I’m somewhat surprised they put Biden up there to speak at the end of the show. He won’t speak to the press, and rarely left his basement during the 2020 campaign. It’s just not reality…
I fully understand that the way the human mind works once it’s been broken, will not allow you to see the truth, but you’ve been brainwashed and it’s quite sad.
Hi Joe, where are we going? to visit Donald Trump in federal prison? I hope so, he’ll look good in orange fatigues, LOL Disney can change the DT in hall of presidents in to prison suit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that would be so funny, and make the ride better.
As opposed to ranting how great you are w/o any real governance. I think the lack of reality is personal and upstairs. This isn’t a team sport buddy, it’s a country and you’re either a part of it or not.
“81 million votes” !! And TRUMP gets the cheers!!?? Looking at who you voted for in the first place AND the past year. I’d be keeping quiet also! Disney could have saved time and money by just sticking an old Pinocchio doll in Bidens Spot!!
In reality, which we know you are forbidden to believe, Biden speaks to the press at every opportunity Donnie orders you to ignore because Biden acts presidential who Don the Con believes the office is a dictatorship. In fact, Trump only spoke with the press only when he had zero choice.
Funny how 600,000 died under the watch of the geriatric who said he was going to end it! Yet here we are! Worried about corrupting voting! Priorities!!
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
While leaving Americans stranded in Afghanistan, killing 13 Marines and small children, infuriating our longest and greatest allies, and killing more w Covid than DT did… already. Sad- some ppl are more bothered by an orange dude who sends mean tweets than an old dude who digs tween meats. You probably shouldn’t be allowed in Disney😳😱
I think the blind adoration of Trump exhibited in these comments shows too why there are so many fights that break out at the parks. Those people gave no respect for themselves or anyone else. It’s a Trump thing.
Whether a president is Good or bad. The hall of presidents should be respected. All our presidents belong I this attraction. It’s our history! History must be remembered or we are doomed to repeat it. So wether you like a president or not just sit in that wonderfully air conditioned hall and enjoy the show. Enjoy the history!
3 times in a row where he doesn’t get the popular vote because the majority of Americans don’t want him to lead. I really doubt he’ll get reelected due to the simple fact he’s on trial for crimes he’s committed and most Americans wouldn’t want that to be who represents them.
And according to the constitution, a president can only serve two terms so he is out.
And also according to the Constitution, no one can hold public office if they acted against the US government and 1-6-2021 was an attempt to overthrow the government.
Despite what Don the Con orders you to believe, he’ll have too many lawsuits to worry about his boyfriend in the Kremlin stealing another election on his behalf.
in 2024 DT will be in Federal Prison and still claiming he won 2020 and probably 2024 as well even if he isn’t on any ballots, From prison it will be “the system is rigged to keep convicted insurrectionists off the ballots, we’re gonna get that all fixed real soon, you’ll see. Send a $100 donation to Get DT out Jail. we need your money
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
IMO Trump’s face isn’t orange enough. What happened, did Disney just run out of the color?
If I was there I’d probably chuck my drink at his robot. The real Trump would probably get angry and call on his goons (the same ones that stormed the Capitol on 1/6) to go after me.
Oh you mean antifa and blm dressed as Trump supporters? Plenty of videos show them changing out of their close into Trump gear. Also fbi agents that filtrated Trump supporters. Please explain why piglosi REFUSED 6-8 times to add the national guard that Trump requested or when she refused request from capital police for national guard members? Because it was all set up. That’s why the fbi has said there was no insurrection. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Trump will be president #47.
Wow. Just wow. You truly sounds like a lunatic just fyi. “It wasn’t trump fans it was antifa…. Or the FBI ..But if it was trump fans, they are patriots and deserve pardons.” Please share your secret evidence because the people arrested are real and have names and histories and they were clearly trump fans and Q lunatics
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why you need to take care of your physical AND mental health. People who talk like this are why other countries question how together all of America is lol
Something similar at Disney: In Galaxy’s Edge (Orlando), when the Storm Troopers would arrest Vi, some of the native Batuuans would shout, “Lock her up, Lock her up!” in a parody of events in the 2016 Presidential election. Disney management put a stop to that, though.
I’m glad we went when we did. Only applause at the end of the show. No interruptions. The only bothersome thing about it were the Minnie ears of the woman in front of me.
