Warner Bros. Stands By J.K. Rowling After 'Harry Potter' Author Receives Threats

Comments for Warner Bros. Stands By J.K. Rowling After ‘Harry Potter’ Author Receives Threats

redmayne defends rowling

Credit: Debra Hurford Brown/Rowling


  1. Steve

    She has a way of making nearly everyone hate her, but not stopping, which is a trait I respect these days. Even if she is insane.

    She needs to go back to writing kid characters and lay off the pandering. The latest stuff felt stilted and awkward.

    1. billnyenotascienceguy

      Wrong. Nearly everyone likes her just the alphabet clowns and this idiotic woke culture. Sorry you can’t come to grips with reality and science. She has done so much for others including the cast who turned their back on her when she did nothing wrong. Disgusting really.

      1. Gary

        Agreed. I don’t know anyone that dislikes her, apart from crazy Alphabet People on Twitter that seem hellbent on cancelling her for having opinions based in biological fact.

  2. Debbie

    Everyone has a right to voice their opinion. No one has the right to silence someone else because they don’t agree with you. If you don’t agree with someone you can have a calm debate about it but you don’t have the right to threaten or harm the person(s) you disagree with. And just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean that person is “stupid” or “idiotic” etc. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINIONS.

  3. Tricia

    It’s funny how so much hypocrisy is involved in these types of situations. We all have the right to Freedom of Speach. We’re all constantly being told we need to be more open minded. However, when what is being said goes against that group’s opinion or beliefs, it’s interesting how we’re now being censored and/or told we’re closed minded. Pure hypocrisy at it’s finest right there. It takes all types of people to make the world go around. It would be boring if we all thought and said the same things. No new discoveries or creativity would happen if we acted like pure followers on the same ideas. I respect that J.K. Rowling is brave enough to voice her own opinions regardless of the cynical society we live in. You keep doing you J.K.! I support and back you 100%. As far as violence goes, it should never be allowed in any situation period. Violence is a whole other ballgame that has no business being in a dispute or in a difference of opinion. People who resort to violence obviously are weak and ignorant and know no other way to fight. They are criminals and deserve to be treated and punished as such.

    1. Bonnie

      I support J.K Rowling she has the right to say how she feels. I am tried of these people who want to hurt her. They are the real racist they are the ones who are spreading the hate in this world. I used to support these organization not anymore. Stop the hate or more people will turn against you.

  4. LameHam

    I mean…There’s a world of difference between supporting someone ideologically and supporting their rights to not be killed. There is no hypocrisy here.

    You said X so I don’t like you and I won’t support you in your financial endeavours.

    You said X so I don’t care if you die.

    PLEASE tell me the world hasn’t gone so mad people don’t get the distinction.

  5. Chris

    I’m one of the so called “alphabet people” you speak of, and I have and always will stand behind Jk. Rowling. I worship the ground she walks on, she’s intelligent, brave and creative. She got me into reading, I’ll be a HP fan forever.

    1. Chris

      I replied to the wrong comment, I just meant to add it to the bottom of all the comments.

  6. Jeff

    XY have hotdogs. XX have tacos. End of story.

  7. TA

    I can no longer support Rowling because of her transphobic views, but I certainly don’t wish any harm to come to her. People can have their own opinions and if you don’t agree, that’s fine. Still be respectful, though. Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t mean that you should want the other person to die. Honestly, people!

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