Issue the “director’s cut of the film. The Disney Powers cut and rearranged certain scenes? I’d be pissed as the director and creative body of the film. The film was a huge creative step forward in technology and story. It did this 70-yo man so proud of Pixar to tell a true coming-of-age. It actually made sense of my mom and sister’s relationship. Please. Issue the full cut.
Children don’t need to see anything that has to do with sexuality. Children should get to be kids before being bombarded with issues that don’t need to be addressed until puberty.
Then why does Snow White need to kiss the Prince? Or why do the kids in High School Musical need to date? And why does Eric have to “Kiss the Girl”? Maybe Disney should really just stop ramming their brand of sexuality down everyone’s throats.
Because boys kissing girls is NATURAL. Homosexuality is practiced by only 5% of humanity…by scientific reasoning, that makes it an abnormal behavior. So most of us normal folks don’t care to see abnormal behavior that cannot reproduce more humans.
Just an out of the box thought but if you replaced sexual preference with religion would the same group be crying to include it in school curriculum for the 5-7 year olds and would the opposition be wanting it back in as it was taken out by law as well. Not certain if it would be the same discussion but I still feel that both issues should be under the perview of the parent and not the school. Children are very curious and we can enlighten them when they ask questions but not provide information they didn’t ask about from strangers that it’s not their job to tell them about. You dont start a 5 year old on complex equations or reading war and peace, you start with the basics and add onto it as better understanding of the issue is reached, same with complex issues like sexual preference and gender identity. Let a child be a child not a mini adult.
The real issue is this. The progressive side has pushed the culture down the road and the traditional side has finally (partially) said enough and has begun pushing back. So this is just the beginning of a larger culture war. Conservatives have long been satisfied with tax cuts that is no longer true and it is the younger people ironically that are begining the push back. Why is it that non-breeders are so upset with what breeders want to have taught to THEIR children? 2. Definition of “Normal” conforming to a type pattern or standard. The prince kisses snow white becuase that is normal, Erik kisses Ariel becuase that is normal.
I agree with all you said! Let a kid be a kid!!! Let them have fun, Let them feel alive, LET THEM BE A KID! And when they do start to question stuff related to the LGBTQIA+ Community And they are 5-7 or just something like that just “enlighten” them a little bit.but when they are like 11-12 or 13 you CAN give them an answer. And to sum this up I think Disney should be a little bit more open with the LGBTQIA+ stuff.(btw I just wish they would have advertised turning red as a TEEN movie not just as a little kid movie) thank you for reading
Turning Red is a movie about a little girl who turns into a red panda. Tell me what about that seemes “normal” to you? The purpose of Disney and Pixar films are to tell fictional stories about people in extraordinary fictional situations. As a teacher, I think learning stories about minority groups like LGBTQ families, religions and ethinicities are excellent for teaching values of diversity and mutual respect. In the same way I would assume conservative parents would want their kids to learn to respect people with differing political opinions. Kids are born with very little inate empathy, so they must be taught right and wrong, and stories are some of the oldest forms of teaching invented by humans to pass down values. I feel Disney has a responsibility to set a good example by reflecting diversity in their films even if it’s not reflective of the exact percentage of diversity in said population.
I feel like I also have to address this “non-breeder” comment as well. Queer people have children all the time through a variety of means including biologically. I am personally a lesbian and plan to become a foster parent in the next couple years. An incredibly noble and arguably more necessary role in society. Even if this were not true however this diversity would still be necessary because their are little children growing gay in families of “breeders” who might be scared of how different they are. The conservative value of eliminating queer representation from the screen is actively harmful to these children and only adds to the immense homelessness and suicide rate among LGBTQ children that in Canada makes them 7 times more likely to attempt and 5 more times more likely to commit. These children have value, and their stories are not worthless. They deserve to be told.
I believe all people have the right to raise their children how they see fit but when a minority of right wing extremists start effecting the art that storytellers, animators and directors all collectively want to tell, that is where I think we need to take a stand.
I am very sorry that you feel you are now being treated as a second class citizen. It must suck to feel like you don’t belong or that your value is somehow lesser simply because of who you love.
As a lesbian I get that.
I get that because growing up my lesbian aunts, (my only representation of a queer relationship,) weren’t allowed to get married or adopt kids together in my county Canada. And this reality paired with my grandfathers homophobia forcing my aunt to stay closeted, poisoned their relationship and led them to divorce. (not legally but emotionally)
I get that because when my mom found out that I fell in love with my best friend in elementary school, she shamed me in front of her, told me that I was perverted, and forced me to stop talking to her and in doing so taught me to hate myself.
I get that because of the years of suicidality and self harm that I suffered as a teenager, (the same ages as the characters in Turning Red)
When you spend your whole life being represented and celebrated in the media for your identity as a heterosexual, cisgender man, I can see how having other people who identify differently finally getting to be celebrated in the public sphere might feel like oppression.
White people felt the same when African Americans were supposed to get their 40 acres and a mule.
Christians felt the same when Israel passed the Birth Right Law.
Wealthy people felt that way when well fare got instituted for the poor.
Men felt the same way when women were able to join the work force.
Able bodied people felt the same way when disability laws were passed to enfranchise disabled peoples with monthly stipends and in home carrers for those that can’t care for themselves.
It makes sense that you feel like that but its actually equality. Most films and television shows still have straight white men as the main characters. Most romance movies are still about straight romances. Most characters are still cisgender. Thats never going to stop happening. All were asking for is that SOME films (that story tellers all ready wanted to tell, mind you) are gay.
I’m sorry to tell you but thousands of animal species practice homosexuality. What isn’t natural about that? Kids are bombarded with the idea of being straight from day 1 and queer people are ignored and erased from history. Also sorry to make u aware but it’s far more than 5%. That 5% doesn’t count all the people hiding their identity because of people like you. And it doesn’t include the people that just didn’t know that they could be gay. Educate yourself
No offense but you can be homosexual and have a baby. It’s just not the steps you were taught. Do research before posting about something you have no clue about. Thanks
There is no bill called don’t say gay. All this hysteria over a bill that protects 5-7 year olds from teachers who want to push a sexual agenda. Good grief. The left has once again been lying to push their agenda. See how they constantly do this? Lies and more lies. Grateful my kids are out of school and not exposed to this weirdness. Yes, a teacher dressing like a clown is weird.
Exactly! I’m so sick of the left, that obviously don’t read. They allow the medias propaganda to give them the information. They don’t do research. It’s beyond ridiculous. They are creating a bunch of zombies….
Why does Snow White kiss a prince? Really? How about this reason? Because it’s biology, normal, not perverted, and human. The alphabet people are none of those things.
Prince Florian is 31 and Snow White is 14. How is a relationship between two 13-year-old girls prevented but snow-white unconscious body being kissed by an adult man not?
If kids are going to learn about it eventually it is best they start at learning about it at a young age and what if a kid finds out that they are trTrans,, gay, bisexuality, lesbian etc. and they are confused why they feel like this. They are gonna ask you what’s happening and your gonna have to tell them. To sum up everything kids need to know about sexuality when they are young.
Just no. If YOU want to teach your kids all about those things when they are really young that’s fine but some other parents would rather not. Why should your way be the only way and why should it be shoved down everyone else’s throat.
Hear hear, let kids be kids. Don’t try to push your beliefs down little kids throats. If they’re curious, let them ask their parents. It’s not the job of entertainment companys to educate your children or push them in any direction. its your job as a parent to guide them.