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
We had a sorta kinda viable third party with Ross Perot a couple decades ago. But after that lost steam and stopped putting up any viable candidates we were right back to the two parties we are stuck with now.
I am. It’s not his fault the Republicans would rather kiss the ompa loompa’s ass then do their job. He was elected to get that cheeto dust con artist out of office and he did his job
yes, living with DT as president was like being at the bottom a poop filled cesspool, at least now i feel like we are crawling out it and things can start to get better, oh wait the immoral minority maga crowd wants to drag us back in the cesspool in 2-3 years
We are still in a pandemic and dealing with the chaos from Trump. As things go, I’m happy that it’s not chaos like it was when we had Trump in office. Only time will tell what else will improve or not
Both parties chose bad candidates and President Biden was the better choice. We already got to see the incompetence of President Trump during his four years in office.
I think I have a solution to Disney’s dilemma…. all they have to do is take President Oompa Loompa & sit him down on a stool BEHIND the very back row. He will have his back to the audience, with a dunce cap that reads “LOSER” & a “KICK ME” sign pinned to his back. In one hand, he’ll have a Big Mac & a Filet O’ Fish in the other, but he can’t eat them because of the dirty sock stuffed in his mouth. Optional attire: an orange jumpsuit to match his complexion.
I’m amazed at all the talking points being thrown back and forth on here. All of you show your ignorance. Truth lies in the middle and if you listened and did actual research and did let your team bias get in the way, you would see neither side cares about you and neither side is any different.
The lone voice of reason in a cacophony of blathering ignorance. Folks, US politics is professional wrestling. No one is coming to save you. They don’t care about us.
I just think people should be quiet during this show and any other so other guests can enjoy it. Regardless of who your favorite president is it what you think of the current one, the dignity of the show and Walt’s vision should be preserved. Be quiet and courteous. Put your phone away because no one wants to see it or the video you shot, cuz it’s already on YouTube and in better quality. Count your blessings that we live in a country where we can engage in discourse about our leaders without being arrested.
The trump animatronic is one of the scariest looking things I have ever seen! They really wanted it to be lifelike. If I was a little kid I would be running scared out of that place and have nightmares for weeks after.
Congratulations to Disney’s Imagineer’s for creating an animatronic of Trump that’s even uglier than the real thing, that’s one hell of an achievement.
Seriously just close the attraction ppl have lacked the ability to act like civilized beings 🙄 need proof just look at this hot mess of a comment section mother of pearl.. 🤦♀️
Tammy, the new Karen, you do understand that people pay, and get thrown out in the same day all the time. Makes for an extra attraction for folks like me, so please do it id love to watch you scream about “your rights”
While I don’t like that Donnie is in this attraction, I find solace in the fact that his animatronic will have Hillary Clinton’s mouth for eternity. #wassupposetobehillary #dontbotherwithanewoneforthisdope
” … the crowd cheers so loudly for Donald Trump … ” Really? I listened to the video — it only sounded like a small handful of people near the video camera were cheering. Actually sounded pretty pathetic. My son’s little league team gets more cheers when they get a man on base. Sounds to me like Trump is losing fans.
I first noticed this behavior from guests when they added Obama to the Hall of Presidents. My daughter booed quietly when he spoke and I chastise her vehemently. I told her that was not the way to act in that attraction. She should be reverent to the Office of the President into the people in the audience who wanted to see the attraction whether she voted for the person or not. I just wish people would grow up, shut up, and let other people enjoy the attraction.
I first noticed this behavior from guests when they added Obama to the Hall of Presidents. My daughter booed quietly when he spoke and I chastise her vehemently. I told her that was not the way to act in that attraction. She should be reverent to the Office of the President and to the people in the audience who wanted to see the attraction whether she voted for the person or not. I just wish people would grow up, shut up, and let other people enjoy the attraction.
It’s well known that WDW’s base leans conservative. People with passports favor travel outside the continent, while those who watch Fox “news” prefer to drink “around the world” at Epcot, while only experiencing the homogenized versions of the places “represented”. This is really not surprising to anyone. Although I wish they would learn some decorum, and not spoil the attraction for everyone. If I’m wrong, please respond with an articulate argument. *Put downs and “let’s go Brandon” are not articulate.
