Advice Columnist Absolutely Tears Apart Spouse and Their "Zero Tolerance" Disney Policy - Inside the Magic

Comments for Advice Columnist Absolutely Tears Apart Spouse and Their “Zero Tolerance” Disney Policy

Anger from Inside Out

Credit: Disney/Pixar


  1. Daynee B

    I could never. Especially with it being something she relates to with her children as she does! Disney and HP are HUGE parts of my life and I would never be able to tolerate my spouse behaving like this over it. She needs to let them go. This spouse sounds incredibly bitter and they definitely need to find their own hobby and let her enjoy hers. I could never stay with someone like this. The audacity and entitlement of some people. Almost sounds borderline ab**ive.

    1. Katrina Tilley

      WTF? “Abusive” is a dirty word now?!

      1. Scott L Fulkerson

        But you can say whiskey tango foxtrot, 😂

        1. Joey Driver

          I’m surprised they didn’t censor your last name Fulkerson.

    2. YOU need to let them go.

    3. Michael

      “You could never” what? Your sentence was cut short.

  2. Robin

    Wow. I imagine this is a miserable marriage. Anyone with the need to control their spouse like this doesn’t need a spouse. Maybe an RC car would be better.

    1. Jeff B

      Well said

    2. Lisa


  3. Anthony

    The “Is this real” comment is actually a reference to the well-known fact that most submissions to advice columnists are actually ‘fake’, meaning they are written by pranksters looking to see what ridiculous stories/advice requests they can get published. There’s a whole subculture about it.

  4. Kole

    My girlfriend loves the world of Harry Potter more than anything. I’ve bought her lots of Harry Potter stuff and it’s never been an inconvenience in our relationship. Unless this person is leaving out huge chunks of the problem than they need to grow a pair and stop being such an ass about their spouse’s love for Harry Potter.

  5. Mike

    Honestly I get it and would say Harry Potter is worse. At least with disney you have a large array of characters and stories. Many which we grew up with. We know the songs as do our parents for watching individual movies till the vhs wore out. On the other hand while I find Harry Potter fun and entertaining the level of obsession some adults go is borderline mental. Don’t get me wrong there are a few of those with disney but having frequented both disney and universal studios, the Potter heads are another level of unhealthy.

    1. Phoebe L Ho

      What got me is that the guy was so ignorant he actually thought Disney owned Harry Potter.

    2. Katrina Tilley

      So, one fandom is completely okay to obsess over, and the other one isn’t? Just because you personally like that one better and don’t “get it” about the other one? And just because you don’t “get it”, that makes those fans unhealthy? You’re almost as bad as the idiot in this article.

    3. Kelly

      “many of which we grew up with”

      Maybe your age is showing, but I’m in my early 30s and I definitely grew up with Harry Potter. Books were coming out basically in line with what age I was (I’m 12? HP is 12 too!). Anyone younger than me also would’ve grown up with Harry Potter. By your logic, being “obsessed” with Harry Potter makes more sense than enjoying any of the Disney movies that have come out in the last 20 years.

      I frequent both Disney and Universal and I have to say there is no visible “level of unhealthy” at either. Universal is actually much cheaper to enjoy a day at, so I would argue it’s less intrusive/burdensome to go there. Disney has a “no costume” policy for adults, so maybe you’re just trigged by seeing adults enjoy themselves in wizard robes.

  6. Scott

    I hope this is women gets as far away from this psychopath as she can.

    1. That would be good for him.

      1. J

        you are a bad person

  7. Phoebe L Ho

    I was cursed, I guess you could say, to be bound to someone who is passive-aggressive to the point of making snide remarks whenever I bring up a D-land trip (without him of course), and I can’t even watch a Disney movie at our place while he’s there without being interrupted. Can’t even bring up the request to let me save money (that I earn) for a Disney World trip. Bad enough that he doesn’t share my love for it but he doesn’t have to spoil it for me either. Guess I’m a glutton for punishment, right?