I totally agree. I am tired of people constantly trying to groom my children through cartoons. Children need to be children. My preschooler does not need to know about any of this. This is an adult issue. If you are an adult and you want to live an alternative lifestyle that makes you happy that is fine, but stop trying to push it down my child’s throat. Disney is for children! I am glad Disney released the cut version!
hey, just a thought. why is it then that almost every single Disney and Pixar movie have some sort of romantic interest between a man and a woman? that’s alright to teach your kids, right? children (very often, I will not make a blanket statement) don’t experience sexual attraction or interest until later on in life. if Disney is for children, as you put it, then they shouldn’t be teaching about any sort of attraction at all, right? or is it just the fact that you can’t or don’t want to think about the fact that people who experience same sex attraction exist and are human beings, like yourself? if you’re so concerned with cartoons “grooming your children”, I’d keep Disney very far away from them! it’s filled with nothing but girls pining after boys, only wanting a kiss! just one! please. just admit you have hatred in your heart and move on.
When kids are born, they see mom and dad being attracted and in love. That is normal. And although young children do not and should not understand the complexity of sex and attraction, I can assure you that most kids are attracted in some way to the opposite sex. That is because it’s natural and is the biological way our species continues. I have gay family members who I love, but there relationship is not normal and is not the way we are biologically designed. So to say we should not show a prince and princess kissing either to children is absolutely ridiculous. They see from birth that men and women are naturally attracted to each other. That’s how they got born. The way these movie companies present things you would think that half our society is gay and in a interracial relationship. They just shove it down everybody’s throats these days.
Another woke deciple looking for a dragon to slay. It’s amazing how the inability to accept others who think differently qualifies as an ism or ist. It doesn’t make you a hero, just makes you a tyranical oppressor who uses a false narative to attack people. Try using the terms in context and stay away from Hilterian tactics of dehumanising people to justify oppressing them. The issue is that kids don’t need to have sexual themes shoved on them at a young age. Also, it’s get old hearing people being taking down to labels. I fail to see how who you’re sexually attacted to matters in the bigger scheme. It doesn’t matter, what matters is their character. The woke want total compliance and use this bully tactic to oppress, harass, and cancel people. How dare they treat you with respect but not think exactly the same. They must be destroyed for differing thought. Especially destoryed becacue they dont want strangers teaching their kids about sexuality at an age that isn’t relavent. Also, if you pick out all my bad grammar, congrats you found my dyslexia and not caring about spell checking.
Thank you Al! Seeing as Disney and Pixar movies are rated PG and NOT PG-13, is because they’re meant for children under 13!! If it’s appropriate for 13 years and up, then it should be rated for them! This law is for kids 9 and under, who don’t need to know about gay issues yet, except maybe from their parents !!
The average Kid doesn’t need to be confused with gender identity issues especially through entertainment. Disney should focus on entertainment not indoctrination I spend alot of money on Disney products and at Disney world. the joy of their productions has been a great way to spend time with my grandchildren. I hate to have to find otherwise ways to bring fun to my grandchildren but I will if the indoctrination continues.
This film could probably better educate ur kids than u do. If u think that they should start learning about these topics when u think ur kids are ready it’s definitely way to late.
That’s an ignorant and arrogant thing to say. If anything the push on stuff like this actually ends up in a much larger resentment towards the LGTBQ community. Which is a shame because we’re supposed to be moving forward. Yet we have people from this group dictating how they think our kids should be raised or when they get exposed to it. Really just comes off as intolerant people who think it’s their place to expose your children to sexual themes. In the end, homosexuality is about who you want to have sex with. However, there is a difference with natural sexual progression and forced sexual progress. It’s why we have so many girls who become trans, but detrans. Instead of letting them figure it out, the extremist of the LGTBQ force it. In the end it just comes to who people want to sleep with. It doesn’t define their character. Stop forcing it, its oppressive and intolerant. Accept people for who they are and what they want, not what you want them to be.
Al – then I’m sure you support the removal of all heterosexual relationships from children’s media, too. I look forward to hearing how you protested the depiction of married parents who share a bed in Tangled – and a pregnant queen to boot! – because according to you children don’t need to see THAT. Snow White wondering when her prince will come? Children shouldn’t be bombarded with such overt messages of sexuality, amirite? Anna asking Kristoff to kiss her while Elsa and Olaf are asleep in Frozen 2 – and saying at the end of the movie she prefers Kristoff in leather – you must have brought out the torches and pitchforks because according to you children should not be exposed to anything sexual in nature. I’m sure you are boycotting everything Disney as a result, right. Al?
Or do you only object when it’s non-heterosexual relationship depicted? In in which case you don’t care about the children at all, just bigotry.
Really, you’re just pushing for massive discontent towards the LGBTQ community. Seriously, would you want your kids being taught any religion without your input, by some stranger at a school that was supposed to be teaching math? Is this a battle worth fighting? It’s the parents right to discuss sexuality, not the school. On a science level, baby’s dont exist on a non-heterosexual level. There are no same sex pregnacy’s. Thus would be no babies without heterosexuality. Two women dont make a baby, and two men dont make a baby. That’s just science. It doesn’t mean they cannot raise a child, but a heterosexual relationship is more represented on a scientific level of reproduction. We cannot change reality because we dont like it. This whole subject is moot if it ends in more violence and discontent for the LGTBQ community because of the lack of respect towards what parents want for their children. It’s comes off as tyranically oppressors wishing to indoctrinate our children. I dont want someone discussing sexuality with my child no more than I want them discussing religion. It’s not disneys place for it either. I fail to see the importance of who one wants to sleep with as being an important issue of a character. I could care less, who people want to get naked with in their own time. Its there character that matters. This constant fight against percieved oppression on the LGTBQ community is really an assault on parents. It’s going to leave that community with less and less allies if it continues to be used a front to oppress our girls and force sexuality on our children when it’s not their place. The only real oppressors are those who bully this subject onto parents. Many aren’t against homosexuality, but they will find more enemies at the end because of their intolerance towards straight people.
except nobody is trying to erradicate heterosexuals? Yes, they are necessary for reproduction (and necessary or not, some of us actually believe in people’s right to *exist*). Aknowledging the existence of other type of relationships won’t eradicate heterosexuals!
I really think homosexuality is an evolutionary strategy, surged partly to curb populations (when a species reproduces faster than the food it consumes regenerates, it results in its extinction!), partly to have “spare parents” for orphaned cubs. In nature, in lots of species, homosecuality has been observed, and so have homosexual couples raising orphaned cubs. Homosexuals exist because nature needs homosexuality!
Most of humanity is anti-LGTBQAIHFBDKOR under the surface because those who support such deviant behavior have become so boorish in their behavior around “representation” it is having the opposite effect intended.
Sorry but not every film needs to pander to the 5% of humans who engage in abnormal sexual practices. (And yes it’s abnormal because they cannot procreate by natural means, thus offer nothing towards the survival of the human race – FACTS MATTER)
what an awful way to live! you don’t live for yourself? I’m so sorry to hear you don’t love yourself at all, to the point where you think your sole value in life is to have children! or wait… that’s not right, is it Daryl?
That’s how you maintain the species. And yes, pretty much every vertebrate species exists to maintain and further the species. Some do, some don’t. Since there is no such thing as homosexual reproduction, those who do that (no moral judgment here) will have their splinter group of humans eventually die off, as no offspring can be generated. Follow the Science.
