I Will Always Love Will Smith but I do not agree with what he did when he slept at Chris Rock that was totally disrespectful and unwarranted but I also believe that if he was married to a different wife none of this would have ever happened look at their children those are not product of Will Smith Maybe by looks but definitely not standards it’s all Jada and it’s a mess just like she is
She isn’t a good fit for him. I recognize a Toxic Environment.He feels disrespected and this relationship is preventing him from discovering future happiness.
Why does everyone talk like they have personal experience with these two instead of the heresay from “sources”. You guys are aware that being their waitress during a fight makes you a source right? Imagine if people only reported on the bad parts of ANY relationship and wonder how long it would take to make both parties look wrong.
They are people, until they say what’s up stop assuming things.
I can’t believe a slap will cause this many problems for one person. Chris Rock, is not all that innocent himself. He know what he was during, and why would you joke about anyone love ones.
who R U?
leave Jada”s baby daddy alone. He a real good partner! he take care of HIS REAL family.
Jada better recognize, Love U
ps. Will is fine as he’ll gurllll
No man is *good* for performing their basic function as a parent. He legitimately seems like a good man who made a mistake but the idea of any man or woman who “takes care of their family” being automatically a hero has to end.
He’s not “Jada’s baby daddy”, he’s Will Smith.
She certainly doesn’t need a “baby daddy” because she is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE.
You managed to offend both sexes and sound like a moron in one fell swoop.
Divorce her! She’s a self-absorbed, hedonistic, user. She says & does disgusting things, she a no body without you and yet she gets her jollies kicking you & making you grovel.
I’m sure the only reason he hit Chris was Jada made him. He was smiling but Jada looked pissed and rolled her eyes at the joke so quite sure she egged him on to do it.
There are two sides to every story . I think it was sad that Will responded to Chris Rocks tasteless remark the way he did. But even more sad that Jada did not support Will for defending her.
I feel sorry for Will Smith loving a woman who is so ungrateful that he would stand up for her. According to earlier statements, she cried about the hair issues and Will having such a big caring heart reacted to his former friend’s comments about his wife. Although they were not totally acceptable actions except on a movie set, he stood up to protect her from further humiliation from a so called friend who made off color remarks about an illness that she has no control over. None of all this hoopla would have happened had Chris Rock not been so hurtful in the first place, and setting the infamous ball of mud rolling blaming Will for responding (however inappropriate). Jada is acting like a snobbish woman making Will look even worse with her hurtful comments, and Chris Rock has certainly boosted up his career, now hasn’t he? Maybe Will was set up by Chris to jump start his career even more? I wonder.
Meanwhile, I truly hope that Will Smith is able to continue in his career. I and so many of my friends would really miss seeing him. Praying for you Will.
I agree .My Jada needs to be shame of her self. Okay Will hit Chris and it’s considered a crime but Chris brother called Will out that’s threatening that’s a crime and a lot of others also threatened Will Smith with their comments. Whatever happen to prayers Steve Harvey and the rest of yall African Americans are such of embarrassing people a disgrace to our race Whatever happen to coming together as one and praying for strength and peace everyone makes mistakes all of yall just as bad ass Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock. Chris Rock knew about Jada sickness the whole world knew and that was a awful thing to do make a joke about someone who have a sickness and Will Smith laughed because he couldn’t believe Chris used that as a joke when he walked away and seen the look on Jada face made him go out of his mind he lost it. Nobody knows the mental statuses of watching someone with a illness go through behind close doors and for everyone to stop his movies from coming out is also wrong so much worse things done happen with movie stars and performances and nothing was taken away from them racism is a daily disease and lots of people or sickening. I’m tired of all of this judgment day is coming for everyone.
