No, Disney should own what they purchased just like Sony should own what they purchased. Sony is the sole reason a Marvel animated movie won an award. Just because people trolled Morbius Sony should feel bullied and give up a huge asset? Disney has put out some horrible Marvel movies. Does that mean they should give it over to Sony?
So, first off. Sony doesn’t deserve spiderman, and you know why? Because Marvel had it first. Sony thought they could do better and boy, did they FAIL. Now, with the MCU coming full swing into the Multiverse, they deserve to have spiderman back, because they made spiderman first, that is what I think.
Marvel lost the right to own Spiderman, when they sold the rights to Sony. So Sony has every right to make as many deals as they want with Disney. Until Disney coughs up mega bucks for those rights, it is what it is. Anyway why do you care, are you loosing sleep over this?
Disney should own all of Marvel’s properties they could up loaded on DISNEY plus like they took NETFLIX’S marvel property have it in 1 place/home 2 stream and watch.
Money talks. If Marvel wants all their properties back then pay Sony for it. Simple. They bought Fox, which brought the X-men back into the Marvel fold. Time to pay for Spidey.
Yes. I agree. Disney was able to buy Fox to help Marvel Studios get the X-Men rights back completely, so Disney could and should help Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man rights completely. There have been rumors where Disney is planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Sadly due to being close to bankrupt they had the outsource to Sony and ask them to make films and cartoons and merchandise and video games and here we are where Sony owns the rights to a character created by Marvel
Well, actually Disney should help Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man rights completely. There have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
I agree. Plus, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Good for the industry when art and consumers direct corporate action. That said, the author strangely named key MCU heroes and left out all characters of African decent. Nick Fury, War Machine, Falcon/Captain America, Black Panther and Shuri maybe a small list but that’s not a reason to ignore the actors who are just as important to Marvel’s success.
I don’t know why you said that. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Truth.But they aren’t fully ready to commit to more than 4 truly original black characters (Black Panther,Falcon/Captain America,War Machine, and Spectrum).We’re still waiting for Luke Cage and Misty Knight to be brought over from Netflix (though if you remember how great that show was,I’m afraid of what it will be like in Disney’s hands),and holding our breath for Blade,Storm,Bishop,Blue Marvel,Night Thrasher, etc..Disney still believes that the best way to invest in black characters is to race swap existing white legacy characters..
Why do people always have to bring in the “agreement” of gender identity and sexuality into topics that have nothing to do with it? I know for a fact DC had already made LGBTQIA+ characters like Nia Nal aka Dreamer (a Transgender woman) and Jonathan Kent aka the new Superman (a Bisexual man) so a Trans character shouldn’t even be a reason for Disney not to DC. I’m not saying Disney should own DC or not because I honestly don’t care but I care when people make stupid comments like this. If someone owns a company, they can do whatever they want with it like how DC has already changed genders and sexuality’s of characters like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy who have/had a canonical romantic relationship. Maybe think about that next time.
What you said is not going to help. First, have Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man, Hulk, Namor, and Marvel Robert E. Howard rights back from Sony Pictures, Universal, and Heroic Signatures completely in order for Marvel to be completely restored. Then, Disney could do something in getting the DC Comics rights.
Whoa, whoa. First, have Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man, Hulk, Namor, and Marvel Robert E. Howard rights back from Sony Pictures, Universal, and Heroic Signatures completely in order for Marvel to be completely restored. Then, Disney could do something in getting the DC Comics rights. Be patient.
The title says “Spider-Man Ditches Sony, Finally Joining Disney”. However, in the article, you were talking about the Spider-Man movies coming to Disney Plus. When I looked at the title, I thought you meant Marvel Studios got the Spider-Man rights completely. Could you please change the title if you want to talk about Disney Plus? If Marvel Studios really gets the Spider-Man rights completely, then the article should be about that. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely. It would be cool if everyone does petitions to support the cause. I pray that the rumors are true for the MCU’s and Spider-Man’s sakes. We all need them.
