personally, I hope this flops just so Disney might get the hint about live action remakes.
Completely agree on the live remakes. Would it kill them to try an original idea instead remaking ones that are decades old? I hope this flops just so that they might give up on doing them anymore.
What’s wrong with this world . Can’t you just be happy to see the reactions of these girls , to have a Ariel that looks like them. Why? Why? Why? must you ruin their delight. And change things for your blindness and spite.
Being a Disney live action remake, “fixing” the skin color of Arial is the least of the “issues” this movie is gonna have. That’s just based on Disney past performance of their live action remakes.
Only liberals would cry racism over a red haired white face that got black washed for virtue signaling purposes being white washed back to reflect how the original animated characters appearance could be if not for the virtue signaling race swapping decision. #GingerLivesMatter
Comments for Fans Use Disturbing AI to Turn Halle Bailey White In ‘The Little Mermaid’ Remake
Since Disney now likes to change skin colors of already existing characters, when will we see a white Tiana or a white Moana?
Never. Disney wants to erase whites. They are more than happy to take money from whites at their parks, though.
Get over it
70 years of white princesses and you made over a mermaid?
I would hate to see your response if Disney made the movie true to the true story.
You know the one, Ariel is Hans Christian Anderson and Prince Eric being the man Hans was in love with but couldn’t have.
She isn’t black, though. Never was. Neither was the Blue Fairy.
Then don’t go clown.
Then it’ll be less crowded when I go.
Brother Tiana and Moana’s races actually ADD something to their story. UNLIKE Ariel
When you’re accustomed to provelage the equality of others feels like oppression
–Leonard Franklin.
Microphone drop!!!💥💥💥
Agreeing with your own posts, sad.
I won’t be going to see it. Many others won’t. Double standards. Make new stories if you want diverse leads.
Mike G
That’s what I was thinking as well. All this “inclusion” crap needs to stop. Leave the classic Disney movies the way they are. I’m surprised there hasn’t been an uproar over the Indians in the Peter Pan ride yet from these numb nuts
Dan F.
Next up……….Snow Black and the Seven Transgender Giants.
So true!!! Disney has been trying to represent all ethnic groups so when is this all going to end with blacks thinking they are discriminated against??? Or other groups for that manner.
I’m a small Japanese artist and I have some OC’s and this relates to me and my work. Some Japanese anime characters get turned into black characters due to fan edits. Some change their skin darker and stop while others change the hair and even how they dress and talk. I have a OC that I made to look like a traditional Japanese role model with a hime hair cut and someone changed her to look completely different. I tried to get the edit removed or taken down and nothing. To make matters worse the one who made the edit somehow managed to remove my original art of my OC and laughed it off.
It is incredibly disgusting to know that if a character is edited to be black it’s accepted with high praise but if a black character is changed to anything else it’s met with hate and racism. I will not support this version of the character because she was originally white turned black because I have had my characters turned blacked and attacked because I don’t make black characters.
Wait, so it is GREAT to blackwash a white character, but editing the footage to put it back to canon is disturbing?
You woke idiots are pushing it.
Steve, I am so sick of hearing the whiney song of your people. No one is gonna take out a tiny violin to accompany your false cries of straight white male victimization. You’re a drama queen and a sensitive flower. It’s outrageous.
Want the proof whites are being oppressed? Just imagine if anyone said this about any other group.
You white idiots are an embarrassment to America.
You are free to leave… any time. Head over to Africa.
Steve's dad
The overwhelming amount of white characters Disney has created and you’re upset that one was turned black for a live action movie? Steve, how old are you? It seems to me that you and many others must be suffering from “post-privilege”. You’re so used to seeing white characters as a default but when as soon as one is altered just the slightest, you act as though the world is ending. Guess what, Disney will continue to make white characters a priority and your racism will live on. May you rest in the biggest pile of piss.
Good for you. Japan needs to stand up to these woke rac.ists. They want to destroy your people as much as they want to destroy mine.