I don’t live to “maintain” the species because I wouldn’t want to bring kids into this rotten world when I despise most people. I’m also not gay or any of the “5%”. I live for myself and not to be a breeder.
“that’s the problem”, as if you were doing enyone a favor by bearing children. Earth doesn’t “need” more human children. *Humanity* doesn’t need more children. I’mnot saying “don’t have kids”, I just say humans are anything but scarce. And about why childless people are commenting in this post about an animated movie, it’s because it’s a post about an animated movie, there’s no “only parents” disclaimer anywhere. *I* wonder why are *you* commenting in a post about a movie you don’t like. News flash, you can just not interact with the content
Speaker for yourself, you breeding hog. I’m alive and I NEVER wanted children, nor did I have them. I don’t live for anyone but myself! And I’m not gay, trans, etc.; I simply don’t go for all that “raise a family” BS that the far right pushes.
I always love when prehistoric nimwhitts start citing how you’re not a moral or whole human being if you dont shoot a load that will produce a child.
Tell that to the paraplegic veteran who lost his ability to use his lower body, or the faithful wife who for whatever reason is infertile. LOVE is not all about shooting as many kids out as you can. And there are PLENTY of orphans who would rather be raised by two loving fathers or two loving mothers than to grow out of the system because no one wanted them.. but I know, when someone doesn’t fit into your pathetic macho ideal of what a decent human being should be, they’re automatically inferior and immoral.. how predictable of a freaking POS you are.
Sexual reproduction IS a biological FACT of Nature. No mammals can maintain their species without sexual reproduction. That’s just science.
But think about this: your vitriolic rant means that those of your mindset will eventually die off because you cannot maintain your splinter group of humans. There is no such thing as homosexual reproduction. Follow the Science, right?
I’m sure you’re going to find it start to decrease when it comes to pushing this type of subject. Also, large study shows that people are against pushing teaching sex to k-3. Just depends on which questions are asked. Kinda funny that an agenda source used leading questions and quoted ‘so call dont say gay bill” not parental rights in education. This type of stuff is really hurting any growth, because people are getting tired of the LGTBQ being held in special status over the remaining Americans, to the point it’s getting dictacted to parents that these groups are fighting what a parent wants for their children. Instead of respecting that, they go on huge rants and shove who they want to sleep with more in your face. We don’t care, it’s your business in your bedroom. Quit putting it in my face. It’s getting sad that somehow that label became more imporant than your character. I hate that I have to remind myself that it’s the extremist giving this poor image of the LGBTQ community and remember my friends. Otherwise, my discontent will grow due to the blatant tyrannical oppressive actions taken by the extremist of the group. It’s one thing to coexist and be resprectful, it’s another to force your ideals into my world through force. There is about to be a huge backlash against the Trans community, and its sad and was avoidable. However, watch how the NCAA swimming plays out. It’s the result of a community forcing their own views without any respect or regard to the people it impacts. I hate how the woke have set us back and reduced us to labels.
Or he just has a different opinion than you and Jeannie. But of course that can’t possibly be to your small mindedness so he MUST be a hypocrite or a ‘bigot’. Right?
Fangirls: “And why did they cut all the scenes about Riley’s ambiguously gay relationship with her friend in Inside Out?”
Pixar: “Uh, she didn’t HAVE any.”
Fangirls: “Well, put some IN!”
Not all of us believe in fairy tales about invisible sky buddies that will smite us with fire and brimstone in the afterlife. You will have to come up with something scarier than that my friend.
Inclusivity should not mean “In Your Face”. The problems with the so-called inclusivity is that: 1. It actually forces out other points of view; 2. It has a whiney tone; 3. It becomes unnatural because it is forced; 4. It divides people into groups, causing the individuals to feel left out–why else has the list of letters become so large that nobody knows what each letter stands for (and what is the “+”?); 5. By design, it EXCLUDES what is supported by Scripture and/or Judeo-Christian values; and, 6. It becomes “preachy”–meaning, if you don’t believe this way, you are a bigot.
Notice how heated and personal the posts on this topic have become! It is not a discussion or a debate, it is an angry shouting match!
Agreed. Straight people don’t have parades where straight people simulate sex in the streets, shouting, “We’re Straight!”
I have no problem with who anyone likes, loves, or is married to, and what they do in the privacy of their homes. What I do have a problem with, is people shoving their sexuality in my face, and the faces of my family.
Many people don’t like, or are afraid of firearms. I don’t wave my firearms in their faces, and force them to like what I like. I keep them at home, or concealed upon my person. That is not only security, but just good manners. Perhaps that is what society is missing– consideration for others, and manners.
Just wondering, are you this passionate about including Islamic or Buddhist views in children’s media? Or do you just want your religion to have special treatment?
Disney better stop talking out of both sides of their mouths if they know what’s good for them. Homosexuality is a fact of life and has been for centuries. Love is Love and that has nothing to do with sex. Showing love is what humans are here to do. Encourage everyone to contact Disney and ask for the director’s cut of this movie.
Agreed. I want corporations to do their job: make food, fly us places, entertain us, build our houses, provide us with automobiles, gas and fuel, deliver our packages,. There’s no way a corporation can collectively take a stand on an issue on behalf of the thousands of people they employ. There is no way that every employee of Disney stands arm to arm in lockstep with the CEO and what he thinks. They need to shut up and stay out of politics. And quit pushing the narrative that every single movie needs to have alternative lifestyles presented. They don’t.
This article states “ Pixar Animation employees came forward to express their concern for the misrepresentation in the animated movie, claiming Disney executives cut the majority of inclusive scenes in the Pixar film [Turning Red].” but doesn’t link to any source. This is just shoddy “reporting”. This was never stated about Turning Red and I can find no original source that backs this claim.
Children’s movies are not the place for the Progressive LGBT propaganda. I am offended by the use of a very small percentage pushing their agenda on to children. Such actions will bite Disney in the but when families start to drop Disney+. The placement of the short OUT was also totally inappropriate on Disney+. It again was a push by the LGBT to indoctrinate children about topics that should be left to parents. Disney+ is meant to entertain not brainwashing.
You do realize that the words “…don’t say gay…” are NOT in
the “Florida Parental RIGHTS” law?
Its a law to prevent K-3rd grade from being exposed to ANY teaching that is inappropriate (CRT anyone??) to kids that young! Its about giving PARENTS the rights in their kids education that they SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS HAD!!
And the lib educational world should NOT have carte-blanche to teach kids any sexual deviancy they want to…..
Can ANYONE tell me what sex ed would be appropriate for kids 5-8?? Or has our world become SO SEXUALIZED that we need to be “sexualizing” babies??
Sex education is not ‘sexualizing’. Nor is letting children know that LGBT+ people exist (and not to discriminate against others) anymore ‘sexual’ than allowing them to see Snow White kiss a prince. Plenty of children have queer parents, uncles, aunts, siblings etc. Queer children have queer crushes (and a lot of us spent a lot of time being confused about the feelings we had because we didn’t think it was ‘allowed’)
Sex education (which is not the same as telling children that LGBT+ exist) is not necessary for kids that young, no, but sex education IS pretty vital and it has been proven statistically that sex ed prevents unwanted teen pregnancies substantially more than abstinence only education.
There is the disconnect, not in a mean way. People aren’t arguing against sex ed. It’s the issues of corporations interjecting it and the age groups involved. The issue is the idea of sexual themes being introduced to children at young ages k-3. Parents dont want it and somehow the LGBTQ community has taken issue with this.
