One Line in ‘Doctor Strange’ Trailer Ignites Civil War Among Fans - Inside the Magic

Comments for One Line in ‘Doctor Strange’ Trailer Ignites Civil War Among Fans

(Left) Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlett Witch (Right) Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange


  1. Wandavision4life

    Wanda did all of that in heartbreak the series is even written in the stages of grief the eras just covered it! We all go through grief differently and if anyone had superpowers they could not figure out and had loved ones die enough they feel half dead too can not blame wanda! Strange could have been the bigger person and the great supreme he is suppose to be but he failed though we got a great spidey movie out of it! Plus he just keeps going including getting wandas help wanda whose trying to move on and find her kids its all she wants to do clearly… Their is justification for wanda not for strange!

  2. Kant

    Did they confirm Patrick Stewart was back “as Professor X”?

    I don’t know that they did…

  3. David

    Wanda shouldn’t be vilified for her powers when she has lost everything and uses them due to her emotional devastation trying to recreate what brought her true joy.
    Strange as well was trying to help Parker, but his sell/damage seems much larger an issue that could wreak havoc for every mortal/mutant/hero across all time.
    How you gonna call her out?

    1. David


  4. J.T

    The difference is that when Strange messed up, he actively tried to fix things. Wanda hasn’t been shown to take any responsibility for her legitimately EVIL actions, and only stopped because someone else got in her way. If Agatha wasnt there Wanda would still be literally enslaving people with her powers to live out her fantasy of a relationship that BARELY even existed in the movie universe. They had all of, what, fifteen minutes? Of screentime together and im supposed to believe she was so attached to him it caused a mental break when he died? Guess she must not have cared about pietro all that much cause she seemed to have gotten over that real quick in comparison.

    1. Chance

      In Infinity War it’s stated that they have been sneaking away to be with each other for two years post Civil War, where it was implicitly shown that there was a connection. I’m ok with that establishing the relationship between them.

  5. Dr. Wiered

    Totally is a double standard I think. Put the what and how aside, and they both did something that’s not right. Manipulating time to better your future is just totally a horrible thing for anyone who knows magic to do. Selfishness and magic don’t mix.

  6. Chance

    Caitlin: “In all that time, Doctor Strange did not try to stop Wanda or help her or do anything about the situation at all until he needed something from her to fix his own mistake.”

    Strange was supposed to have appeared, Cumberbatch was signed on, and was even hinted at in the commercials within the show, but there was even more powerful magic at work than chaos magic:

    Feige: “…it would have taken away from Wanda. We didn’t want the end of the show to be commoditized to go to the next movie — here’s the white guy, ‘Let me show you how power works.'”

    You can’t have it both ways.

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