Disney Renames Iconic Collection, Guests Consider It a Step in the Right Direction

Comments for Disney Renames Iconic Collection, Guests Consider It a Step in the Right Direction

Disney Rainbow Collection worn by Guests

Credit: Disney Parks Blog


  1. Common Sense

    Disney going woke will soon go broke

    1. Joseph Kastner

      Have you seen their stock price? They already have

      1. K

        How dare anyone put Walt Disney the founder’s name of all things Disney name on anything. He is rolling over in his grave, i am sure of that.
        Btw, it angers me to see a rainbow flag in the emojis on my cell. The U.S. Flag should be first and foremost.
        If you want to be included then stop having your childish rainbows and unicorns and be an American and stop being look at me; look at me.
        You are breaking my heart and ruining the very art of Disney creativity!!

        1. Jordan

          Your homophobia is showing. Being gay isn’t an american thing, it’s around the world. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else.

          1. Tomas

            Your Commie Sympathizing is also showing. Though I disagree that the previous comment is homophobia. Seeing the corruption of American tradition is not homophobia. It is American Pride, which should supersede any so called “gay pride”, which is why your Commie Sympathizing is showing.

          2. Jordan

            That’s weird. I don’t feel like a commie sympathizer. I think you are confused lol. Saying that homosexuality is corrupting american traditions is homophobia. You need to get help

          3. These comments are always rough. What I wonder is were will this divide take us. Civil war has been brewing for a long time

          4. Jordan

            People are too comfortable to say whatever they want online

          5. Walt

            Being gay used to be a sexual disorder – check the DSM IV services manual. But it was activists back in the day that disrupted the American psychological convention in San Fran until they voted to remove it. I accepted the whole gay thing but now that you have lumped every sexual proclivity including chopping off adolescents sexual organs regardless of long term effect, the acceptance of “minor attracted person” and even bestiality (yes its coming in Germany) I have decided to go back to square one – sorry- perhaps you should have quit after the lie “we only want to be married” I bought into that.

          6. Jordan

            It also used to be openly accepted way back in the day around the world. That’s being trans, not being gay. There is a difference.
            They want to be allowed the same rights as everyone else and to deny them is the same as denying black people theirs simply because they are different.

          7. 2a


          8. neil

            why should we Jordan – what’s the use if the whole world has bent the knee to stuff.
            You will be living in a whole new world after November.

          9. Jordan

            Because homophobia isn’t welcome in this day and age. I really doubt that I will be. I’ll still be in the same world where people deny racism and homophobia while it happens right in front of them

          10. 2A

            Typical. Nobody cares about being gay. But why the hell should pride be special. Why should yall get all this attention.

            Look at me. IM gay. I am special.

            How about Seminole Indian‘s collection.

            And how did something is beautiful as rainbow get hijacked by you lefties and a unicorn and everything that made being a kid special.

            You wanna be gay that’s fine go be gay nobody cares but keep it to yourselves and nobody and I mean nobody is gonna put up with child grooming.

            Promise you that crap is going to stop right along with all this woke crap do you want respect stop acting like a bunch of. well you know.

          11. Veronica

            2A, perfect comment. I really, truly don’t care what someone’s orientation is. It’s personal and private. It should have been kept that way. Why do gays have to fly flags and banners, have special park days, and parades. I’m a normal, hetero woman. Where’s my flag? Why don’t we have special days and parades? Because we wouldn’t want them if they were offered, that’s why. My sexuality is PRIVATE. You guys need to learn that nobody gives a rat’s a— what you do in the bedroom. Get a clue, will ya?

          12. Jordan

            Women do actually have a flag. I don’t know if you know what google is, but you might want to try using it.

          13. Jordan

            Being publicly gay doesn’t mean you are grooming children. Your comment is the perfect example of why they need to do this. If you are ok with kissing scenes in movies as long as it’s a guy and girl, but not when it’s 2 of the same gender, then you have a problem with your logic. I like how you assume the only ones who are gay are democrats, but to answer your question, it’s been the flag for almost 50 years. Nothing truly new about it.

        2. Terri

          Why are they sexualizing Disney? It is supposed to be about children. When will this end?

          1. Jordan

            How are they sexualizing Disney?

          2. 2A

            Seriously??? Stop watching cnn. What fox or youtube for actual news

          3. Jordan

            I don’t watch CNN, but I know for a fact that Fox is the last place you should go to get your news. Now, unless you have an answer, you can go lol

      2. Sean

        What a shame. People don’t know what pride really represents. Love represents love, being tolerant and understanding is just that, proclaiming you love eating dookie and grooming children to be open to whatever sexual discoveries awaits is the reason it’s perverted.

        1. Buc


      3. Tom

        CUT THE BS.
        Stock is down 42%.
        Barry Diller freaks invading.

      4. Cher

        Guess you don’t know their stocks dropped bc the disney shareholders refused to go along with deathsentence cruel new laws to parents who disagree, to children already questioning at young ages but is NOT being taught at schools..also..may as well face it..lbgtq+ are here to stay..that includes families with two gay parents..a family is a family n THATS what Disney is about..get a grip

        1. 2A

          Teachers or disney need to keep their business to themselves.

          I am sick of all this crybaby crap.

      5. Idy Peydro

        This is sad in many levels. Injecting this filth into our children littke minds. God be with us

      6. 2A

        Jesus. You are just as oblivious as all the other sheeple watching CNN

        Nobody gives a rats ass about being gay but they do care about their five and six-year-olds being taught about giving blow jobs and different genders

    2. Sue

      Omg. Disney has gone crazy with this crap don’t offend anyone. Oh no. I wonder who’s a— they will
      KISS next. This is getting way out of hand. Walt is turning in his grave with what this company has become.