It shoudn’t be an issue, unless it was meant to breed discontent towards the LGBTQ using the extremists of the community. If it was meant to breed discontent, whoever is pushing buttons would get the extremists of the community riled up and allow the misinformed woke to further the agenda. The misinfomration comes through the misquoting the family parental rights bill as the “so called dont say gay bill”. The result will be discontent towards the LGBTQ communty and less support. Public view would see them as attacking their own desires of how to raise their children, posing the community as a whole as sexual perverts trying to indoctrinate our children.
Sex ed shouldn’t be taught to kids. Not any kind. And before anyone attacks me for what I say next, I’m not gay or liberal, nor am I right wing. But I wonder how many of you religious/conservative nuts have tuned in/let your kids tune in to the Kardashians, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, etc. I wonder how many of you/them have heard the song or have seen the video to Cardi B.’s “WAP.” Is that trash okay because all involved are straight? Do you go after the straight degenerates as much as you do gays? If not, you’re a bunch of hypocrites whose opinions are of no importance.
I’m so sick of these lefties and their immoral ideologies. Imagine the uproar from these people if Christians demanded a religious platform for these films. They would be screaming bloody murder. Just shut the hell up already and keep your personal beliefs and views to yourself. Most people are sick of it!
Why does Snow White kiss a prince? Really? How about this reason? Because it’s biology, normal, not perverted, and human. The alphabet people are none of those things.
Phil Daivis could you remind me of the biological benefits of teenage girls being kissed by adult strangers while they’re unconscious?
That’s honestly what they sould do in pediatric hospitals: let adults in to kiss comatose children
Kids should be able to go to Disney World or anywhere else without having to worry about homosexuality presented as lifestyle. Regardless of how the gay community feels, this lifestyle is not supported by majority. And frankly, I’m tired of it popping up in every aspect of entertainment or anything else. Whatever happened to majority rules, I will never know!
Big ole preface… the way this went down behind the scenes is terrible. That said, as a bisexual woman who was a teenager at this time, seeing a character who was both genuinely excited about boybands and also interested in a girl at a party was incredibly refreshing and validating. We certainly have a dearth of gay characters and plots, but to me this film made Priya a canonically bisexual / pan character (whether or not that was the original intent), which feels so much more delightfully queer than “gay or not gay.” I was thrilled to see it.
Here’s the deal, Disney is an entertainment company and a business. I’d argue that they’re a business first and as a business, they’re job is to make money off of their merchandise. Obviously, the more people their product can appeal to, the more money they’ll make. Disney understands what it has to do in order to market their product to the most people, including people in other countries. We often forget that many countries don’t think or believe the same way we do here in the US. And it’s in Disney’s best interest, as far as profits are concerned, to try their best to make content they can sell to everyone. I hear a lot of complaints from all different sides, but the reality is this: Disney is not your parent, your teacher, your pastor, your president, or even your friend. They shouldn’t be responsible for patting you on the head and telling you your ideologies are the best ones. They really don’t have to express support for anyone or anything. In my opinion, Disney would do well to stay neutral on such social and political topics. When they start getting vocal about which side they’re supporting, they’re obviously going to get crap from all the other sides. They simply can’t win if they choose to be vocal on political and social issues. It might be best for them to stay quiet and just make good entertainment. Believe it or not, they can do this while staying neutral and without being discriminatory. It is possible.
Not everyone is straight either Mr. White. We don’t want everyone to be gay. No one has ever claimed that. We just want the young people who are gay to stop killing themselves for not fitting in.
The don’t say gay bill already has blood on its hand and LGBTQ children will continue to suffer in silence until we start growing up as a society and start teaching kids to love themselves regardless of identity.
Everyone is arguing about “My kids shouldn’t have homosexuality forced down their throats!”, “This is an adult issue”, nonsense. This movie is meant to bring light into generational trauma, puberty, having your own voice and more. A lot of people who watched this movie resonated with its scenes and felt heard. They finally got the representation they NEVER saw in a Disney movie. If you don’t want your kid watching a movie that contains LGBTQ+ scenes, then DONT watch it. There are tons of Disney movies and other cartoons out there that will show your children straight, heterosexual couples. You want your children to grow up close minded in a world that is progressing to become more open-minded, that is fine, do you. Let the rest of us enjoy this movie and ALL of it’s uncut scenes. I would personally love to watch the uncut version because I know that it will bring joy to those who are unrepresented. Those who feel like they are alone in their journey.
I hope Disney ends up releasing the uncut version soon.
Some of the women that made this movie are gay! they are recounting their own anecdotes.
I have often heard that movies are always centered in USA because they are made by usa people and to “make my own movies if I want them any other way”. Now these people are making their own movies, creating their own characters to their own like, and people is still complaining. Don’t like: don’t watch!
Yes we all want kids to be kids right? But what’s so bad about gay/LGBTQ+, like bro. It’s life there are many people that are LGBTQ+ that are suicidal because of people that shun or stereotype them and that is very very sad. If you don’t want your child seeing that then so be it, dont watch it. But don’t rub it in! The movie was quite literally about going through change quickly unsurely and still loving who you are! The mom’s problem was that she waited to long to tell her daughter about what was going to happen. So, do the same to your child? Leave them not knowing anything about this stuff until it all hits hard as a teen? Im not saying turn them into adults but expose them to different topics. Its good for you be educated. It can really help you be more open minded about whats going on around you and what or what not to do. But thats just my opinion. cya
I have very conservative views regarding sexuality. I have strong opinions about anything that goes against my views. However, everyone is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Honestly, I don’t see why everyone is getting so worked up over this movie. If we want to knit pick at the animation movies we can start with the classics. Snow White- a princess who lives with 7 male dwarfs. What about Beauty and the Beast? Little Mermaid? The list could go on and on. The problem is that everyone is getting so offened over everything is just flat out childish! Honestly, I think the LGBTQ+ thing is practically forced on everyone! Why is LBBTQ+ accepted, but then normal changes a girl goes through when she is a young teen is wrong and unacceptable??? Are we going to live in a world where people who are in a normal heterosexual relationship be humiliated???
Comments for Disney Cuts LGBTQ+ ‘Turning Red’ Scenes After Backing “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Credit: Pixar
Steven Blue
Issue the “director’s cut of the film. The Disney Powers cut and rearranged certain scenes? I’d be pissed as the director and creative body of the film. The film was a huge creative step forward in technology and story. It did this 70-yo man so proud of Pixar to tell a true coming-of-age. It actually made sense of my mom and sister’s relationship. Please. Issue the full cut.
Children don’t need to see anything that has to do with sexuality. Children should get to be kids before being bombarded with issues that don’t need to be addressed until puberty.
Then why does Snow White need to kiss the Prince? Or why do the kids in High School Musical need to date? And why does Eric have to “Kiss the Girl”? Maybe Disney should really just stop ramming their brand of sexuality down everyone’s throats.
Because boys kissing girls is NATURAL. Homosexuality is practiced by only 5% of humanity…by scientific reasoning, that makes it an abnormal behavior. So most of us normal folks don’t care to see abnormal behavior that cannot reproduce more humans.