Comments for Cast Member Warns Guests to Stop Disrupting Hall of Presidents With Cheers
Credit: Disney
I REALLY wish those rumors about Disney replacing the Hall Of Presidents with a Weird Al and Lynn-Manuel Miranda show were true.
Daniel S.
w h a t ?
Janet Burroughs
Trump won the 2020 election. Biden stole it. PERIOD!!!
2000 Mule movie coming this Spring about ballot stuffing! Watch!
Ken Brenner
Hi. I won’t go into this attraction again.
They won’t have to worry about me making noise…
Ken Brenner
I’m somewhat surprised they put Biden up there to speak at the end of the show. He won’t speak to the press, and rarely left his basement during the 2020 campaign. It’s just not reality…
Ryan C.
I fully understand that the way the human mind works once it’s been broken, will not allow you to see the truth, but you’ve been brainwashed and it’s quite sad.
Sleepy Joe
Let’s go Brandon!
Hi Joe, where are we going? to visit Donald Trump in federal prison? I hope so, he’ll look good in orange fatigues, LOL Disney can change the DT in hall of presidents in to prison suit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that would be so funny, and make the ride better.
DTDT, Brandon
DTDT = Donald Trump Doing Time
Theresa a Tellez
I believe that all that is coming out with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, that they will go into prison way before Trump.
Grow up!
As opposed to ranting how great you are w/o any real governance. I think the lack of reality is personal and upstairs. This isn’t a team sport buddy, it’s a country and you’re either a part of it or not.
The “Q” stands for Quail eggs shoved up your rear, right? I heard that cures COVID as much as the horse meds
Mark Walker
Oh stfu
Sad that traitor-tRUMP now taints this once revered attraction!
put the animatronic DT in prison suit
Carl Maltzman
Ah, he President Biden doesn’t appear much on Fox Spews, OAN or Newsmax because they’re too busy pumping out propanda to their Trumpanzee audience.
david chinery
“81 million votes” !! And TRUMP gets the cheers!!?? Looking at who you voted for in the first place AND the past year. I’d be keeping quiet also! Disney could have saved time and money by just sticking an old Pinocchio doll in Bidens Spot!!
I’m sorry Don the Con orders you to believe that.
In reality, which we know you are forbidden to believe, Biden speaks to the press at every opportunity Donnie orders you to ignore because Biden acts presidential who Don the Con believes the office is a dictatorship. In fact, Trump only spoke with the press only when he had zero choice.
I will take Biden any day over tRump.
Except for those who end in Y… amirite Barb?
I wish they would just have Presidents that were in office before Disney World was built. The latest ones have been really bad.
Everyone except for Trump that is!
Mark Walker
Oh please almost a million dead because of that bloated orange windbag and his incompetence
I dunno, I’m pretty sure a pandemic happened too.
More have died under your hero President Puddin’Pantz. Oops.
david chinery
Funny how 600,000 died under the watch of the geriatric who said he was going to end it! Yet here we are! Worried about corrupting voting! Priorities!!
Let’s go Brandon!
Jared you’re right, the latest have been bad and Trump has been the worst.
Let’s go Brandon! Trump 2016 and 2024! When he wins in 2024 that will be 3 in a row.
Ryan C.
This, folks, is what denial looks like in practice.
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
While leaving Americans stranded in Afghanistan, killing 13 Marines and small children, infuriating our longest and greatest allies, and killing more w Covid than DT did… already. Sad- some ppl are more bothered by an orange dude who sends mean tweets than an old dude who digs tween meats. You probably shouldn’t be allowed in Disney😳😱
Not just denial, but true mental illness.
Terrie Fourman
I think the blind adoration of Trump exhibited in these comments shows too why there are so many fights that break out at the parks. Those people gave no respect for themselves or anyone else. It’s a Trump thing.
Whether a president is Good or bad. The hall of presidents should be respected. All our presidents belong I this attraction. It’s our history! History must be remembered or we are doomed to repeat it. So wether you like a president or not just sit in that wonderfully air conditioned hall and enjoy the show. Enjoy the history!
L. Shewbridge
3 times in a row where he doesn’t get the popular vote because the majority of Americans don’t want him to lead. I really doubt he’ll get reelected due to the simple fact he’s on trial for crimes he’s committed and most Americans wouldn’t want that to be who represents them.
The Emperor
And according to the constitution, a president can only serve two terms so he is out.