This article is confusing when you loom at the title and then read the article inside. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely. It would be cool if everyone does petitions to support the cause. I pray that the rumors are true for the MCU’s and Spider-Man’s sakes. We all need them.
Not a big deal either way, although…it does bring up a question. How much freedom (not lack of imagination) does Sony have with Spider-Man? If they have freedom within reason, there’s one movie I’d love to see. Hell, doesn’t have to be live, can be animation. DC work with Nick to get a Batman/Turtles cartoon movie that wasn’t really that bad out. Warner/Sony might work together better that Warner Disney…and I know that Warner Discovery sure could use some money. Do a cartoon adaptation of Superman/Spider-Man. Yeah I know Batman is hot and all ..but sounds like the new heads of Warner want more than just Batman worked on with DC. And Superman/Spider-Man was the original crossover.
I think Disney should have Spider-Man. It’s a real pain having to rent the Tobey Maguire movies, just because I want to watch those and the Andrew Garfield before I watch No Way Home. While Sony may not have that much if Spider-Man goes, Marvel made him first and should have him back. Same with Venom.
Comments for ‘Spider-Man’ Ditches Sony, Finally Joining Disney Full-Time
No, Disney should own what they purchased just like Sony should own what they purchased. Sony is the sole reason a Marvel animated movie won an award. Just because people trolled Morbius Sony should feel bullied and give up a huge asset? Disney has put out some horrible Marvel movies. Does that mean they should give it over to Sony?
If you look at it from a percentages perspective…..
Disney Marvel has a far better track record than any other film studios attempt
Noooo, why does Disney have to ruin everything?! It’s not right! Stay with sony!
So, first off. Sony doesn’t deserve spiderman, and you know why? Because Marvel had it first. Sony thought they could do better and boy, did they FAIL. Now, with the MCU coming full swing into the Multiverse, they deserve to have spiderman back, because they made spiderman first, that is what I think.
Chris Wood
Marvel lost the right to own Spiderman, when they sold the rights to Sony. So Sony has every right to make as many deals as they want with Disney. Until Disney coughs up mega bucks for those rights, it is what it is. Anyway why do you care, are you loosing sleep over this?
Robert Miller
Disney should own all of Marvel’s properties they could up loaded on DISNEY plus like they took NETFLIX’S marvel property have it in 1 place/home 2 stream and watch.
Lenny Tartaglia
I agree with you. Plus, Marvel invented Spider-Man, not Sony.
Martin Silva
Money talks. If Marvel wants all their properties back then pay Sony for it. Simple. They bought Fox, which brought the X-men back into the Marvel fold. Time to pay for Spidey.
Lenny Tartaglia
Yes. I agree. Disney was able to buy Fox to help Marvel Studios get the X-Men rights back completely, so Disney could and should help Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man rights completely. There have been rumors where Disney is planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Lenny Tartaglia
I mean, Sony is terrible, and Disney can help Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man rights completely.
Sadly due to being close to bankrupt they had the outsource to Sony and ask them to make films and cartoons and merchandise and video games and here we are where Sony owns the rights to a character created by Marvel
Lenny Tartaglia
Well, actually Disney should help Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man rights completely. There have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Man imagine commenting without knowing anything. Into spider verse was untouched by Sony and they slapped there name on it. Thats why it was good
Imagine saying something as stupid as this. Into the Spider verse was 100% produced by Sony Animation Studios. Sony had their hands all over it. Lol
Yes they should, they have every other Marvel movie, so why not Spider-Man..
Lenny Tartaglia
I agree. Plus, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Jeff Foster
Good for the industry when art and consumers direct corporate action. That said, the author strangely named key MCU heroes and left out all characters of African decent. Nick Fury, War Machine, Falcon/Captain America, Black Panther and Shuri maybe a small list but that’s not a reason to ignore the actors who are just as important to Marvel’s success.
Lenny Tartaglia
I don’t know why you said that. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely.
