Disneyland May Be Able to Allow Even MORE Guests Upon Opening!

Comments for Disneyland May Be Able to Allow Even MORE Guests Upon Opening!


Credit: Disney


  1. KevinY

    Hard to see the Yellow tier actually being a reality in April! Even with the requirement easier now (2.0 cases per 100k instead of 1.0 in the first version of the Yellow tier). But it does give me some hope that by the time I plan on going in July there could be very few restrictions and the $150 ticket price (or close to it) could actually be worth it.

    I’m surprised they haven’t announced how to get reservations yet. Behind the scenes they must be having disagreements about exactly how to implement this.

  2. CAmom

    I’m glad that Disney will be at a lower capacity and a safer more sanitized park. As a CA resident who has stayed away for over 8 yrs due to relentless overcrowding, this is all wonderful news. In 2019 (rt b4 CoVid) I was planning to get an AP for 2020 just to go on midweek school days a few times a yr…but now maybe I won’t have to. I hope the cleaning/ disinfecting standards at all parks, restaurants, hotels remain in place and advance in the future. There are many viruses and their strains out there developing.

    1. Newsom Isanidiot

      The virus hoax has you brainwashed.

  3. Phoebe L Ho

    Doesn’t make much difference to me. As long as everyone who goes is grateful and cooperative, following the rules, I know that I’ll be safe. I just want them to release the ticket system already! Clock’s ticking.

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