And also according to the Constitution, no one can hold public office if they acted against the US government and 1-6-2021 was an attempt to overthrow the government.
Despite what Don the Con orders you to believe, he’ll have too many lawsuits to worry about his boyfriend in the Kremlin stealing another election on his behalf.
in 2024 DT will be in Federal Prison and still claiming he won 2020 and probably 2024 as well even if he isn’t on any ballots, From prison it will be “the system is rigged to keep convicted insurrectionists off the ballots, we’re gonna get that all fixed real soon, you’ll see. Send a $100 donation to Get DT out Jail. we need your money
If the Donald wins again in 2024, Disney will still keep using Hillary Clintons face as they cling on to false hope.
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
IMO Trump’s face isn’t orange enough. What happened, did Disney just run out of the color?
If I was there I’d probably chuck my drink at his robot. The real Trump would probably get angry and call on his goons (the same ones that stormed the Capitol on 1/6) to go after me.
Tammie Black
Oh you mean antifa and blm dressed as Trump supporters? Plenty of videos show them changing out of their close into Trump gear. Also fbi agents that filtrated Trump supporters. Please explain why piglosi REFUSED 6-8 times to add the national guard that Trump requested or when she refused request from capital police for national guard members? Because it was all set up. That’s why the fbi has said there was no insurrection. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Trump will be president #47.
I see your cognitive dissonance is strong.
Wow. Just wow. You truly sounds like a lunatic just fyi. “It wasn’t trump fans it was antifa…. Or the FBI ..But if it was trump fans, they are patriots and deserve pardons.” Please share your secret evidence because the people arrested are real and have names and histories and they were clearly trump fans and Q lunatics
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why you need to take care of your physical AND mental health. People who talk like this are why other countries question how together all of America is lol
Despite what Don the Con orders you to believe, there are no such videos of the BLM members changing into anything you are ordered to claim.
SloppyJoe thinks an insurrection is when Sidney Poitier went for his annual proctologist exam…
Of course you’d throw your drink, probably think that’s an acceptable way to behave lime the rest of those on the left do.
Watkskje Subutle
Something similar at Disney: In Galaxy’s Edge (Orlando), when the Storm Troopers would arrest Vi, some of the native Batuuans would shout, “Lock her up, Lock her up!” in a parody of events in the 2016 Presidential election. Disney management put a stop to that, though.
I’m glad we went when we did. Only applause at the end of the show. No interruptions. The only bothersome thing about it were the Minnie ears of the woman in front of me.
Wont go there… Ya see the type… Low IQ ignorant fools. Why would anyone cheer a Russian elected seditious traitor like that orange buffoon FRAUD.
Tammie Black
You put an illegally elected pedophile in office. So I wouldn’t talk.
You are
We didn’t put Trump into office….
Illegally elected? Pedophile? Are you delusional?
Paula Weiner
That guy 42069
Who is Brandon?
its Barndon actually, the immoral minority seems to spell it worn all the time
They got the Chumps small hands correct so Melanoma’s balls feel big in them.
The American people removed the traitor in the last election
Lets Go Biden!
Saving America from the corrupt GOP. The Russian elected Fraud was a Catastrophic Disaster! He should be removed from the Hall and from society…
We got 329 million people that live in the US and these two pukes are what we have to choose from. We’re screwed!!!!
We had a sorta kinda viable third party with Ross Perot a couple decades ago. But after that lost steam and stopped putting up any viable candidates we were right back to the two parties we are stuck with now.
To those that voted for Biden:
Are you satisfied with his performance thus far? If so, please provide justifications.
Thank you
That guy 42069
I am. It’s not his fault the Republicans would rather kiss the ompa loompa’s ass then do their job. He was elected to get that cheeto dust con artist out of office and he did his job
Wait, you’re happy with the current state of the country?
Despite what Don the Con orders you to believe, this country is better now that the wannabe dictator is out of office.
yes, living with DT as president was like being at the bottom a poop filled cesspool, at least now i feel like we are crawling out it and things can start to get better, oh wait the immoral minority maga crowd wants to drag us back in the cesspool in 2-3 years
How’s that Moscow Mitch taste?
We are still in a pandemic and dealing with the chaos from Trump. As things go, I’m happy that it’s not chaos like it was when we had Trump in office. Only time will tell what else will improve or not
Both parties chose bad candidates and President Biden was the better choice. We already got to see the incompetence of President Trump during his four years in office.