Just an out of the box thought but if you replaced sexual preference with religion would the same group be crying to include it in school curriculum for the 5-7 year olds and would the opposition be wanting it back in as it was taken out by law as well. Not certain if it would be the same discussion but I still feel that both issues should be under the perview of the parent and not the school. Children are very curious and we can enlighten them when they ask questions but not provide information they didn’t ask about from strangers that it’s not their job to tell them about. You dont start a 5 year old on complex equations or reading war and peace, you start with the basics and add onto it as better understanding of the issue is reached, same with complex issues like sexual preference and gender identity. Let a child be a child not a mini adult.
The real issue is this. The progressive side has pushed the culture down the road and the traditional side has finally (partially) said enough and has begun pushing back. So this is just the beginning of a larger culture war. Conservatives have long been satisfied with tax cuts that is no longer true and it is the younger people ironically that are begining the push back. Why is it that non-breeders are so upset with what breeders want to have taught to THEIR children? 2. Definition of “Normal” conforming to a type pattern or standard. The prince kisses snow white becuase that is normal, Erik kisses Ariel becuase that is normal.
I agree with all you said! Let a kid be a kid!!! Let them have fun, Let them feel alive, LET THEM BE A KID! And when they do start to question stuff related to the LGBTQIA+ Community And they are 5-7 or just something like that just “enlighten” them a little bit.but when they are like 11-12 or 13 you CAN give them an answer. And to sum this up I think Disney should be a little bit more open with the LGBTQIA+ stuff.(btw I just wish they would have advertised turning red as a TEEN movie not just as a little kid movie) thank you for reading
Perelandra Waddle
Turning Red is a movie about a little girl who turns into a red panda. Tell me what about that seemes “normal” to you? The purpose of Disney and Pixar films are to tell fictional stories about people in extraordinary fictional situations. As a teacher, I think learning stories about minority groups like LGBTQ families, religions and ethinicities are excellent for teaching values of diversity and mutual respect. In the same way I would assume conservative parents would want their kids to learn to respect people with differing political opinions. Kids are born with very little inate empathy, so they must be taught right and wrong, and stories are some of the oldest forms of teaching invented by humans to pass down values. I feel Disney has a responsibility to set a good example by reflecting diversity in their films even if it’s not reflective of the exact percentage of diversity in said population.
I feel like I also have to address this “non-breeder” comment as well. Queer people have children all the time through a variety of means including biologically. I am personally a lesbian and plan to become a foster parent in the next couple years. An incredibly noble and arguably more necessary role in society. Even if this were not true however this diversity would still be necessary because their are little children growing gay in families of “breeders” who might be scared of how different they are. The conservative value of eliminating queer representation from the screen is actively harmful to these children and only adds to the immense homelessness and suicide rate among LGBTQ children that in Canada makes them 7 times more likely to attempt and 5 more times more likely to commit. These children have value, and their stories are not worthless. They deserve to be told.
I believe all people have the right to raise their children how they see fit but when a minority of right wing extremists start effecting the art that storytellers, animators and directors all collectively want to tell, that is where I think we need to take a stand.
Some people are gay, deal with it.
Perelandra Waddle
I am very sorry that you feel you are now being treated as a second class citizen. It must suck to feel like you don’t belong or that your value is somehow lesser simply because of who you love.
As a lesbian I get that.
I get that because growing up my lesbian aunts, (my only representation of a queer relationship,) weren’t allowed to get married or adopt kids together in my county Canada. And this reality paired with my grandfathers homophobia forcing my aunt to stay closeted, poisoned their relationship and led them to divorce. (not legally but emotionally)
I get that because when my mom found out that I fell in love with my best friend in elementary school, she shamed me in front of her, told me that I was perverted, and forced me to stop talking to her and in doing so taught me to hate myself.
I get that because of the years of suicidality and self harm that I suffered as a teenager, (the same ages as the characters in Turning Red)
When you spend your whole life being represented and celebrated in the media for your identity as a heterosexual, cisgender man, I can see how having other people who identify differently finally getting to be celebrated in the public sphere might feel like oppression.
White people felt the same when African Americans were supposed to get their 40 acres and a mule.
Christians felt the same when Israel passed the Birth Right Law.
Wealthy people felt that way when well fare got instituted for the poor.
Men felt the same way when women were able to join the work force.
Able bodied people felt the same way when disability laws were passed to enfranchise disabled peoples with monthly stipends and in home carrers for those that can’t care for themselves.
It makes sense that you feel like that but its actually equality. Most films and television shows still have straight white men as the main characters. Most romance movies are still about straight romances. Most characters are still cisgender. Thats never going to stop happening. All were asking for is that SOME films (that story tellers all ready wanted to tell, mind you) are gay.
I’m sorry to tell you but thousands of animal species practice homosexuality. What isn’t natural about that? Kids are bombarded with the idea of being straight from day 1 and queer people are ignored and erased from history. Also sorry to make u aware but it’s far more than 5%. That 5% doesn’t count all the people hiding their identity because of people like you. And it doesn’t include the people that just didn’t know that they could be gay. Educate yourself
No offense but you can be homosexual and have a baby. It’s just not the steps you were taught. Do research before posting about something you have no clue about. Thanks
There is no bill called don’t say gay. All this hysteria over a bill that protects 5-7 year olds from teachers who want to push a sexual agenda. Good grief. The left has once again been lying to push their agenda. See how they constantly do this? Lies and more lies. Grateful my kids are out of school and not exposed to this weirdness. Yes, a teacher dressing like a clown is weird.
Exactly! I’m so sick of the left, that obviously don’t read. They allow the medias propaganda to give them the information. They don’t do research. It’s beyond ridiculous. They are creating a bunch of zombies….
Phil Davis
Why does Snow White kiss a prince? Really? How about this reason? Because it’s biology, normal, not perverted, and human. The alphabet people are none of those things.
Prince Florian is 31 and Snow White is 14. How is a relationship between two 13-year-old girls prevented but snow-white unconscious body being kissed by an adult man not?
what about Beauty and the beast? Is is natural for girls to kiss lion-dog creatures?
If kids are going to learn about it eventually it is best they start at learning about it at a young age and what if a kid finds out that they are trTrans,, gay, bisexuality, lesbian etc. and they are confused why they feel like this. They are gonna ask you what’s happening and your gonna have to tell them. To sum up everything kids need to know about sexuality when they are young.
Just no. If YOU want to teach your kids all about those things when they are really young that’s fine but some other parents would rather not. Why should your way be the only way and why should it be shoved down everyone else’s throat.
Anthony Muscatell
Hear hear, let kids be kids. Don’t try to push your beliefs down little kids throats. If they’re curious, let them ask their parents. It’s not the job of entertainment companys to educate your children or push them in any direction. its your job as a parent to guide them.
A Thiel
I totally agree. I am tired of people constantly trying to groom my children through cartoons. Children need to be children. My preschooler does not need to know about any of this. This is an adult issue. If you are an adult and you want to live an alternative lifestyle that makes you happy that is fine, but stop trying to push it down my child’s throat. Disney is for children! I am glad Disney released the cut version!
hey, just a thought. why is it then that almost every single Disney and Pixar movie have some sort of romantic interest between a man and a woman? that’s alright to teach your kids, right? children (very often, I will not make a blanket statement) don’t experience sexual attraction or interest until later on in life. if Disney is for children, as you put it, then they shouldn’t be teaching about any sort of attraction at all, right? or is it just the fact that you can’t or don’t want to think about the fact that people who experience same sex attraction exist and are human beings, like yourself? if you’re so concerned with cartoons “grooming your children”, I’d keep Disney very far away from them! it’s filled with nothing but girls pining after boys, only wanting a kiss! just one! please. just admit you have hatred in your heart and move on.