      1. Rafael

        Screw Desantis and his attempt to stop free speech protected by 1st amendment! Yes to Pride Collection

    3. Chris


      1. Rafael ummmmm NOPE

    4. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    5. Mike Vespa

      Alienate the very people who buy your products, that will be good for business !

    6. Sebastian

      Mr. Walt Disney would ashamed of how his company has gone from good old fashion nuclear family to now a woke political statement. Keep the politics out! Maybe they should make a Heterosexual line of products.

  2. Mark Manley

    I’m sorry but attacking parents and teaching sex to 5 year olds is NOT a step in the right direction. We’ve joined hundreds of other families in a 100% boycott of everything Disney. We’ve dumped our stock, closed our blog, canceled all of our cruises and park trips, canceled our streaming, etc. Just our group alone will cost Disney $5 million a year. NO MORE. We will not be back. Disney has committed the ultimate betrayal, and because of them our children are not safe. Rest assured, we’ll do what it takes to protect out children from Disney!

    1. Good riddance to the fools

      Yet you’re still lurking on a WDW blog 😂

      1. Bennett Lavorino

        It’s called staying informed, instead of keeping your head in the sand.

      2. May

        Mark Manley, we totally agree with you. We are not haters, as some might assume, but believe that what is shoved down everyone’s throats these days is NOT accepted by EVERYONE. Not that the individuals are not accepted, but don’t pitch your lifestyle choices to the little kids, hoping that even more will jump on board. Being a child can be confusing enough, so why add to the problem? Some say that the conservative mindset is wrong, but I beg to differ. Agree to disagree, people.

        1. Cher

          The only ones adding to the problems are the repub governors making I sues out of things that don’t exist..crt? Not taught til college in specified studies..teaching gender/sex to 6, 7, 8 year Olds..NOT happening..but. the young? Most def are asking questions..so..should they get answers by someone they trust if they can’t talk to mommy or daddy? Or just go hang themselves cuz they feel “different?”

          1. Rich

            Sorry but this is happening in schools. Since this is all political you’ll see plenty of articles trying to disprove it while smearing the governor. A rational look into the education system would find it to be true in many schools. Kids don’t need to be told because they’re born a certain color that they’re destined to be a certain way when simultaneously being told that it doesn’t matter what they have between their legs. It’s far too confusing for young children and yes, it is happening.

      3. TK

        That goes both ways. If you want to complain about LGBT topics, you better be complaining about straight relationship topics as well.

    2. david

      Is that a rock solid promise? Because that just means more space for the rest of us the next time we head out to the parks.

      1. SusieQ

        Amen to that!!

    3. Q

      Won’t be missed, you never meant as much as you think you did.
      If you’re so over it, why you here?

    4. Zara

      Can I ask what are you needing to protect your children from exactly? Oh and bye then….I’m sure you won’t be missed …take your “5 million” (hardly) elsewhere

      1. Al

        Heteronormity should be encouraged to our children and typically is. It’s okay to be abnormal and part of the LGBT community but kids don’t need to learn about that. To learn about that when they get older

        1. Cher

          You guys are pretty clueless as to just how aware kids are at those ages..children have come out knowing they’re gay or feeling different n begin asking questions..I babysat a 3 y.o. who rode the arm of the couch cuz it “felt” good..thats the age they start becoming aware of their bodies..you’re gonna make children silent, causing abuses, suicides, n crime..n my nieces friend..at 9 y.o. had full grown hips n breasts..caused by antibiotics n hormones in our foods. Tell me SHE didn’t have questions..

        2. TK

          Being LGBT isn’t abnormal you dunce. If you’re fine with heteronormative things being taught, the other portions are going to be discussed in equal capacity.

        3. 2a

          You sound like a troll bot.

          Same crap over and over. Just your side. And if we disagree with we are racist and homeophobes.

        4. Veronica

          The place, Jordan, for you and your gay lover is the privacy of your home, just as it is for all of us. Pack away you flags, stop forcing your pride days and parades down our throats. There’s not a damn thing special about you. You just are what you are. We don’t care. Deal with it.

          1. Jordan

            Wow, I like how if I stand up for gay rights, I’m assumed as gay myself. Does that mean anyone who stands up for rights of black people must be black themselves? It’s not being forced down your throats any more than any other celebration you observe. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, all pushed onto people whether they celebrate it or not. You don’t like it, that’s fine, but don’t try to suppress someone’s ability to express themselves when it has no effect on you whatsoever.

    5. Daryl-Rhys

      Let me get this straight. Your angry and you decided to sell your stock, the only real way to make change to the company and instead engage in a boycott that will accomplish nothing.

    6. Jordan

      You’re misinformed if you think. Also, I really doubt your group spends 5 million dollars on Disney, but even if you did, they make billions a year. Not a huge impact 😛

    7. Cher

      Guess you don’t know their stocks dropped bc the disney shareholders refused to go along with deathsentence cruel new laws to parents who disagree, to children already questioning at young ages but is NOT being taught at schools..also..may as well face it..lbgtq+ are here to stay..that includes families with two gay parents..a family is a family n THATS what Disney is about..get a grip

    8. 150% AGREE!!!!

      1. 150% AGREE MARK MANLEY!!!! LOVE YOUR NAME!!!🤣🤣

    9. Lisa in youre warped vacuous mind they are!!! Evil propagandist like the other 2%ers!!!!

    10. Kitty

      No one said anything about sex. You did.