Do you not realize that who you portray as an actress has nothing to do with who you are as a person? An actress plays a part. The question to you Cindy is do you know who she is as a “person”? I know that I don’t know either, but I’m betting neither do you. So you can’t just dismiss it as other people’s comments are wrong because you don’t know if they are.
will dmith needs to divorce her ass.she ruined his career and she’s jealous he’s still making movies and the directors ain’t calling her to do anything.hr loves her unconditionally but she never loved him at all.he just needs to move on and the kids are simple to. They taken her side instead of staying out that relationship.she got them acting like her dimple ass.move on will smith.should of stayed with the first wife
Will Smith is from Philadelphia ok he’s a cool person I went to school with him so if your a guy from Philly you don’t take wish off nobody ok I’m like that myself so hey will move on and don’t back some people you just have to let go or they will bring you down….life is about moving on
She’s so wack. Like how you give Your man the look then don’t even have his back. Like are you Serious….. That’s your man and you knew how he would respond off that look. Jada is wack AF for not having her man back like he had hers…. POINT BLANK PERIOD
I feel sorry for Will Smith, what he did was out of his comfort zone. His not like him to do something like that. I feel it was a set up, I can’t stand Chris rock, and as for Jada, lost total respect for her she didn’t stick up for her husband. Now she wants a divorce, Will theres more fish in the sea… open marriages do not work… hope he can get passed this and he doesn’t ruin his career…
Until forced marriage doesn’t exist and domestic abuse stops (which if she’s being mentally abusive would apply to him), than the idea that divorce shouldn’t be allowed is absurd. Since this would never happen your comment is about as useful as peeing in the wind.
Will Smith get them strangers out of marriage regarding you divorcing your wife. That’s your wife and no marriage is perfect.. Stay strong and keep praying.
Jada has and continuing to be a disrespectful wife. I’ve always liked her, but we are now seeing another side of her. It’s much more than I need to know. I love Will Smith and what he has become. As of late, it doesn’t appear that he and Jada are a good match. So sad.
Women slap each other, men bring blood, this was his wife and he was protecting her no matter what, even though he slapped him he’s still a man standing up for his wife, I’ve done the same he should be proud and she should be proud of him. !!!
Some y’all are just crazy man lol hope y’all have a great day though hopefully eventually being decent human will mean someone who decent enough to be respectful online even though they’re anonymous 😂 gotta love US social media
This may be true but it was just a joke that got out of hand and even though he stood up for her she didn’t stand up for him because love don’t have no boundaries you are equal partners as they call one
This appears to be another case of celebrities being broke down. Intentional Sabatoge to a man’s life doesn’t surprise me at all. People need to do comedy when they are suppose to and not disrespect other ppl. That is abuse what Chris Rock did but know one sees that! Will hang in there. The world is crazy! You are not!
Will Smith is only human and I think this incident is taken too much over the top. He slapped poor Chris, he didn’t give him a knuckle punch. Don’t crucify the man. Yes Will was wrong for trying to prove a point to his family(wife), but I don’t think he deserves such harsh punishment given the things he’s been going through. I’m only saying. You’ll never know the frame of mind a person is in until we push it too far…look what happened to our MISS USA…AND WE’LL NEVER KNOW WHY IT HAPPENED…just saying.
Comments for Will Smith and Jada Pinkett ”Barely Speak,” Considering Divorce
What a relief!!! Who is Will Smith?
Please don’t take this posture; he hasn’t abondoned his children, contrary to this (1) indiscrestion he’s been an exemplary citizen.
Bruh his children r degenerates r u serious lol
His kids are degenerates? They might be odd but they are law abiding citizens. I smell, hmm… racism?
What would race have anything to do with it?
Last I checked, they are all humans.
Stop dragging race into every conversation like a privileged self depreciating white perso guilty for sins they never committed.
That kind of posturing is ignorant and errogant.
You knowbwhatbtheybsay, ye who brought it up is theguilty one.
I Will Always Love Will Smith but I do not agree with what he did when he slept at Chris Rock that was totally disrespectful and unwarranted but I also believe that if he was married to a different wife none of this would have ever happened look at their children those are not product of Will Smith Maybe by looks but definitely not standards it’s all Jada and it’s a mess just like she is
Bill Koegler
She isn’t a good fit for him. I recognize a Toxic Environment.He feels disrespected and this relationship is preventing him from discovering future happiness.
Why does everyone talk like they have personal experience with these two instead of the heresay from “sources”. You guys are aware that being their waitress during a fight makes you a source right? Imagine if people only reported on the bad parts of ANY relationship and wonder how long it would take to make both parties look wrong.
They are people, until they say what’s up stop assuming things.
