Ewan McGregor Shows Off Obi-Wan Kenobi's New Look

Comments for Ewan McGregor Shows Off Obi-Wan Kenobi’s New Look

obi-wan kenobi with lightsaber

Credit: Lucasfilm


  1. Star Wars dude

    Ah yes, episode 3-the phantom menace, not to be confused with episode 3-revenge of the sith.

    1. James P Vasquez

      She meant revenge of the sith not episode 1 the phantom menace

      1. Christopher A Schmidt

        Do you even have a copy editor? This is shameful. How old is the author? 20?

        1. Just some guy

          Two and a half weeks later and this has not been corrected. Shameful!

    2. Other star wars dude

      The person that made this isn’t even a fan. How could they ever mistaken like that

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