  3. Polly Ticks

    If a LGBQT person shows pride in that they are flamboyantly homosexual, then why am I demonized if I show I am proud to be straight. I am saddened by the fact you must feel to berate me cause you are a minority. STRAIGHT PRIDE.

    1. F

      Your hood is easy to spot.

      1. K

        Read the bill.
        Children are being indoctrinated into your agenda and the attempt is being made to keep it hidden from parents

        1. Q

          That’s not what’s happening and the bill is a political stunt. Maybe look into reality and stop living on fox “news”.

          1. Tomas

            Yeah… actually that is what what was intended to happen, and many of the posters on Twitter who are LBGTQIAAA+ have said so…

        2. Cher

          The bill? Is a LIE.. thats the problem..NOBODY is indoctrination k-8..or any damn age..besides kids are far more aware than you give them credit for..oh yeah. Crt is a lie too..not even taught til upper college in specific cirriculum..stop parroting bullcrap

      2. Bennett Lavorino

        As is your blinders

      3. Polly Ticks

        Not every thing is about hatred. I am generally curious why the LGBT community has to try and dominate everything and make us straight peoples feel uncomfortable around them.

        1. Buck


          1. PT

            You are an idiot.

        2. Mark

          Walt Disney is turning in his grave. The parks were supposed to be an escape from reality. It was called “the happiest place on earth” because people checked their problems at the gate. The fact that the Disney corporation has gone political takes away all the magic. It’s no longer unique.

          1. Jordan

            How is fighting for equality political?

          2. TK

            So by your statement, disney should be supremely gay since everyone should get to leave their problems at the door right?

        3. Mark

          They won’t be happy until the world is in total agreement with them. They desire to “teach” our children because they are the next generation.

        4. Cher

          Nobody’s dominating anything..lbgtq+ were making headway..legal marriage adoption..living peaceful honest lives..was never an issue til halfway thru 45s term n all his cultmembers fell in line..then cheethoface got booted n then, book banning, crt, womens rights, voting laws, illegal unethical gerrymandering..Abbott n deathsentence? Both wanna be dictators..if you live in either place..or any red state, I feel for your family cuz when sheet comes down? You will have lost yours too.

  4. Jerry

    Their stock price sure isn’t going in the right direction! And yet they continue to double down on the woke.

    These stupid liberal executives are going to run this company into the ground.

    1. Rich


    2. Buck


      Oh, hi rich! You again I see

    3. Cher

      Half their stock went down bc disney shareholders themselves took it down bc they disagreed with deathsentence.. ..the rest? Doesn’t matter..its pocket change to disney..for every one person that boycotts another family will spend the week there..don’t forget..d I she’s are all over the worl..Disney stores in malls..Disney on line..they could close down Orlando without batting and eye n I’d still make a fortune with just a couple shares..stop kidding yourself. This is all bc Disney refused to follow a dictator who is now going after twitter..he’s determined to turn Florida back into a dustbowl orange orchard..without disney you’d still be a dumo..check it out. Disney made Florida back in 64 n can break florida in 22, 23, 24, n so on..

  5. L. Jen

    Weird how they say this but the releases of movies in OTHER countries (like china) hides gays and black people so they can make money from communists

    1. Jack

      Great point! They do this to weaken/control western civilization s. The day of reckoning is fast approaching them.

      1. Buck


    2. Son_Of_Dad

      THANK YOU. They didn’t fight for Black people when voter suppression bills were introduced, they did nothing when racist China shrank the image of a Black FINN from Star Wars on the movie poster, they’ve never championed China and their bigoted demands at all, so why now?

      1. Really Disney .. What the heck are you doing. Not pleased. Not buying. Not impressed. Please stop this now.

        1. Buck


          1. Lolumad

            Got anything intelligent to add? Smooth brain child.

      2. Deb

        Apparently Buck only knows 3 words.

    3. Pastor Joe

      For approximately 14 years I provided my family of 5 with annual Disney premium passes.about 10 years ago Disney had a day were gays lesbian’s shared the day with partners. I was upset that the were openly showing signs of affection, I wish pass members or visitors could of been notified about this sponsored event an Disney
      Having pushed Guy characters in family movies send a Direct message that Walt’s Dream of a Family park would be converted to a place of welcoming all Perversions. I will not watch not only Disney movie’s but ABC s network of shows including ESPN as well as gifts for Grandchildren and loved ones thank you Disney for making your Loyalties clear Family and Straight life style has no place at Disney Business’s
      PJ Sanchez

      1. Buck


        1. MayMayMay

          The “Buck” needs to stop here. Aren’t you a pot calling the kettle black?

      2. Pam

        Disney did not sanction or promote the gay days. Get your facts straight.

    4. Jordan

      What movie that Disney made had homosexuality or black people hidden in it for other countries?

      1. Nicki

        All of them especially for china

        1. Jordan

          Doubtful considering they have a park in China

      2. Tomas

        @jordan, Specifically Marvel’s Black Panther and Disney-Star Wars “The Last Jedi” both had posters that hid their black characters from the general Chinese public, so as not to “offend them” for having black people in their movies. Look into it.

        1. Jordan

          I can still see them, but they are different. But that doesn’t explain the person’s comment since you can still see both in the movies. It’s not like it’s taken out completely

    5. TK

      They stopped doing that a few years ago and have been just accepting that China had denied entry for those movies that they seem inappropriate.

  6. Mike

    By all means let’s cater to the misguided 5% percent of the population while alienating your original customer base, nuclear families, which provide the largest proportion of your profits. Has Goofy been put in charge?