    1. Save yourself

      Get out. Just leave.

      1. Max

        Maybe adults need to let go of the make believe world of children’s stories and grow up and live in the real world and leave kids programming to…you know…kids. any adult who is so emmerced in children’s programming obviously has issues from childhood and needs to get therapy.

        1. Jeff B

          Like most people, I “adult” day in and day out. Have multiple college degrees, good job etc…That said, the wife have been annual passholders at WDW for years. Most people have hobbies they enjoy & the wife and I like visiting the parks often. If you’re not gonna have fun when you can, what are we working for?

        2. Gen

          You do realize all the stuff your speaking about is made by adults. And you’re incorrect. I’d say it’s more for families. Entertaining things you can do with your kids become a part of the overall experience of having a family. Something you may have done with a loved one who isn’t here anymore. Don’t be so quick to judge my friend.

        3. Kelly

          Max, are you that bothered by adults enjoying things?

          1. tom

            Love to know what max is into? monster truck races ? WWF? professional sports of some flavor ? why is he even reading this column ?

        4. Xyz

          We should all just be into our work, taxes, and watching paint dry because hobbies and things you enjoy are only for children!!11! Ugh. 🙄 This mindset is awful … Let people have fun. What does it hurt you and your paint watching hobby? Nada.

        5. J

          are you seriously gatekeeping entertainment?

      2. Yeah, make his life normal so he can be happy.

    2. Otter

      Fortunately, we’re not in the past. In this day and age, you don’t have to be “bound” to abusive, worthless a-holes like that. Let them be miserable alone. Leave them and pursue your own joy.

      1. Karina

        And then he became a mousey in The House. The statue with Walt holding hand means : hey look Mickey Mouse , this is my Kingdom !

    3. Rja

      Your a dork and a moron if that’s what you think. How dare you or anyone presume to know what’s inside another person’s mind. Not sure what decade you all think it is. But it’s not the 40s and 50s. Where one spouse controls another. The people who do need to find help are the ones that object so loudly , to only cover for themselves, who hide their inner child, because thats the way they were brought up.. so maybe the objectors should go and revisit their childhood with their own parents to find out why they are such sticks in the mud.

    4. It’s NOT your money anymore.

    5. Ed

      Disney people have so long drank the kool-aid!(40yrs)! Really sad this has been passed on to the future generations!!

  8. Kim

    That spouse is such a petty, self centered person.. ugh! I just can’t! Live and let others live!

    1. Yeah, she should.

  9. Sheri DeOrio

    What if the tables were turned and the wife said NO to football, sports, or whatever she hates in the house?

  10. Anony

    “Stop liking what I don’t like!”

  11. Auna

    This is utterly idiotic. How dare someone enjoy things? So something is “meant for kids”, and?? By that logic, most enjoyable things are. I don’t see him complaining about people liking cycling because bikes are for kids. I didn’t know that because I’m now an adult, I’m not allowed to enjoy any interests I’ve had my whole life with the money that I earn myself. What you see as “obsessive” is just you being a bland jerk with no personality or interests. People are allowed to like things. Grow up.

    1. It’s not YOUR money anymore.

      1. Xyz

        Once the bills are paid, the family cared for, and all needs met … Yeah, that extra money left over is Mine. I worked, I took care of my family, I earned it. The middle ages called they want your awful mindset back. 🙄

      2. J

        you sound misogynistic

  12. Marc Disney

    Personally, if I was married to someone who didn’t share my passion for the Disney Magic and insisted that I got rid of my Disney collection, I would divorce her in 2.5 seconds! Disney and I are a package deal!

  13. tom

    My long time spouse is not into Disney but does not mind me going at all. I bought him multiple annual passes. The last one he only used once or twice. That said the spouse writing to the advice columnist sounds like a real control freak? Wonder what he brings to the table that make him think he is so special. Also would love to know what his interests or hobbies are. Seriously mystifies me how much and how many people are into pro sports. In a world full of people like me the best of them could never make a living ! LOL

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