The double standard is a little strange. Would people be ok if a live action remake of The Princess and the Frog featured a pale red-head for Tiana?
There would be actual riots if that happened. Hollywood hates white people.
The race of the mermaid Ariel is not integral to the character or storyline like it is for Tiana. Comparing those two is a false equivalency.
Mermaids are a mythical creature rooted in European folklore and mythology. They are white in every myth and story out of Europe.
What’s next for Hollywood? Make a movie on “The Odyssey,” and have Odysseus be a black man? It doesn’t make sense when Hollywood does this kind of crap.
Oh please. How is it integral to Tiana? What about the Elves in LOTR? I can’t think of any other dictionary group that is more integral being white, bit now they get black washed, too. You are fine with erasing whites, admit it. It is your dream.
Steve needs to go to bed
Steve, you’re still going on…. I’m seeing a pattern here, “I’m a victim.”, “It’s my way or the highway.”, “I’m destroyed mentally by the presence of a black female lead”. A lot of emotion towards something that is literally microscopic compared to so many other issues in America and in the world. Dare I ask again, How old are you? Clearly something isn’t working upstairs.
What I am hearing is commie bigots fine with rac.ism as long as it targets whites.
False equivalency? No, not really. You might have a point if we were talking about say Pocahontas or Mulan where their race/nationality was essential to the story. It isn’t for Tiana. People of all races live in New Orleans. However, that is how she was presented in the original. If a remake replaced her with a blond German, a red head from Ireland or an Asian Tiana, it would be strange. That is why people are taken aback about Ariel. A beloved character they grew up with was changed radically for no discernable reason.
Vivica Ray
How about the remake of Snow White into a black. The story goes skin as white as snow, lips ruby red. How do you do that with a black person. Disney needs to just make new stories up for all the black actors then I would love to go see them.
It doesn’t matter to me that she’s black or white. I just am not a fan of remakes. What they should have done was make an all black version, like The Wiz and the Wizard of Oz. THAT would have at least been original.
John S.
No matter how good the edit is, I still find it insulting that people are criticizing the actress chosen for the live action Ariel. I’ve seen the trailer and Halle Bailey has got real potential, and I’m okay with the lead they chose.
I love the fact that idiots keep getting her and Halle Berry confused. As if Disney would pick a 50 something actress to play a teenager.
Her singing is terrible. Way to much vibrato and vocal runs. Like bad attempt at being Whitney Houston versus the little mermaid.
A black actor playing a white character is unacceptable ra.cism. She is a horrible person for accepting the role knowing how ra.cist the casting was. She deserves all the trouble she is getting.
joe smith
I cant wait for the fixed version, that is the one I will be showing my kids.
It will take better AI than Skynet to fix a modern Disney sequel.
The singing will still be terrible.
They made her pretty too… Those monsters!
OMG. People. Leave it alone. This is crazy. It’s a movie! Ultimately who cares about her skin color?? Don’t you have bigger fish to fry in your life?
Black, white or anything in between. I could care less about the skin color of an actor/actress. My beef is Disney keeps making live action remakes. I want something original for my money and copying something that’s already been done is not my idea of “imaginearing”. Personally, I hope this flops just so Disney might get the hint about live action remakes.
Completely agree on the live remakes. Would it kill them to try an original idea instead remaking ones that are decades old? I hope this flops just so that they might give up on doing them anymore.
White Grandma
What’s wrong with this world . Can’t you just be happy to see the reactions of these girls , to have a Ariel that looks like them. Why? Why? Why? must you ruin their delight. And change things for your blindness and spite.
Being a Disney live action remake, “fixing” the skin color of Arial is the least of the “issues” this movie is gonna have. That’s just based on Disney past performance of their live action remakes.
Only liberals would cry racism over a red haired white face that got black washed for virtue signaling purposes being white washed back to reflect how the original animated characters appearance could be if not for the virtue signaling race swapping decision. #GingerLivesMatter
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