Truth.But they aren’t fully ready to commit to more than 4 truly original black characters (Black Panther,Falcon/Captain America,War Machine, and Spectrum).We’re still waiting for Luke Cage and Misty Knight to be brought over from Netflix (though if you remember how great that show was,I’m afraid of what it will be like in Disney’s hands),and holding our breath for Blade,Storm,Bishop,Blue Marvel,Night Thrasher, etc..Disney still believes that the best way to invest in black characters is to race swap existing white legacy characters..
George Charnock
Screw Disney….
They should buy dc an make batman talk like mickey mouse lol!
SMH corporate greed crumbles everything good. 😤
Chris Wood
Oh sure let Disney by Warner Brothers.
They they can make Batman and Superman transgender, non binary
Why do people always have to bring in the “agreement” of gender identity and sexuality into topics that have nothing to do with it? I know for a fact DC had already made LGBTQIA+ characters like Nia Nal aka Dreamer (a Transgender woman) and Jonathan Kent aka the new Superman (a Bisexual man) so a Trans character shouldn’t even be a reason for Disney not to DC. I’m not saying Disney should own DC or not because I honestly don’t care but I care when people make stupid comments like this. If someone owns a company, they can do whatever they want with it like how DC has already changed genders and sexuality’s of characters like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy who have/had a canonical romantic relationship. Maybe think about that next time.
Lenny Tartaglia
What you said is not going to help. First, have Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man, Hulk, Namor, and Marvel Robert E. Howard rights back from Sony Pictures, Universal, and Heroic Signatures completely in order for Marvel to be completely restored. Then, Disney could do something in getting the DC Comics rights.
Lenny Tartaglia
Whoa, whoa. First, have Marvel Studios get the Spider-Man, Hulk, Namor, and Marvel Robert E. Howard rights back from Sony Pictures, Universal, and Heroic Signatures completely in order for Marvel to be completely restored. Then, Disney could do something in getting the DC Comics rights. Be patient.
Lenny Tartaglia
The title says “Spider-Man Ditches Sony, Finally Joining Disney”. However, in the article, you were talking about the Spider-Man movies coming to Disney Plus. When I looked at the title, I thought you meant Marvel Studios got the Spider-Man rights completely. Could you please change the title if you want to talk about Disney Plus? If Marvel Studios really gets the Spider-Man rights completely, then the article should be about that. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely. It would be cool if everyone does petitions to support the cause. I pray that the rumors are true for the MCU’s and Spider-Man’s sakes. We all need them.
Lenny Tartaglia
This article is confusing when you loom at the title and then read the article inside. Anyway, there have been rumors where Disney, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google planning to buy Sony Pictures to make it let go of the Spider-Man rights completely. It’s very possible, and Sony’s doing terrible with the non-MCU Marvel movies lately, so it’s about time Marvel Studios should make a move in getting the Spider-Man rights completely. It would be cool if everyone does petitions to support the cause. I pray that the rumors are true for the MCU’s and Spider-Man’s sakes. We all need them.
Not a big deal either way, although…it does bring up a question. How much freedom (not lack of imagination) does Sony have with Spider-Man? If they have freedom within reason, there’s one movie I’d love to see. Hell, doesn’t have to be live, can be animation. DC work with Nick to get a Batman/Turtles cartoon movie that wasn’t really that bad out. Warner/Sony might work together better that Warner Disney…and I know that Warner Discovery sure could use some money. Do a cartoon adaptation of Superman/Spider-Man. Yeah I know Batman is hot and all ..but sounds like the new heads of Warner want more than just Batman worked on with DC. And Superman/Spider-Man was the original crossover.
One can dream.
Disney, the place where movie franchises go to die
Should Disney have complete control over Spider-Man? Yes
I think Disney should have Spider-Man. It’s a real pain having to rent the Tobey Maguire movies, just because I want to watch those and the Andrew Garfield before I watch No Way Home. While Sony may not have that much if Spider-Man goes, Marvel made him first and should have him back. Same with Venom.
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