Fans Debate If 'Star Wars: Episode X' Can "Fix What the Sequel Trilogy Broke" - Inside the Magic

Comments for Fans Debate If ‘Star Wars: Episode X’ Can “Fix What the Sequel Trilogy Broke”

the last jedi lightsaber duel

Credit: Lucasfilm


  1. drew who

    I don’t think calling it episode 10 would be a good idea . What they need is a new cycle of episodic Star Wars films set hundreds of years later . They can use an adult Grogu as the continuity character and have him lead a new order of force users . That way you can completely ignore the events of the sequel trilogy if you so wish . There really is no way to undo the damage that has been done other than reshooting the whole of episodes 7-9 or erasing them from continuity .

  2. Kevin

    The main reason why the Disney Trilogy was so bad was simply because it was a disjointed mess. Too many writer changes, different directors (not always a bad thing as it worked for the original trilogy but it didn’t in this case), new characters that you had no clue who they were or why they were there unless you read multiple novels/comics, and plot holes and story threads that were never fully explained or flushed out. Episode 7-9 had no cohesiveness in its overall story arc. THAT is why it was so bad and a huge disappointment.

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