    1. Maria

      It’s not catering when it’s a tiny collection. It’s including ALL of their fan base. It doesn’t affect you if you don’t want to buy it. Don’t be a hateful witch for the sake of it. Be a compassionate and inclusive person. Show all these hateful people there are still good examples out there.

      1. MayMayMay

        What? These items smack you in the face when you walk in the gift shops. No, we don’t have to buy them. That’s not what’s wrong. Yet, WE are considered wrong for feeling the way we do.

        1. Latrae Osborne

          No, you’re called wrong because you talk down and belittle people who are different than you.

        2. H

          I’m a US citizen, I’m a consumer, a service provider, I’m a wife, I’m a friend, I’m a daughter, and above all in a mother. I do my best not to pass judgement and I go out of my way to help the community and I try to get the facts before drawing any type of conclusions… I have never commented on one of these threads but I want to share an opinion and a brief explanation. I will be honest, I am straight, my family immediate and extended are all straight. We believe in God and we believe in the constitution. I am proud to be in a country where I can speak freely and I’m thankful my children will have access to everything our great country has to offer. With that said…. I’m sure I’m going to offend someone but I assure you that is not my intention. I’ve tried to find words that would be appropriate and after about twenty minutes of deleting, editing etc… I realized that the very thing’s I’m thankful for and proud of are the very things that are getting attacked from multiple angles everytime a company is pressured into making changes that suit communities that do not share my values or beliefs. After reading the comments above, I’d like to add one issue I have with the rainbow gear… When my child sees a rainbow they want to follow it to the end to find the pot of gold. When my 8 year old son wants a star wars hat with a rainbow in it I should be able to purchase that item without having it appear my 8 year old boy is supporting the LGBTQ. When he’s old enough to make that decision then great he can make that decision but when I take my children to go see their favorite characters at Disney I shouldn’t have to have the talk about sexuality and the many choices people make and if he wants to be an imaginative kid and dream of rasing Yoda to the end of the rainbow and is attracted to the bright sparkly colors that seem to go hand in hand with the pride movement or should be possible for him to dream without having to appear to support beliefs that he has zero knowledge of. I’m not sure who created the image for the LGBTQ community but I truly believe it was a poor choice she it’s even more of a poor choice for a business thats number one consumer is families with children to change their stance at this point in the game because all it be will do is tear down the entire foundation of Disney and the legacy Walt left behind…supporting a community that everyone knows will not ever be large enough to support Disney on their own. I know I’ve drifted from the point but if LGBTQ is here to stay, I can live with it but l believe just as the tobacco and alcohol companies were forced to remove all items from their advertising and marketing that could possibly appeal to young people, I believe LGBTQ should also be required to do so. Influencing children with characters and shiny things is unacceptable when they cannot possibly understand what the symbolism means.

          1. TK

            Lots of ignorance here. So for one, alcohol and tobacco are not allowed to advertise to kids because they are addictive and deadly substances, basically guaranteeing their death. Being LGBT+ does not have this same issue. Really the only way is deadly now is because of bigotry.
            Your son can wear the rainbow items if he wanted and you don’t have to explain anything if you don’t want to. Depending how old your son is, he may already know about it.
            The Constitution also establishes that we have freedom of religion which also means freedom to be atheist. Your religious rules end at you/ your family. You don’t get to control anyone else.

            Finally, disney courses to support the community. They are not forced. They continue it because it results in a significant revenue stream.

    2. Cher

      Oh. So. Gay couples with children aren’t families by your logic? It’s 2022, not 1952..they ARE family n disney is all about family..why should THEY be excluded just bc you have issues..you guys are the same about poc as well..simply full of hate, racism n prejudice n judgemental about anything not like you. Yet pretend to be Christians..Jesus would be ashamed..

  7. Logan

    Stock down 15% in just the last month. And the morons in charge think it’s because they aren’t being woke enough 🤦 Hopefully the stock continues to plummet and they fire all the execs and hire people who can return Disney to the apolitical magical company it used to be, rather than this lecturing, garbage company that can’t help but continue to hack away at their consumer base.

    1. Buck


      1. Jay

        Who the Karen? I think its funny a belief that cant even reproduce is telling parents what they should do with there kids. You all can say what you want but Disney just hung them self. Keep lying about number too no parent that truly protect there child would expose there child to your sexual preference. Rip Disney but then again the bible talk about such a rise of sinful nature in the end time. So really thank you for proving the bible right. But don’t worry you guys win for a short period until God wipe you off the face of the earth because nobody cheats death….

    2. Cj

      WWJD. Would He push people away, or would he listen and love them anyway. Love is love, respect for everyone, not those of the same opinion.

      1. May

        Yes, Jesus accepts everyone. Jesus also called out the woman at the well and told her to go and sin no more. A sin is a sin. Even straights commit sins, but people have forgotten what sin actually is because anything goes.

    3. TK

      I don’t think you’ve thought that through. In a few ways. This stance either means no straight relationships depicted either or the fact that LGBT+ people and relationships aren’t political so if you want disney to be apolitical, they’ll still be having LGBT+ pe and relationships in their media.

  8. Rbel

    I think most Disney fans are good with it. We’re going to keep taking our kids for sure. If we can get in because attendance is at record levels. I’ve always liked that disney celebrates the differences in cultures and people. I’m happy to see them do more of it. I’m not really into the idea of schools teaching my 5 to 8 year olds about anything sexual. But I’m down for them to learn that there are more kinds of love in this world than just straight moms and dads.