When kids are born, they see mom and dad being attracted and in love. That is normal. And although young children do not and should not understand the complexity of sex and attraction, I can assure you that most kids are attracted in some way to the opposite sex. That is because it’s natural and is the biological way our species continues. I have gay family members who I love, but there relationship is not normal and is not the way we are biologically designed. So to say we should not show a prince and princess kissing either to children is absolutely ridiculous. They see from birth that men and women are naturally attracted to each other. That’s how they got born. The way these movie companies present things you would think that half our society is gay and in a interracial relationship. They just shove it down everybody’s throats these days.
Sir John
Another woke deciple looking for a dragon to slay. It’s amazing how the inability to accept others who think differently qualifies as an ism or ist. It doesn’t make you a hero, just makes you a tyranical oppressor who uses a false narative to attack people. Try using the terms in context and stay away from Hilterian tactics of dehumanising people to justify oppressing them. The issue is that kids don’t need to have sexual themes shoved on them at a young age. Also, it’s get old hearing people being taking down to labels. I fail to see how who you’re sexually attacted to matters in the bigger scheme. It doesn’t matter, what matters is their character. The woke want total compliance and use this bully tactic to oppress, harass, and cancel people. How dare they treat you with respect but not think exactly the same. They must be destroyed for differing thought. Especially destoryed becacue they dont want strangers teaching their kids about sexuality at an age that isn’t relavent. Also, if you pick out all my bad grammar, congrats you found my dyslexia and not caring about spell checking.
Lisa Pappas
Lisa Pappas
Just to clarify my previous AMEN was for A Thiel lol
Thank you Al! Seeing as Disney and Pixar movies are rated PG and NOT PG-13, is because they’re meant for children under 13!! If it’s appropriate for 13 years and up, then it should be rated for them! This law is for kids 9 and under, who don’t need to know about gay issues yet, except maybe from their parents !!
The average Kid doesn’t need to be confused with gender identity issues especially through entertainment. Disney should focus on entertainment not indoctrination I spend alot of money on Disney products and at Disney world. the joy of their productions has been a great way to spend time with my grandchildren. I hate to have to find otherwise ways to bring fun to my grandchildren but I will if the indoctrination continues.
This film could probably better educate ur kids than u do. If u think that they should start learning about these topics when u think ur kids are ready it’s definitely way to late.
Sir John
That’s an ignorant and arrogant thing to say. If anything the push on stuff like this actually ends up in a much larger resentment towards the LGTBQ community. Which is a shame because we’re supposed to be moving forward. Yet we have people from this group dictating how they think our kids should be raised or when they get exposed to it. Really just comes off as intolerant people who think it’s their place to expose your children to sexual themes. In the end, homosexuality is about who you want to have sex with. However, there is a difference with natural sexual progression and forced sexual progress. It’s why we have so many girls who become trans, but detrans. Instead of letting them figure it out, the extremist of the LGTBQ force it. In the end it just comes to who people want to sleep with. It doesn’t define their character. Stop forcing it, its oppressive and intolerant. Accept people for who they are and what they want, not what you want them to be.
By the way the whole movie is about a girl stepping into puberty. Exploring your sexuality is something a person at this age would do.
Al – then I’m sure you support the removal of all heterosexual relationships from children’s media, too. I look forward to hearing how you protested the depiction of married parents who share a bed in Tangled – and a pregnant queen to boot! – because according to you children don’t need to see THAT. Snow White wondering when her prince will come? Children shouldn’t be bombarded with such overt messages of sexuality, amirite? Anna asking Kristoff to kiss her while Elsa and Olaf are asleep in Frozen 2 – and saying at the end of the movie she prefers Kristoff in leather – you must have brought out the torches and pitchforks because according to you children should not be exposed to anything sexual in nature. I’m sure you are boycotting everything Disney as a result, right. Al?
Or do you only object when it’s non-heterosexual relationship depicted? In in which case you don’t care about the children at all, just bigotry.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand here comes the typical Lib “if you don’t agree with me then you are a ‘bigot'” response. *eye roll*
Sir John
Really, you’re just pushing for massive discontent towards the LGBTQ community. Seriously, would you want your kids being taught any religion without your input, by some stranger at a school that was supposed to be teaching math? Is this a battle worth fighting? It’s the parents right to discuss sexuality, not the school. On a science level, baby’s dont exist on a non-heterosexual level. There are no same sex pregnacy’s. Thus would be no babies without heterosexuality. Two women dont make a baby, and two men dont make a baby. That’s just science. It doesn’t mean they cannot raise a child, but a heterosexual relationship is more represented on a scientific level of reproduction. We cannot change reality because we dont like it. This whole subject is moot if it ends in more violence and discontent for the LGTBQ community because of the lack of respect towards what parents want for their children. It’s comes off as tyranically oppressors wishing to indoctrinate our children. I dont want someone discussing sexuality with my child no more than I want them discussing religion. It’s not disneys place for it either. I fail to see the importance of who one wants to sleep with as being an important issue of a character. I could care less, who people want to get naked with in their own time. Its there character that matters. This constant fight against percieved oppression on the LGTBQ community is really an assault on parents. It’s going to leave that community with less and less allies if it continues to be used a front to oppress our girls and force sexuality on our children when it’s not their place. The only real oppressors are those who bully this subject onto parents. Many aren’t against homosexuality, but they will find more enemies at the end because of their intolerance towards straight people.
except nobody is trying to erradicate heterosexuals? Yes, they are necessary for reproduction (and necessary or not, some of us actually believe in people’s right to *exist*). Aknowledging the existence of other type of relationships won’t eradicate heterosexuals!
I really think homosexuality is an evolutionary strategy, surged partly to curb populations (when a species reproduces faster than the food it consumes regenerates, it results in its extinction!), partly to have “spare parents” for orphaned cubs. In nature, in lots of species, homosecuality has been observed, and so have homosexual couples raising orphaned cubs. Homosexuals exist because nature needs homosexuality!
Well said, Jeannie! Al is obviously hypocritical at best and anti-LGBTQ+ at worse.
Most of humanity is anti-LGTBQAIHFBDKOR under the surface because those who support such deviant behavior have become so boorish in their behavior around “representation” it is having the opposite effect intended.
Sorry but not every film needs to pander to the 5% of humans who engage in abnormal sexual practices. (And yes it’s abnormal because they cannot procreate by natural means, thus offer nothing towards the survival of the human race – FACTS MATTER)
Why don’t people understand that part. The whole point of being alive is to raise children.
what an awful way to live! you don’t live for yourself? I’m so sorry to hear you don’t love yourself at all, to the point where you think your sole value in life is to have children! or wait… that’s not right, is it Daryl?
That’s how you maintain the species. And yes, pretty much every vertebrate species exists to maintain and further the species. Some do, some don’t. Since there is no such thing as homosexual reproduction, those who do that (no moral judgment here) will have their splinter group of humans eventually die off, as no offspring can be generated. Follow the Science.
I don’t live to “maintain” the species because I wouldn’t want to bring kids into this rotten world when I despise most people. I’m also not gay or any of the “5%”. I live for myself and not to be a breeder.
Sir John
That’s the problem, people only seem to care about themselves.