I think I have a solution to Disney’s dilemma…. all they have to do is take President Oompa Loompa & sit him down on a stool BEHIND the very back row. He will have his back to the audience, with a dunce cap that reads “LOSER” & a “KICK ME” sign pinned to his back. In one hand, he’ll have a Big Mac & a Filet O’ Fish in the other, but he can’t eat them because of the dirty sock stuffed in his mouth. Optional attire: an orange jumpsuit to match his complexion.
I’m amazed at all the talking points being thrown back and forth on here. All of you show your ignorance. Truth lies in the middle and if you listened and did actual research and did let your team bias get in the way, you would see neither side cares about you and neither side is any different.
The lone voice of reason in a cacophony of blathering ignorance. Folks, US politics is professional wrestling. No one is coming to save you. They don’t care about us.
Will Disney leave trump in after he’s indicted? I wouldn’t think we’d want to celebrate a president who tried to kill or democracy….
put the animatronic DT in orange prison fatigues
Donald J. Trump
#LetsGoBrandon!!! #FJB
I just think people should be quiet during this show and any other so other guests can enjoy it. Regardless of who your favorite president is it what you think of the current one, the dignity of the show and Walt’s vision should be preserved. Be quiet and courteous. Put your phone away because no one wants to see it or the video you shot, cuz it’s already on YouTube and in better quality. Count your blessings that we live in a country where we can engage in discourse about our leaders without being arrested.
RBG Rising
Here here.
Good lord this comment area is a dumpster fire. But I guess the people at ITM must love it because it helps to drive page views.
Dufas trump
The trump animatronic is one of the scariest looking things I have ever seen! They really wanted it to be lifelike. If I was a little kid I would be running scared out of that place and have nightmares for weeks after.
Congratulations to Disney’s Imagineer’s for creating an animatronic of Trump that’s even uglier than the real thing, that’s one hell of an achievement.
Bahahaha 😂
Trump supporters are ignorant, uninformed cultists who blindly support a criminal.
Only ignorant morons would ever clap for Trump. I will never return to Disney.
Seriously just close the attraction ppl have lacked the ability to act like civilized beings 🙄 need proof just look at this hot mess of a comment section mother of pearl.. 🤦♀️
Tammy S.
I pay for admission, I AM an American, and I WILL cheer for MY PRESIDENT.
Tammy, the new Karen, you do understand that people pay, and get thrown out in the same day all the time. Makes for an extra attraction for folks like me, so please do it id love to watch you scream about “your rights”
RBG Rising
While I don’t like that Donnie is in this attraction, I find solace in the fact that his animatronic will have Hillary Clinton’s mouth for eternity. #wassupposetobehillary #dontbotherwithanewoneforthisdope
” … the crowd cheers so loudly for Donald Trump … ” Really? I listened to the video — it only sounded like a small handful of people near the video camera were cheering. Actually sounded pretty pathetic. My son’s little league team gets more cheers when they get a man on base. Sounds to me like Trump is losing fans.
I first noticed this behavior from guests when they added Obama to the Hall of Presidents. My daughter booed quietly when he spoke and I chastise her vehemently. I told her that was not the way to act in that attraction. She should be reverent to the Office of the President into the people in the audience who wanted to see the attraction whether she voted for the person or not. I just wish people would grow up, shut up, and let other people enjoy the attraction.
I first noticed this behavior from guests when they added Obama to the Hall of Presidents. My daughter booed quietly when he spoke and I chastise her vehemently. I told her that was not the way to act in that attraction. She should be reverent to the Office of the President and to the people in the audience who wanted to see the attraction whether she voted for the person or not. I just wish people would grow up, shut up, and let other people enjoy the attraction.
It’s well known that WDW’s base leans conservative. People with passports favor travel outside the continent, while those who watch Fox “news” prefer to drink “around the world” at Epcot, while only experiencing the homogenized versions of the places “represented”. This is really not surprising to anyone. Although I wish they would learn some decorum, and not spoil the attraction for everyone. If I’m wrong, please respond with an articulate argument. *Put downs and “let’s go Brandon” are not articulate.
2000 Mule movie coming this Spring about ballot stuffing! Watch!
Comments are closed.