    To me the bill doesn’t make a difference one way or the other. I’ve already taught my kids. I wouldn’t leave something like that up to the schools.

    1. James

      Teaching that gay people have relationships with people of the same sex isn’t sexual. Orientation isn’t about sexuality. It’s about who you love.

    2. Cher

      Best reply I’ve seen in weeks..n nobody’s teaching your children about sex but children do ask..do look for guidance n some aren’t lucky enuf to have parents like you to talk to. So..if they have no one, not a trusted sibling or aunt or parent n now can’t talk to a teacher counselor or nurse then what. You may go home n find your 7 year old hanging in the garage, or wrists cut open..children need an outlet n there are many who are very aware that they’re “different” and need answers..if they can’t get them???

  9. Angela

    It’s nice to see Disney stick up for a population that is routinely mocked and harassed.

    1. Son_Of_Dad

      Try Mocked, Harassed and Killed, then you’ll have BLACK PEOPLE, which Disney NEVER protects.

      1. Jack

        Which is interesting considering blacks account for over 50% of all crime, but only 13% of the population. So if blacks were deported: rape, murder, theft, etc would be reduced by over 50%!! Now THAT is a viable solution to a serious problem.

        1. Jordan

          Your misinformed and showing how racist you are. If you looked at actual statistics, you’d see white people are marginally lower than black people in only a few incidents, but white people are more likely to commit a crime. Also, you can’t deport someone who is a citizen here, genius.

          1. Cheryl Mongold

            While I agree with your stats yes dear..a us citizen CAN be deported for treason or serious crimes..but. a country willing to accept them has to be in place..I’m sure Russia would take 45..

          2. Jay

            Actually crime has increased almost 300 percent in Black and Latino culture sense the defunding of police. I live in a blue state it’s a war zone. I don’t know where your getting your facts from you must be in your safe place writing this.

          3. Jordan

            These are literally stats from last year, meaning that if what you said was true, white communities are even worse than others. Thanks for that. Also, I live in “red state”, where most crimes are committed by white people lol. Good try on that 😛

        2. H

          Why can’t we like comments on this thread

  10. Rich

    Ok so alienate 95% of your customer base that built this company. Already forgot about the middle class already with their greed and money grabs. Disney can go to h***

    1. TK

      Since the majority of that 95% actually are allies or are indifferent, it’s really only 5% of their consumer base that would be alienated.

  11. Cheryl

    Yet another way EXTREMELY liberal people are ruining simple, beautiful things like rainbows to shove their ‘woke’ agenda down EVERYONE’S throats!!!! Very sad……..

    1. Buck


    2. Latrae Osborne

      Straight people having been pushing their agenda much longer with much more dangerous methods.

  12. Rebel

    100% boycotting everything Disney, indefinitely. Their need to serialize 5 to 8 yr old children is beyond reprehensible.

    1. Latrae Osborne

      They’re not doing anything. All they’re doing is showing kids that life has a multitude of people

  13. YourMom

    Thanks 5% for perverting the rainbow. Why couldn’t they have made up their logo? Still don’t get the pride thing. They’ve done nothing to be proud about

    1. Jerry

      Agreed. If you want to be gay that is fine. But it is not a badge of courage. It should not come with any special entitlements. We need to quit giving everyone labels. This just acts to divide. Why do people feel the need to announce their sexuality?

      1. Latrae Osborne

        Well straights pushed it on everyone and they didn’t do anything special either. So you saying this against queer people but not against straight people is hypocritical

    2. Maria

      They’ve put up with your hateful bigotry and discrimination for a VERY LONG TIME. You’re the one who shouldn’t be proud. What a bad example of a human being you are

      1. Linda

        Wow, such a tolerant response. Another example of being labeled as a bigot for not agreeing with your opinion.

        1. Jay

          It’s a bigot someone who one minded? I noticed tards use words you don’t understand.

    3. Your Mom, because the rainbow is God’s promise to never destroy the earth again with a flood. LGBPXYZ+++ is all about destroying God, God’s creation of traditional families and is 100% from the devil, the king of lies!!!!

  14. FM

    The Pride collection before the fall.

  15. Lee

    They better hope this collection does well.. they have a lot more taxes to pay next year. 😬

    1. Connie


  16. Jsy

    I’m done with dianey..

    1. ZachinKY

      Who is dianey? You small minded trash.

      1. Linda

        Typical liberal response.

        1. Latrae Osborne

          The original post is a total braindead conservative response

  17. Nick

    I know there’s plenty of adults into Disney gear but can’t we just consider all their merch for children first? It’s cartoons and fairy tales, you should only be able to get patterns that you’d also sell to kids, and they shouldn’t do lines to let everyone know you’re a fruity Disney fan.
    Nothings ever enough for them, you be have a line like this it’s not enough, you change the name of it and it’s “a step too late”. Stop wasting your time Disney, you no won’t win their. Support until you alienate everyone else.

  18. Steph

    Pride goeth before a fall

    1. Buck


      Oh, and you get a special hate trophy as well. We can see you’re full of it!

      1. Lolumad

        You must be bored waiting around for your cheating diseased riddled boyfriend to come home from his other diseased riddled boyfriend’s house. Very sad. So tragic.

        1. Not a sheep

          Buck will eventually get botulism from too much bad meat in the can.

      2. Joe

        Taking by butt? Ahhh! Bantha 💩?

  19. Joe

    “The Grift Collection”
    Fixed it.

    1. Buck


      1. Joe

        Moron gaytoo fudgepacker!

        1. Joe

          That’s for Bucky boy.