“that’s the problem”, as if you were doing enyone a favor by bearing children. Earth doesn’t “need” more human children. *Humanity* doesn’t need more children. I’mnot saying “don’t have kids”, I just say humans are anything but scarce. And about why childless people are commenting in this post about an animated movie, it’s because it’s a post about an animated movie, there’s no “only parents” disclaimer anywhere. *I* wonder why are *you* commenting in a post about a movie you don’t like. News flash, you can just not interact with the content
Speaker for yourself, you breeding hog. I’m alive and I NEVER wanted children, nor did I have them. I don’t live for anyone but myself! And I’m not gay, trans, etc.; I simply don’t go for all that “raise a family” BS that the far right pushes.
Sir John
Well said by the “me” generation. Why are you posting on here if you don’t have a vested interest in children.
I always love when prehistoric nimwhitts start citing how you’re not a moral or whole human being if you dont shoot a load that will produce a child.
Tell that to the paraplegic veteran who lost his ability to use his lower body, or the faithful wife who for whatever reason is infertile. LOVE is not all about shooting as many kids out as you can. And there are PLENTY of orphans who would rather be raised by two loving fathers or two loving mothers than to grow out of the system because no one wanted them.. but I know, when someone doesn’t fit into your pathetic macho ideal of what a decent human being should be, they’re automatically inferior and immoral.. how predictable of a freaking POS you are.
The best part of you was the stain on the sheets the night you were conceived VDog.
Go ahead Kevin, get off on that thought if it will help you fall asleep.
Shortened your name down to exactly what you are, I see. You should get some penicillin for that.
Sexual reproduction IS a biological FACT of Nature. No mammals can maintain their species without sexual reproduction. That’s just science.
But think about this: your vitriolic rant means that those of your mindset will eventually die off because you cannot maintain your splinter group of humans. There is no such thing as homosexual reproduction. Follow the Science, right?
US citizens are overwhelming positive towards LGBT+ rights etc in every modern poll. : ) Turns out you’re the one who’s deviant.
Sir John
I’m sure you’re going to find it start to decrease when it comes to pushing this type of subject. Also, large study shows that people are against pushing teaching sex to k-3. Just depends on which questions are asked. Kinda funny that an agenda source used leading questions and quoted ‘so call dont say gay bill” not parental rights in education. This type of stuff is really hurting any growth, because people are getting tired of the LGTBQ being held in special status over the remaining Americans, to the point it’s getting dictacted to parents that these groups are fighting what a parent wants for their children. Instead of respecting that, they go on huge rants and shove who they want to sleep with more in your face. We don’t care, it’s your business in your bedroom. Quit putting it in my face. It’s getting sad that somehow that label became more imporant than your character. I hate that I have to remind myself that it’s the extremist giving this poor image of the LGBTQ community and remember my friends. Otherwise, my discontent will grow due to the blatant tyrannical oppressive actions taken by the extremist of the group. It’s one thing to coexist and be resprectful, it’s another to force your ideals into my world through force. There is about to be a huge backlash against the Trans community, and its sad and was avoidable. However, watch how the NCAA swimming plays out. It’s the result of a community forcing their own views without any respect or regard to the people it impacts. I hate how the woke have set us back and reduced us to labels.
Or he just has a different opinion than you and Jeannie. But of course that can’t possibly be to your small mindedness so he MUST be a hypocrite or a ‘bigot’. Right?
Fangirls: “And why did they cut all the scenes about Riley’s ambiguously gay relationship with her friend in Inside Out?”
Pixar: “Uh, she didn’t HAVE any.”
Fangirls: “Well, put some IN!”
Let the wicked self-righteous ‘holier than thou’ do what they want to do for now. There will be consequences in the end.
Not all of us believe in fairy tales about invisible sky buddies that will smite us with fire and brimstone in the afterlife. You will have to come up with something scarier than that my friend.
Inclusivity should not mean “In Your Face”. The problems with the so-called inclusivity is that: 1. It actually forces out other points of view; 2. It has a whiney tone; 3. It becomes unnatural because it is forced; 4. It divides people into groups, causing the individuals to feel left out–why else has the list of letters become so large that nobody knows what each letter stands for (and what is the “+”?); 5. By design, it EXCLUDES what is supported by Scripture and/or Judeo-Christian values; and, 6. It becomes “preachy”–meaning, if you don’t believe this way, you are a bigot.
Notice how heated and personal the posts on this topic have become! It is not a discussion or a debate, it is an angry shouting match!
Agreed. Straight people don’t have parades where straight people simulate sex in the streets, shouting, “We’re Straight!”
I have no problem with who anyone likes, loves, or is married to, and what they do in the privacy of their homes. What I do have a problem with, is people shoving their sexuality in my face, and the faces of my family.
Many people don’t like, or are afraid of firearms. I don’t wave my firearms in their faces, and force them to like what I like. I keep them at home, or concealed upon my person. That is not only security, but just good manners. Perhaps that is what society is missing– consideration for others, and manners.
Just wondering, are you this passionate about including Islamic or Buddhist views in children’s media? Or do you just want your religion to have special treatment?
Disney better stop talking out of both sides of their mouths if they know what’s good for them. Homosexuality is a fact of life and has been for centuries. Love is Love and that has nothing to do with sex. Showing love is what humans are here to do. Encourage everyone to contact Disney and ask for the director’s cut of this movie.
How many Kindergarden through 3rd graders does Disney employ?
I am guessing ZERO. So what is Disney on about, claiming to protect LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ Disney employees by opposing the Parental Rights in Education bill?
Chapek is a bumbling fool. Apparently he has no clue on how to run Disney. Rule #1 should be “Stay Out of Politics.”
Agreed. I want corporations to do their job: make food, fly us places, entertain us, build our houses, provide us with automobiles, gas and fuel, deliver our packages,. There’s no way a corporation can collectively take a stand on an issue on behalf of the thousands of people they employ. There is no way that every employee of Disney stands arm to arm in lockstep with the CEO and what he thinks. They need to shut up and stay out of politics. And quit pushing the narrative that every single movie needs to have alternative lifestyles presented. They don’t.
umm… Disney had been releasing political propaganda since Walt Dinsey himself worked on the movies 80 years ago. Do some research.
This article states “ Pixar Animation employees came forward to express their concern for the misrepresentation in the animated movie, claiming Disney executives cut the majority of inclusive scenes in the Pixar film [Turning Red].” but doesn’t link to any source. This is just shoddy “reporting”. This was never stated about Turning Red and I can find no original source that backs this claim.
Dr. William R. Mohundro
Children’s movies are not the place for the Progressive LGBT propaganda. I am offended by the use of a very small percentage pushing their agenda on to children. Such actions will bite Disney in the but when families start to drop Disney+. The placement of the short OUT was also totally inappropriate on Disney+. It again was a push by the LGBT to indoctrinate children about topics that should be left to parents. Disney+ is meant to entertain not brainwashing.
You do realize that the words “…don’t say gay…” are NOT in
the “Florida Parental RIGHTS” law?
Its a law to prevent K-3rd grade from being exposed to ANY teaching that is inappropriate (CRT anyone??) to kids that young! Its about giving PARENTS the rights in their kids education that they SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS HAD!!
And the lib educational world should NOT have carte-blanche to teach kids any sexual deviancy they want to…..
Can ANYONE tell me what sex ed would be appropriate for kids 5-8?? Or has our world become SO SEXUALIZED that we need to be “sexualizing” babies??