Quite right
I can’t believe a slap will cause this many problems for one person. Chris Rock, is not all that innocent himself. He know what he was during, and why would you joke about anyone love ones.
who R U?
leave Jada”s baby daddy alone. He a real good partner! he take care of HIS REAL family.
Jada better recognize, Love U
ps. Will is fine as he’ll gurllll
No man is *good* for performing their basic function as a parent. He legitimately seems like a good man who made a mistake but the idea of any man or woman who “takes care of their family” being automatically a hero has to end.
He’s not “Jada’s baby daddy”, he’s Will Smith.
She certainly doesn’t need a “baby daddy” because she is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE.
You managed to offend both sexes and sound like a moron in one fell swoop.
And, …. who is Jada Pinc.,,whatever the spelling?
Why did you read it if you care so little?
Janet Mahoney
Divorce her! She’s a self-absorbed, hedonistic, user. She says & does disgusting things, she a no body without you and yet she gets her jollies kicking you & making you grovel.
But if you do divorce her, can you give me her telephone number?
Walt, already had her. Nothing special. Signed…Half of Hollywood 🙂
Don’t believe everything you read on soical media be Blessed 🙏
They need to divorce for their own mental sanity. That marriage has been over!
How do I like your comment? Because I agree totally.
John Areiter
Will Smith defends his wife and she dumps him.
Right!!! If this is true she’s just as bad as the news says she is.
Debra schrock
I’m sure the only reason he hit Chris was Jada made him. He was smiling but Jada looked pissed and rolled her eyes at the joke so quite sure she egged him on to do it.
Who cares?
The whole family is so screwed up due to the parents!
There are two sides to every story . I think it was sad that Will responded to Chris Rocks tasteless remark the way he did. But even more sad that Jada did not support Will for defending her.
He needs to get rid of that hoe she was his downfall I would have done the same thing if someone talked about my wife
Dianne L Edgett
I feel sorry for Will Smith loving a woman who is so ungrateful that he would stand up for her. According to earlier statements, she cried about the hair issues and Will having such a big caring heart reacted to his former friend’s comments about his wife. Although they were not totally acceptable actions except on a movie set, he stood up to protect her from further humiliation from a so called friend who made off color remarks about an illness that she has no control over. None of all this hoopla would have happened had Chris Rock not been so hurtful in the first place, and setting the infamous ball of mud rolling blaming Will for responding (however inappropriate). Jada is acting like a snobbish woman making Will look even worse with her hurtful comments, and Chris Rock has certainly boosted up his career, now hasn’t he? Maybe Will was set up by Chris to jump start his career even more? I wonder.
Meanwhile, I truly hope that Will Smith is able to continue in his career. I and so many of my friends would really miss seeing him. Praying for you Will.
I agree .My Jada needs to be shame of her self. Okay Will hit Chris and it’s considered a crime but Chris brother called Will out that’s threatening that’s a crime and a lot of others also threatened Will Smith with their comments. Whatever happen to prayers Steve Harvey and the rest of yall African Americans are such of embarrassing people a disgrace to our race Whatever happen to coming together as one and praying for strength and peace everyone makes mistakes all of yall just as bad ass Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock. Chris Rock knew about Jada sickness the whole world knew and that was a awful thing to do make a joke about someone who have a sickness and Will Smith laughed because he couldn’t believe Chris used that as a joke when he walked away and seen the look on Jada face made him go out of his mind he lost it. Nobody knows the mental statuses of watching someone with a illness go through behind close doors and for everyone to stop his movies from coming out is also wrong so much worse things done happen with movie stars and performances and nothing was taken away from them racism is a daily disease and lots of people or sickening. I’m tired of all of this judgment day is coming for everyone.
If this is true its sad that someone would make there spouse feel like that let him move on she probably wants all his money too what does she do?
What ,u shouldn’t make comments if you don’t know her?
I agree
Lance G
Enough already!! WE have our OWN issues!! Will Smith & Jada Pinkett have “milked” this enough… go back into obscurity
What ,u shouldn’t make comments if you don’t know her as a actress? I agree Lance
So why are yu even writing.