  20. Connie

    Done with Disney! A souvenir is supposed to be a memory of a place you visited not a representation of an individuals absurd choice of life!
    Just visited last week, went no where near anything Disney, first time in 50 years.
    We are proud of that! Universal was wonderful!

    1. Maria

      if they had souvenirs to highlight YOUR ABSURD choice of a life it would be highlighting bigotry and hate. But guess THATS ok! Welcome to America! Land of the free as long as you’re straight and look like everyone else!! Otherwise, get out, right??

  21. The Truth

    It’s sad to see how the company is using Walt Disney’s characters like Mickey and Minnie for their own political, woke agenda. I still have my Disney+ only to watch the films and shows Walt Disney made. I am done with all their current and future projects and once my pass expires I will not be returning to Disney World until this mess is over.

    1. Buck

      🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 🚨

    2. TK

      And the truth is, they don’t care about your $7 a month. It’s even less than a drop in the bucket.

  22. Joyelle Snyder

    I’ll be honest I just came to the comments to see if people were losing their minds and I wasn’t let down. I guess if it was Disney Trump gear the fans would go wild!!!! Beep beep beep!!! Disney is missing some money there lol …Let the merch drop so I can continue to support the community, give everyone a voice, and as they say be woke!

    1. Joe Schmo

      Funny how you think everyone that shares these opinions are fans of trump. The issues with all of humanity right now is everyone grouping everyone in together without actually having a reasonable and rational discussion. Just a bunch of name calling

  23. Mickeymouse3

    3% of Disney guests will buy the collection. I’m sure they run out of these in time. When can we expect a new board president and CEO?

  24. Sharky

    What happened to corporations staying neutral or marketing to the largest audience. They are catering to the smallest audience and pissing off the largest audience.
    The CEO needs to be fired!

    1. Latrae Osborne

      What happened to companies trying to engage their whole fanbase and not their most hateful ones

    2. Cher

      You guys are pretty clueless as to just how aware kids are at those ages..children have come out knowing they’re gay or feeling different n begin asking questions..I babysat a 3 y.o. who rode the arm of the couch cuz it “felt” good..thats the age they start becoming aware of their bodies..you’re gonna make children silent, causing abuses, suicides, n crime..n my nieces friend..at 9 y.o. had full grown hips n breasts..caused by antibiotics n hormones in our foods. Tell me SHE didn’t have quesfions…

    3. TK

      They cater to everyone. There’s toys and clothes and various merch for every character, all walks of life. Or do you believe dads, moms, grandmas, and grandpas should also not be on merchandise?

  25. S

    Disney has lost its magic. No thank you. Disney now makes straight young people feel insecure.

    1. Latrae Osborne

      There’s still plenty of straight characters at Disney. Chill out on the exaggeration

    2. TK

      Oh noes. You might see a RAINBOW!!! Or two men/ women holding HANDS or maybe even KISSING!!!!!

      All young people feel insecure. Orientation is irrelevant to that existence.

  26. Just curious. How are all of the LGBTQEIEIO people going to get to DW when they are going to boycott Florida?

  27. Joe

    I live here in Orlando,FL and what these groups of homo/lesbos are doing only a pedophile will do it. Disney does not get it. They are loosing here…. And they are loosing. Right Buck?

  28. Jamie

    I could care less if someone is gay or not. I could care less if you want to advertise pride. What I care about is shoving it down everyone’s throat & I definitely have a problem teaching & instructing kids about it at such a young age or any age for that matter. That’s a parents job. Once you start influencing my kids, all bets are off the table. The real Pride should be our God & Country.

    1. Polly Ticks

      Well said.

    2. Latrae Osborne

      So parents can teach their children to be rude and mean and hurtful/discriminatory but trying to combat that is seen as wrong. The right really do have backwards views.

    3. TK

      As a country with religious freedom, unless you’re celebrating every god in this, I forsee this will probs get baaad.

    4. Maggs

      Yessss exactly.. Not gonna shove your immoral agenda down kids throats.. Burn disney..burn. Do what you want behind closed doors. In the end Im not the judge and jury.

  29. Cher

    Soon as they show up on the website I’ll be ordering..grew up going to Disneyland when it was free to just walk in n buy tix separate..should still be affordable..will never be able to afford disney world on my fixed income but I love n support what you’re doing for lbgtq+, better late than never I say. I forgive ya dude..and I’m in that group..

  30. Edward

    Wait until we start seeing from Disney that all along Mickey and Donald were actually swapping out in a tryst with Minnie and Daisy too. Answers that age old question….”Why hasn’t Mickey purposed to Minnie”?

  31. Scottie

    Leave it to the fudge-packer/rug licker community to poison all that is wholesome, perverting the rainbow, a symbol of hope, and using it as a means to project their twisted lifestyle choice to the world. And even worse, since they believe they “got their way” in 2013, all while swearing up and down it was all about wanting “equality”, now they’re trying to use any means necessary to press it farther, getting “special protection” laws against hating them, making others accept their ways/beliefs, forcing others to cow to their demands by wanting a cake made etc., regardless of what others beliefs are, or else they’ll ruin and destroy your life/reputation if you don’t bow down to them, and the worst of it all, having authority figures “teachers/politicians/government/etc” indoctrinate small children, the generations of the future…making them “vessels” to carry on their disgusting ideology, using them as pawns in their political game.

    These sick, disease-ridden reprobates all need to have their heads cut off with a frickin piano string, and their enablers/allies after them.

    1. TK

      And calling it political has revealed your hand and your ignorance.