Sex education is not ‘sexualizing’. Nor is letting children know that LGBT+ people exist (and not to discriminate against others) anymore ‘sexual’ than allowing them to see Snow White kiss a prince. Plenty of children have queer parents, uncles, aunts, siblings etc. Queer children have queer crushes (and a lot of us spent a lot of time being confused about the feelings we had because we didn’t think it was ‘allowed’)
Sex education (which is not the same as telling children that LGBT+ exist) is not necessary for kids that young, no, but sex education IS pretty vital and it has been proven statistically that sex ed prevents unwanted teen pregnancies substantially more than abstinence only education.
Sir John
There is the disconnect, not in a mean way. People aren’t arguing against sex ed. It’s the issues of corporations interjecting it and the age groups involved. The issue is the idea of sexual themes being introduced to children at young ages k-3. Parents dont want it and somehow the LGBTQ community has taken issue with this.
It shoudn’t be an issue, unless it was meant to breed discontent towards the LGBTQ using the extremists of the community. If it was meant to breed discontent, whoever is pushing buttons would get the extremists of the community riled up and allow the misinformed woke to further the agenda. The misinfomration comes through the misquoting the family parental rights bill as the “so called dont say gay bill”. The result will be discontent towards the LGBTQ communty and less support. Public view would see them as attacking their own desires of how to raise their children, posing the community as a whole as sexual perverts trying to indoctrinate our children.
If you don’t have children then why are you commenting on what my children should be exposed too.
Sex ed shouldn’t be taught to kids. Not any kind. And before anyone attacks me for what I say next, I’m not gay or liberal, nor am I right wing. But I wonder how many of you religious/conservative nuts have tuned in/let your kids tune in to the Kardashians, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, etc. I wonder how many of you/them have heard the song or have seen the video to Cardi B.’s “WAP.” Is that trash okay because all involved are straight? Do you go after the straight degenerates as much as you do gays? If not, you’re a bunch of hypocrites whose opinions are of no importance.
You should have just stopped before you went off on your wild tangent.
Shut up, manbaby. I see you offered no real answer, nothing of value.
I’m so sick of these lefties and their immoral ideologies. Imagine the uproar from these people if Christians demanded a religious platform for these films. They would be screaming bloody murder. Just shut the hell up already and keep your personal beliefs and views to yourself. Most people are sick of it!
Denise, sweetie, take a nap. The big bad lefties aren’t going to cancel veggie tales, I promise.
Phil Davis
Why does Snow White kiss a prince? Really? How about this reason? Because it’s biology, normal, not perverted, and human. The alphabet people are none of those things.
Phil Daivis could you remind me of the biological benefits of teenage girls being kissed by adult strangers while they’re unconscious?
That’s honestly what they sould do in pediatric hospitals: let adults in to kiss comatose children
Susan Reece
Kids should be able to go to Disney World or anywhere else without having to worry about homosexuality presented as lifestyle. Regardless of how the gay community feels, this lifestyle is not supported by majority. And frankly, I’m tired of it popping up in every aspect of entertainment or anything else. Whatever happened to majority rules, I will never know!
Susan, honey, sweetie… up to 70% of polled Americans support LGBT+ rights.
Susan Reece
j, honey, sweetie… shut your mouth.
Sir John
That’s nice and all, but not relevent. I’m tired of who someone wanting to sleep with needs to be shoved down everyones throat.
Big ole preface… the way this went down behind the scenes is terrible. That said, as a bisexual woman who was a teenager at this time, seeing a character who was both genuinely excited about boybands and also interested in a girl at a party was incredibly refreshing and validating. We certainly have a dearth of gay characters and plots, but to me this film made Priya a canonically bisexual / pan character (whether or not that was the original intent), which feels so much more delightfully queer than “gay or not gay.” I was thrilled to see it.
Here’s the deal, Disney is an entertainment company and a business. I’d argue that they’re a business first and as a business, they’re job is to make money off of their merchandise. Obviously, the more people their product can appeal to, the more money they’ll make. Disney understands what it has to do in order to market their product to the most people, including people in other countries. We often forget that many countries don’t think or believe the same way we do here in the US. And it’s in Disney’s best interest, as far as profits are concerned, to try their best to make content they can sell to everyone. I hear a lot of complaints from all different sides, but the reality is this: Disney is not your parent, your teacher, your pastor, your president, or even your friend. They shouldn’t be responsible for patting you on the head and telling you your ideologies are the best ones. They really don’t have to express support for anyone or anything. In my opinion, Disney would do well to stay neutral on such social and political topics. When they start getting vocal about which side they’re supporting, they’re obviously going to get crap from all the other sides. They simply can’t win if they choose to be vocal on political and social issues. It might be best for them to stay quiet and just make good entertainment. Believe it or not, they can do this while staying neutral and without being discriminatory. It is possible.
Not everyone is straight either Mr. White. We don’t want everyone to be gay. No one has ever claimed that. We just want the young people who are gay to stop killing themselves for not fitting in.
The don’t say gay bill already has blood on its hand and LGBTQ children will continue to suffer in silence until we start growing up as a society and start teaching kids to love themselves regardless of identity.
Everyone is arguing about “My kids shouldn’t have homosexuality forced down their throats!”, “This is an adult issue”, nonsense. This movie is meant to bring light into generational trauma, puberty, having your own voice and more. A lot of people who watched this movie resonated with its scenes and felt heard. They finally got the representation they NEVER saw in a Disney movie. If you don’t want your kid watching a movie that contains LGBTQ+ scenes, then DONT watch it. There are tons of Disney movies and other cartoons out there that will show your children straight, heterosexual couples. You want your children to grow up close minded in a world that is progressing to become more open-minded, that is fine, do you. Let the rest of us enjoy this movie and ALL of it’s uncut scenes. I would personally love to watch the uncut version because I know that it will bring joy to those who are unrepresented. Those who feel like they are alone in their journey.
I hope Disney ends up releasing the uncut version soon.
Some of the women that made this movie are gay! they are recounting their own anecdotes.
I have often heard that movies are always centered in USA because they are made by usa people and to “make my own movies if I want them any other way”. Now these people are making their own movies, creating their own characters to their own like, and people is still complaining. Don’t like: don’t watch!
Yes we all want kids to be kids right? But what’s so bad about gay/LGBTQ+, like bro. It’s life there are many people that are LGBTQ+ that are suicidal because of people that shun or stereotype them and that is very very sad. If you don’t want your child seeing that then so be it, dont watch it. But don’t rub it in! The movie was quite literally about going through change quickly unsurely and still loving who you are! The mom’s problem was that she waited to long to tell her daughter about what was going to happen. So, do the same to your child? Leave them not knowing anything about this stuff until it all hits hard as a teen? Im not saying turn them into adults but expose them to different topics. Its good for you be educated. It can really help you be more open minded about whats going on around you and what or what not to do. But thats just my opinion. cya
I have very conservative views regarding sexuality. I have strong opinions about anything that goes against my views. However, everyone is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Honestly, I don’t see why everyone is getting so worked up over this movie. If we want to knit pick at the animation movies we can start with the classics. Snow White- a princess who lives with 7 male dwarfs. What about Beauty and the Beast? Little Mermaid? The list could go on and on. The problem is that everyone is getting so offened over everything is just flat out childish! Honestly, I think the LGBTQ+ thing is practically forced on everyone! Why is LBBTQ+ accepted, but then normal changes a girl goes through when she is a young teen is wrong and unacceptable??? Are we going to live in a world where people who are in a normal heterosexual relationship be humiliated???
Miriam Wexler
yeah i’m so pissed that “mei x miriam” was gonna be a thing and then disney made them change the scenes
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