Do you not realize that who you portray as an actress has nothing to do with who you are as a person? An actress plays a part. The question to you Cindy is do you know who she is as a “person”? I know that I don’t know either, but I’m betting neither do you. So you can’t just dismiss it as other people’s comments are wrong because you don’t know if they are.
Illness? Alopecia is common bro stop that shyt!!
Well deal with them instead commenting on this site
Clarence Hartmann
ignorant. Thought the same thing for years.
will dmith needs to divorce her ass.she ruined his career and she’s jealous he’s still making movies and the directors ain’t calling her to do anything.hr loves her unconditionally but she never loved him at all.he just needs to move on and the kids are simple to. They taken her side instead of staying out that relationship.she got them acting like her dimple ass.move on will smith.should of stayed with the first wife
Will Smith is from Philadelphia ok he’s a cool person I went to school with him so if your a guy from Philly you don’t take wish off nobody ok I’m like that myself so hey will move on and don’t back some people you just have to let go or they will bring you down….life is about moving on
Everyone needs a life worry about your own life and stay out of others…PEACE
I agree weyou Dee they need to stay out of that.What ever happened to prayers 🙏
She’s so wack. Like how you give Your man the look then don’t even have his back. Like are you Serious….. That’s your man and you knew how he would respond off that look. Jada is wack AF for not having her man back like he had hers…. POINT BLANK PERIOD
I feel sorry for Will Smith, what he did was out of his comfort zone. His not like him to do something like that. I feel it was a set up, I can’t stand Chris rock, and as for Jada, lost total respect for her she didn’t stick up for her husband. Now she wants a divorce, Will theres more fish in the sea… open marriages do not work… hope he can get passed this and he doesn’t ruin his career…
This is not fair for Will smith, this is sad.
Jada is crazy. Yes will did wrong. But Chris Rock was making jokes about his wife
and didn’t like it.
Matthew Lenhart
No Divorce Allowed
Until forced marriage doesn’t exist and domestic abuse stops (which if she’s being mentally abusive would apply to him), than the idea that divorce shouldn’t be allowed is absurd. Since this would never happen your comment is about as useful as peeing in the wind.
Just saying.
Will Smith get them strangers out of marriage regarding you divorcing your wife. That’s your wife and no marriage is perfect.. Stay strong and keep praying.
A. Hole
Holy TISH! Who gives a flying cuf about will smithy and jada pinky?? So friggin tired of seeing this in the news cycle EVERY DAY.
Jada has and continuing to be a disrespectful wife. I’ve always liked her, but we are now seeing another side of her. It’s much more than I need to know. I love Will Smith and what he has become. As of late, it doesn’t appear that he and Jada are a good match. So sad.
Women slap each other, men bring blood, this was his wife and he was protecting her no matter what, even though he slapped him he’s still a man standing up for his wife, I’ve done the same he should be proud and she should be proud of him. !!!
Some y’all are just crazy man lol hope y’all have a great day though hopefully eventually being decent human will mean someone who decent enough to be respectful online even though they’re anonymous 😂 gotta love US social media
Leave him and his family alone you internet bullies…stop talkjng about this you evil people….
Who really cares about them possibly getting a divorce? Couples divorce everyday.
This may be true but it was just a joke that got out of hand and even though he stood up for her she didn’t stand up for him because love don’t have no boundaries you are equal partners as they call one
This appears to be another case of celebrities being broke down. Intentional Sabatoge to a man’s life doesn’t surprise me at all. People need to do comedy when they are suppose to and not disrespect other ppl. That is abuse what Chris Rock did but know one sees that! Will hang in there. The world is crazy! You are not!
Why keep talking about this??? Can we focus on something that matters like why the guy shot and killed 10 people in Buffalo??? Isn’t that real news???
Will Smith is only human and I think this incident is taken too much over the top. He slapped poor Chris, he didn’t give him a knuckle punch. Don’t crucify the man. Yes Will was wrong for trying to prove a point to his family(wife), but I don’t think he deserves such harsh punishment given the things he’s been going through. I’m only saying. You’ll never know the frame of mind a person is in until we push it too far…look what happened to our MISS USA…AND WE’LL NEVER KNOW WHY IT HAPPENED…just saying.
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