      1. Scottie

        I’d rather be an “ignorant bigot”, than an “enlightened” fool. Your idea along with the left’s idea of “education” is brainwashing, and anyone with properly functioning brain cells can see through the façade that you and other left-wing snakes in the grass try to hide it under. Might as well fess up and tell the truth, all you demoncrap scumbags are trying plant seeds in kids heads so ya’ll can program them to continue regurgitating the same trumped-up nonsense that runs out of your mouths on a daily basis. Like how there’s more than 2 genders, that anybody can be whatever gender/race/species they want simply because it “feels right” to them and they “feel” that’s what they are when they’re NOT, and how pseudo-families get glorified as being on par and normal as a REAL family that consists of a Mother and a Father [and in certain cases Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents.] Children come from a man and a woman, such as the way of nature. Doesn’t matter if ya’ll use the “not all woman can have kids” excuse, children that were born from a surrogate, or were adopted, it still took one MAN’s seed, and one WOMAN’s egg/womb to create that child.

        Nature is shouting it loud and clear, what they’re doing isn’t natural, and what they’re trying to do to normalize their behavior and lifestyle, even going as far as using kids like pieces on a chessboard is absolutely reprehensible. These delinquents you defend are evil, sick and twisted headcases, and no amount of pseudoscientific “evidence” you all try to come up with to glorify them is gonna change that. End of story.

        Not to mention these people you glorify and protect are not only perverted sick freaks, they’re also thieves. The symbol they fly around to “represent” their little cult, actually belonged to a Bank/Credit Union before they decided to steal it. So, not only are you defending people that have a couple screws loose, but they’re criminals too. Your mother and father must be so pleased. lol

      2. It’s a disgrace that these puppets of the left wing use their platform to ram this stuff at us. America is doomed to fail. After November we will see this pandering nonsense reverse and good riddance to the corrupt Dems.

    2. Maggs


  32. CRISTY

    I really don’t like the fact that a beautiful and natural thing like a rainbow is now known only as a symbol of these people. Rainbow are not only for them. It seems now anything Rainbow now means support for LGBTQ+. I am so annoyed by that. Disney has now admitted they believe rainbows are only for those people too.

    1. Jay

      Actually the oldest recording of Rainbow come from the Bible and that a proven fact. God designed the rainbow as a commitment that he would never flood the whole world again because of Man Sin. So it only make sense that man would use the Rainbow as a national sign of pride for a Sin God wipe from the Earth once…. The bible calls homosexuality abomination and to prevert kids minds is evil. Some of you seemed shocked that Disney decided to take a stand with homosexuality. Did you miss the part where the heir of Disney came out as a Transgender? The family support his belief not saying they shouldn’t support someone they love but who controls Disney? You don’t have to have a brain to understand that.

      1. Hector Garcia

        Big mistake for Disney. I hope they go broke .the CEO better wake up .

      2. De

        ✝️ GENESIS 9:13

        Take Back The Rainbow

      3. TK

        None of the Disney family have any special day in the company decisions.

      4. Maggs


  33. The Cobbler

    As a stock owner this is gay and Disney better do something fast. The CEO needs to be fired

    1. BJ Blaskowitz

      It’s called the: Parental Rights in Education Bill

      It’s never been about only LGBTQ+, it also includes heterosexual too.

  34. Denise \

    There needs to be an end to normalizing mental illness.

    1. TK

      Let’s see your psychology degree.

  35. Curtis

    I’m done with people who don’t know millions died of Aids. Yet still supporting death.

  36. Curtis

    It’s not against the law to be homophic. But, LGBT hate crimes are criminal

  37. Curtis

    Gay children are raised from hurtful parents and should jailed and throw away the keys.

    1. Jay

      Gay adult cant have children how sick is that you want to teach children to be gay?New Flash straight men don’t teach there kids to be Gay or that its normal because you can’t grow a pickle if you don’t have one.Are you mad bro?

      1. TK

        Yeah, you’re not a man of your kid happens to be gay and you choose to ostracize and belittle him, calling him abnormal or an abomination. Same applies to daughters, but with the view you already showed I don’t think you’d even discuss this with her.

  38. Larry

    These people will never learn. Pandering to a small percentage of the population isn’t a great business model.
    A well deserved “get woke, go broke ” inbound.

  39. John

    While actively scrubbing all LBGTQ references for dear China. All comically hypocritical and y’all are ok w it.

  40. Ha

    Step in the wrong direction

  41. M. R

    Why was any of this needed. Disney should just focus on running an entertainment industry. The company itself should have no say on politics, or peoples beliefs, morals and values. Individuals who work therein can have there own beliefs and values, but keep them to their selves when on the clock. They should not base the companys ideals on their own views. This would allow for reaching all walks of life without stepping on any ones toes.

    1. TK

      1. It’s not political.
      2. Guess that means no merchandise for anyone. Too many implications of various things.

    2. Debby

      Agreee 100%

      1. Debby

        Agreeing with M.R

  42. Rickeymouse

    There’s another Disney item I won’t be buying. This wokism is getting WAY OUTTA hand when Disney starts to get political. With all this going on, when is Chapek gonna come out of the closet?

    1. TK

      Love isn’t political.

  43. Cebie Dorsey

    6 yrs ago, when he was 5 yrs old, my grandson was getting instruction in kindergarten about homosexuals & lesbians. So it is not BS, it’s true.
    I have family & friends who are gay & the only thing I have against them are the ones who are belligerantly forcing their lifestyle on others. FL SB 1557 doesn’t even have the word gay in it, nor does it restrict age appropriate instruction in grades 4-12. It is a response by our governor to parent’s rights over our children’s education. Like it or not, Gov DeSantis is acting on the freedoms of parents.

    1. TK

      Share your proof please.

  44. Cebie Dorsey

    Cher. You are what’s wrong in this country. Ignorance with capital “I”. Why do you accuse folks you don’t know anything about of such crap? These sexual issues have existed from the beginning of time. People have been exploring sexuality for thousands of years, starting as children. Not all parents who have concerns about education of our children are some kind of conservative lunatic. Your comments would be hysterical if they weren’t so pathetic.

    1. Cebie? Is it? WOW, wow you are majorly warped & evil! May God save your soul & all of your kids souls for your straight on the path to hell!

    2. Sorry Cebie, that was meant for Cher. I agree w you

  45. Soul

    The bill is not about saying “gay,” it’s about not teaching 5-8 yo kids about sexuality.

    Also, the products themselves haven’t changed. I didn’t buy them before, and still won’t now.

    However, it’s a shame Disney is taking further steps to embrace ‘gay pride’ instead of staying neutral and standing with the traditional family unit.
    People in general want to come to Disney parks to spend time with their families, enjoy the attractions, and make great memories. They don’t need a totally not-secret-gay-agenda being forced upon them wherever they turn.

    If people want to be gay and have proud gay families, great for them. I don’t need or want to know about their private lives, which should remain private.
    I can love and accept everyone as human beings without agreeing with them and celebrating how they choose to live their lives.

    This country needs more children to grow up in stable, 2-parent, straight, heterosexual households. Children need to be taught real academics alongside biblical virtues, not to focus on identifying with and trying to be any gender they want to make up. Let their parents be the parents.

    1. TK

      If they choose the traditional family, that is also not neutral. It’s just choosing the other side.

      Yeah, there’s no gay agenda past wanting to live their lives fairly without the worry of being beaten to death or otherwise discriminated against.

      Keep your straight relationship private as well then.

      No, biblical values implies an official religion which we don’t have here.

    2. 100%❤️❤️❤️❤️

      1. Wrong 1000% TK

    3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!

  46. TK

    Interesting implications for Trump with this comment, but I’m thinking that’ll go over your head.

  47. Jesus is coming back
    For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believe in him shall have ever lasting life. John 3:16
    That’s the real kingdom of paradise.
    Been to Disney world several times. It’s a shame that their views are the way of the world instead of what the real results are what God says about it all. God is a very loving God

  48. Maggs

    Woke Disney = Broke Disney.. I hope their stock crashes and I hope Disney burns. You are evil, disgusting, and will not shove the agenda of a very small minority down the throats of my grandkids and the kids of this world.

    1. Go girl!!!!!

  49. Maggs

    Good for you..its not political you moron, its called morals and ethics. your Democratic party are the ones dividing.

  50. Yeah like the 2-3%ers warped beliefs!!! The rest of us and our families will be enjoying Universal, SeaWorld & the rest of what FL has to offer before we spend one red cent on your evil company! Guess you Disney execs still don’t get it & aren’t feeling enough pain in your wallets yet! Don’t worry, you will be soon with your neat little “autonomous tax free zone” gone for good, empty parks & resorts & shelves full of your crap over-priced merch!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  51. The only bigots are the 2-3%ers!! Live your lives in private & stop shoving it in the rest of America’s face! I’m a democrat, soooo politics has ZERO to do with it! Disney is or rather had ALWAYS BEEN A PLACE FOR FAMILIES….. the one God created, you know… A dad, a mom & kids…. All anatomically correct the way God made them!!!

  52. Blackjack

    Glad to see Disney caters to the whiners of the world. The rest of us should all stop going and they can be all happy with bankrupt PRIDE.

  53. Jarvis

    Woke lesbians wearing cloth masks. The ugly face of Disney.

  54. Kitty

    Everyone pouting over Disney changing their gay collection to PRIDE, while other companies have been calling their gay collections PRIDE for years. There’s a negative narrative that’s being created here and it’s being created amongst yourselves, not by any company. I bet all of you only remember 10% of your childhood. Kids are literally living their childhood right now.

  55. Chris selm

    Come on, even all the
    LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ’s gotta admit this is getting outta hand. 😆

  56. Matt

    Down with Disney.
    The rest of us and our families will be enjoying Universal, SeaWorld & the rest of what FL has to offer. Kids don’t know arithmetic but they know what lgbqt+ is? No.

  57. Jorge

    It’s disgusting how they are trying to indoctrinate kids into homosexuality and confusion about their gender. Never giving them my money again

    1. Jordan

      You’re the confused one. It’s educating children about the world around them. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s indoctrination.

  58. Perversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Well, they’ve alienated the majority of Americans with money to spend at Disney by catering to increasingly perverse — I mean diverse minority groups. I wonder what their total spending power is… Good luck with that.

  59. Keith Maru

    The fact you don’t use the bills real name shows me you have a political left spin kicking.

  60. neil

    It’s a disgrace that these puppets of the left wing use their platform to ram this stuff at us. America is doomed to fail. After November we will see this pandering nonsense reverse and good riddance to the corrupt Dems.

  61. Jason Fuchs

    Disney being idiots again. Ughhj

  62. Mitchell

    The Florida bill has no wording nor even suggests it being “anti-gay.” You can’t teach kids from K-3rd grade anything about sex. As a parent wouldn’t you want to teach them about the birds and bees?

  63. Disney world I used to go there when I was a baby

  64. Disney world I used to go there when I was a baby

  65. i love to go to Disney world but maybe everything will go good

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